
Hundreds of millions of users did not wait in vain, WeChat ushered in an update, Zhang Xiaolong finally did the right thing

author:Annoying Lee dog eggs

The emergence of the Internet has made earth-shaking changes in our lives, especially the emergence of the mobile Internet has changed our way of life, and the biggest impact on our lives will inevitably be WeChat. As a product of Tencent, although WeChat launched in 2011 encountered a lot of criticism in the early days, such as plagiarism storms and poor markets, with the continuous update and development of the past decade, it has now become a national-level App.

Hundreds of millions of users did not wait in vain, WeChat ushered in an update, Zhang Xiaolong finally did the right thing

WeChat is a big company, and shortcomings arise

Whether it is living, working, traveling, or entertainment, WeChat can almost play a role. On the contrary, the social software giant QQ in the early years has become more and more bloated, and its competitiveness has long been inferior to ThatChat. In today's market, if you want a social app to compete with WeChat, it is certainly impossible in a short period of time. Therefore, the current WeChat can be said to have monopolized the market, which can be called a monopoly.

Hundreds of millions of users did not wait in vain, WeChat ushered in an update, Zhang Xiaolong finally did the right thing

However, the experience brought by this situation to consumers is not friendly. Since there are no competitors in the industry, WeChat's update and optimization speed are not as fast as before, especially the update of functions is particularly slow. Don't look at WeChat has been developing for more than a decade, but there are still many functional deficiencies, such as two-way deletion of friends, such as the pause voice that has been expected by users or dragging the voice progress bar. In particular, the voice is paused, and the function has been reminded by users since wechat first came out, and as a result, it has not been updated for eleven years.

Hundreds of millions of users did not wait in vain, WeChat ushered in an update, Zhang Xiaolong finally did the right thing

On the contrary, the WeChat team not only did not update the functions that users needed, but instead launched some "useless" functions, such as mood status, taking a pat, voice chat pop-up circle of friends for nearly three days, and so on. As a software with hundreds of millions of users, not listening to the suggestions of users obviously makes many people feel very unhappy, and many people are also wondering what Zhang Xiaolong is doing.

Hundreds of millions of users did not wait in vain, WeChat ushered in an update, Zhang Xiaolong finally did the right thing

WeChat ushered in an update, And Zhang Xiaolong finally did the right thing

However, recently, WeChat has once again ushered in an update, this update is different from the past, the latest version finally ushered in the long-awaited function of users - pause voice. If the other party sends a voice message for a long time, the receiver can tap the voice box to pause, and then tap again to continue playback. This feature can be said to solve the troubles of a large number of users. After all, the experience of re-listening to a voice message for tens of seconds is probably experienced by everyone.

Hundreds of millions of users did not wait in vain, WeChat ushered in an update, Zhang Xiaolong finally did the right thing

Obviously, this update has also received unanimous praise from users, who have said that the function is very practical, and Zhang Xiaolong has finally begun to do the right thing. Of course, some users said that since the voice pause is arranged, when can the voice progress bar and double-speed playback be arranged?

WeChat still has a long way to go

It is undeniable that WeChat is indeed an app that has changed the way users communicate, but at the same time, WeChat does have a lot of way to go in terms of function. In contrast, in this regard, the bloated QQ is relatively perfect, so I still hope that the WeChat team can listen to more suggestions and opinions from users and make more supplements in practical functions, so as to maximize user favorability and retain users.

Hundreds of millions of users did not wait in vain, WeChat ushered in an update, Zhang Xiaolong finally did the right thing

On the other hand, with the advent of the 5G era, WeChat will inevitably usher in new opponents, because the 5G era will inevitably usher in another form of social mode, which may be created by WeChat or by other companies. In short, WeChat in the 5G era must also make changes to further consolidate its position, and all this is based on the fact that the basic functions have been improved.

Hundreds of millions of users did not wait in vain, WeChat ushered in an update, Zhang Xiaolong finally did the right thing

Do you think WeChat's position will be replaced by other software in the future?

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