
Half dreaming, half waking, half life

author:Mobei is north of Jiangnan and south of Jiangnan

#Headline Story Challenge #Get up early in the morning Ziqi, as usual, kissed the sleeping baby, put on the bag, put on the shoes, stepped on the faint morning sun, and sped all the way to the 73 bus.

Today's time is just right, just a 73 road stopped at the station to prepare to depart. Zi Qi walked steadily to the car and found a seat to sit by the window. After sitting down, she looked out the window, as usual. I don't know when, there was fog, everything in front of me, in the clouds, like a legendary mirage.

The three stops passed quickly, and across the road was Zi Qi's unit. It is a decent financial institution in this small 18-tier city.

Zi Qi pushed open the heavy door of the unit as always

Not far away someone was shouting at her from behind.

"Zi Qi, Zi Qi"

Zi Qi, looking back, this is not Ai Jing.

No, Ai Jing, she resigned three years ago. What business is going to be done today, it is so early. Ai Jing, catching up, said to Zi Qi

Ziqi, you have finally decided.

Decide, decide what?

You finally decided not to do it, to do what you want to do,

What the?!

Ai Jing's firm and excited tone made Ziqi feel like she was dreaming. But Zi Qi, still smiling, Ai Jing said.

"I haven't seen you for a long time"

"What, we just had a hot pot together last night, and you didn't wake up."

Zi Qi didn't want to argue with Ai Jing anymore, after all, it had been three years. There is no common language anymore.

It was just that everything that followed this day, except for the dizziness, was dazed.

As soon as she opened the door, the little brother of the security guard at the door said to her, Sister Ziqi, after doing the handover of work today, is it completely gone?

Zi Qi smiled at her and felt that she had met another one who had not woken up.

She walked to the dressing room and quickly changed her overalls.

Oh, Ziqi, the last day of class is still so early.

Zi Qi turned back

It is the director, Sister Zhao.

Sister, what do you say.

Zi Qi, to be honest, really did not expect you to take this step. But people go to the high places, and the water flows to the low places.

Zi Qi, I haven't had time to digest it yet, director's words.

Zhiyun walked up while sorting out his clothes and said, Ziqi, since you came so early, let's hand it over as soon as possible, and don't delay your time.

What you say, what you say.

Why should I quit, I just got off work yesterday.

Zi Qi, your resignation report has been sent to the chairman's office and has been agreed.

Who is deceiving themselves, this is also too much, today is April Fool's Day, obviously not. Is that because I didn't wake up? Absolutely not.

Zi Qi, her brain was already confused by her thinking.

On this day, she seemed to be dragged forward by a mysterious force.

Zi Qi hugged a box of things, stumbled to the side of the road, and hit a car. Say Master go, Huansheng Community.

But it wasn't over.

My own access control card, I actually can't open the access control of my own community. Calling my husband was actually an empty number.

With the last shred of faith, she called her mother. Mom said, "Such a big person, still so willful, said resignation will resign, and there is no marriage, and there is no career, how to go in the future." ”

Was her life deleted by whom? No marriage? Her children are all 3 years old.

That night, she lay on her familiar princess bed. Thinking back on everything about this day, I am still myself, but I am not myself. The people around you are familiar, but they are also strange.

It is more accurate to say that they are familiar, and the stranger is themselves.

Zi Qi had an epiphany, she crossed, it was a crossing of parallel space.

Slowly, she began to understand herself in this space. She saw a white glass on the desk with a milky white liquid, like milk but not one. She casually opened the drawer of the desk, which was neatly arranged, with a mobile phone at the top. The same as the mobile phone she used, she used her fingerprint to unlock it, and naturally opened the phone. Seeing the various apps in the mobile phone, suddenly seeing the same diary as her mobile phone, Ziqi entered her password, she finally knew the reason for her resignation in this world, the reason why she resigned was to open a kindergarten. Opening a kindergarten was once a dream of my own, but the dream was beautiful, and the reality was cruel. Who can't live by dreams, after all, to breathe, to eat, to survive. Life sometimes has to bend over five buckets of rice. People with dreams are either educated by reality and conformed, or their dreams shine into reality.

Then since you have replaced the self of this space, what about the other self. Is it replacing yourself?

Ziqi turned the diary page by page, and she suddenly found that one page wrote,

"If there is a parallel space in this world, I hope that myself in another space can live the life I like", can stick to my dreams, guard my dreams, and realize my dreams. Happier than me, happier than me."

She also wrote this passage in her diary. Not a single punctuation mark has been written badly.

Between the electric light and the flint, Zi Qi suddenly realized that it was the two of them who had written the same sentence at the same time. Only then did we have this crossing of parallel space.

They are all the same person, but they live a different life, no one is an appendage of anyone, and no one can override anyone. She is the Ziqi of her own space, and she is destined not to belong to this space.

Ziqi solemnly wrote in her diary that happiness cannot be measured and compared. Pinning your hopes on others is a fairy tale that is difficult to achieve. Every minute of being alive is hope, it's the future.

When Ziqi put down her pen, the sky swirled. When she woke up confused again. She sat at her desk at home, and her husband pushed the door in and took a glass of milk in his hand, which was the glass of ZiQi in that space.

The husband said, "Look at the cup I bought for you, filled with milk, just right."

It turns out that the life you are looking forward to may be someone else's soldiers and horses.

The future is here, the future is there.

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