
In 1991 the American wife was burned to death, and 17 years later the son was crushed to death, and the father was arrested: he died in an accident

author:History is lamentable

At noon on January 1, 1991, three children were taking a nap in their respective rooms in a family in Calaveras County, California, united States, the mother was taking a bath in the bathroom, and the father Carl was repairing the family's ceiling fan in the attic.

At this moment, Carl found that his house was on fire, at this time he rushed into the fire like a hero, first rushed to his son Levy's room, took him out of the fire, and then rushed into the room of his two daughters, knocked on the glass, and rescued them, but when Carl carried the children to his car, and when he looked back and tried to enter the house, the whole room was engulfed in flames, and he had to drive the children to the town for help.

In 1991 the American wife was burned to death, and 17 years later the son was crushed to death, and the father was arrested: he died in an accident


By the time the firefighters arrived and put out the fire, it was too late, Carl's wife Christina Carlson had been killed in the fire, and based on the traces of the burning, the firefighters afterwards judged that the flames were particularly strong at the bathroom door, and Christina was trapped inside and could not get out, and eventually died of suffocation due to inhaling a large amount of smoke.

As for the cause of the fire, Carl said, "My family has used a fueler that burns kerosene all these winters, and on this day I just added oil to the heater, and the oil drum was placed next to it, maybe the dog at home did not pay attention to knocking down the kerosene and heater, and the kerosene spilled on the ground, burning up in the high temperature, causing this fire."

In 1991 the American wife was burned to death, and 17 years later the son was crushed to death, and the father was arrested: he died in an accident

Carl's family of five

The police could not judge whether Carr's claim was true or false, and ultimately defined the fire as an unfortunate accident based on the situation at the scene.

However, for this accident, Carl's father-in-law did not think so, they personally went to Carl's house to video collect evidence, the strangest thing is that the window of Christina's shower room is nailed from the outside by thick wooden planks, which undoubtedly blocks Christina's escape route, Karl gave the statement that this window was smashed a few days ago because Christina lost her temper and threw something, because of the safety of the night, so he temporarily nailed it from the outside with a wooden board, ready to wait until the end of the holiday to find someone to repair.

Christina's family has made it clear that she disagrees with this claim. But they had no other evidence to prove it, and they could only eat dumb losses.

The day after Christina's death, Carl filed a claim with an insurance company, only to discover that 19 days before Christina's death, Carl had asked Christina to purchase a $200,000 life insurance policy, and the beneficiary was Carl.

This incident not only surprised Christina's family, even the insurance company staff thought that there was a problem, the insurance company sent an independent investigator to investigate the fire, but due to the lack of evidence, the investigator concluded that the cause of the fire was quite suspicious, and then he wrote his findings into a detailed report and sent it to the local police station, but the report did not attract the attention of the police, and the insurance company had no choice but to pay Carl 200,000 US dollars. Strangely enough, the insurance company asked the police station afterwards, and the police station said, "We have never received this report." ”

In 1991 the American wife was burned to death, and 17 years later the son was crushed to death, and the father was arrested: he died in an accident

Christina and son

On the 4th day after Christina's death, Christina's family held a funeral for her, but Carl did not attend, and he hurriedly left California with his three children and returned to New York State. There, Carl bought a farm for $200,000 and started a horse breeding business.

Karl is suspicious of Christina's family because Carl's status in Christina's family is not high. Carl used to be an air force, he and Christina met at a party, the two then married and gave birth to three children, Carl after retiring from the Air Force, found a job in his hometown mine, but the work income is very small, the family life is very difficult, and Christina's father has a very successful business in Florida, seeing that his daughter and son-in-law have a difficult life, he reached out and found a sales position for Carl in his own company, so that Carl earned a lot of money. The family's life is getting better and better.

Karl is a very controlling man, Christina always likes to participate in some social occasions, often elaborately dressed, glorious in front of everyone, whenever at this time, Karl always cursed her as a slut, did not let her wear makeup, did not let her wear beautiful clothes, but also scolded her, in such a situation, Christina wanted to end the marriage, did not expect that on the eve of divorce, Christina died unexpectedly.

In 1991 the American wife was burned to death, and 17 years later the son was crushed to death, and the father was arrested: he died in an accident

In fact, in 1986, when Carl's beloved sports car was parked in his yard, it caught fire for unknown reasons, and eventually the car was burned into a pile of scrap iron, and Carl insured the car and received a $30,000 payment, so he was very familiar with the claims process.

After the crime, Carl's three children were not very big, the eldest daughter Irene was 5 years old, Levy was 4 years old, and the youngest daughter Kati was 3 years old, because the three children were too young at the time to do anything about the fire, but when Irene grew up, she recalled that on New Year's Day in 1991, Carl took the children outside to watch him burn the Christmas tree, when he poured flammable liquid on the tree and lit a match, and the tree disappeared in an instant, "He wanted us to see how quickly a house could disappear."

In 1991 the American wife was burned to death, and 17 years later the son was crushed to death, and the father was arrested: he died in an accident

Two days before the fire, Erin remembers Christina noticing a kerosene spill outside the bathroom door, and after the fire she also heard her mother shouting "Karl, save the kids." At that time, Karl did not look hurried, put the three children in the back of the car, Karl did not go all out to save his mother as he claimed, but leisurely stood in front of the car and smoked a cigarette, and then slowly drove the car away, when Irene asked "Where is Mom?" Carl replied, "Mom is no longer saved."

As she grew older, Erin told her siblings about the situation, and the family began to suspect that her mother's death was not an accident, but was caused by her father, which Karl denied, and because there was no evidence to prove this situation, it could only be eliminated, but the relationship between the three children and their father became increasingly distant.

In 1991 the American wife was burned to death, and 17 years later the son was crushed to death, and the father was arrested: he died in an accident


When Irene and Cartier became adults, they married each other and cut off contact with their father, Levy was relatively thin as a child, and had a bad relationship with his father, when he was young, he was also obsessed with heavy metal, reprimanded by his father, ran away from home at the age of 16, married at the age of 18, his wife gave birth to two daughters, the marriage lasted only 5 years, at the age of 23, he and his wife divorced and lived alone with two daughters.

With his baby alone, Levy realized that it was not easy to be a father, and he no longer hated his father so much, so he reconciled with his father, and even tried to persuade his two sisters to come home to see his father.

In 1991 the American wife was burned to death, and 17 years later the son was crushed to death, and the father was arrested: he died in an accident

On November 20, 2008, Levy came to his father's Cahors farm to help, on the day that his father and current wife Cindy were going to attend a funeral, and before the couple left, Carl asked Cindy to wait for him in the car, and he was going to say hello to Levy, who was repairing the car.

Then Carl walked into the garage, and a few minutes later, Carl walked out of the garage with a relaxed look and drove Cindy to the funeral.

4 hours later, when the couple returned, they shouted loudly to Levy, but Levy did not answer, so they went into the garage, at this time found that the jack supporting the truck fell to the side, and the falling truck was right on Levy's chest, Cindy let out a scream, and then called the police.

When the police arrived at the scene, Carl was very sad, and he said very remorsefully, "I should remind Levy to use two jacks to support the truck more firmly, and I should not leave him alone in the house", saying that the tears in his eyes flowed.

In 1991 the American wife was burned to death, and 17 years later the son was crushed to death, and the father was arrested: he died in an accident


Eventually, after investigation, the police defined the accident as an accident that occurred while repairing the car, and issued an official identification document.

As soon as Carl got the papers, he contacted the insurance company, and it turned out that 17 days before the accident, Carl had purchased life insurance for Levy worth 700,000 yuan, and the beneficiaries of the policy were not his two daughters, but Carl.

In the face of the compensation falling from the sky, Carl's wife Cindy was very confused, to which Carl's statement was: "I had reminded Levy more than half a month ago that he should think more about his two daughters, if something happened to him, who would take care of his two young daughters and who would cover their education expenses, so Levy went to buy this insurance." ”

In 1991 the American wife was burned to death, and 17 years later the son was crushed to death, and the father was arrested: he died in an accident


In fact, Carl did not tell Cindy that Levy had written a will stating that if he had an accident, his insurance money would be used for his two daughters, but since the daughter could not manage the money, his father, Carl, kept the money on his behalf as a beneficiary and waited until the daughters became adults to pass it on to them.

After Levy's death, her ex-wife brought her two daughters home, and she also came to Carl to ask if her husband had any insurance and that there was an extra expense to take care of the two daughters. However, in response to his ex-wife's inquiry, Carl said that "there is indeed a life insurance premium, but the amount is very small, even his funeral costs are not enough, and in the end I advanced the money to let Levy be buried smoothly."

When Carl received Levy's compensation, he did not spend a penny on his two granddaughters, but used the money to expand the farm, buy a luxury car, and even go on a cruise trip, which was quickly squandered, and Cindy, as Carl's wife, looked at these behaviors more doubtfully.

Although he lived a prosperous life, Cindy felt that Carl was not doing what a father should have done.

At this moment, Cindy and Carl are not happy because of some trivial matters in life, and they begin to live separately, cindy suddenly realizes that Carl will not take any revenge on her? So Cindy hired a private investigator to secretly investigate Carl.

When Cindy saw the investigation report, she broke out in a cold sweat, and it turned out that without Cindy's knowledge, Carl had purchased a $1.2 million life insurance policy for her, and the beneficiary was Carl.

Cindy suspected Carl because of a fire in the barn at Carl's Farm in 2002, when he was keeping horses on the farm, but a mare became severely lame, and soon after the horse and two other horses died in the fire, and the horse was insured for $200,000, and Carl received hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation.

At this time, Cindy thought more and more frightened, she immediately contacted her cousin, with the encouragement of the cousin, cindy finally chose to call the police, Cindy alarm attracted the attention of the police, especially after learning that Carl's people have had accidents one after another, and the beneficiary is always Carl, which is obviously beyond the scope of accidents.

In 1991 the American wife was burned to death, and 17 years later the son was crushed to death, and the father was arrested: he died in an accident

So the police listed Carl as a suspect in the murder and insurance fraud, because Carl had already bought insurance for Cindy, so he was bound to show his feet, so the police persuaded Cindy to return to Carl as an undercover police officer, took the opportunity to take his words, and let him confess the crime himself, Cindy agreed to this suggestion.

A few days later, Cindy pretends to reunite with Carl, about carl meets, and before leaving, the police install a wiretap device on Cindy's body, allowing her and Carl to meet in a restaurant, during which Cindy proposes that if she is to return to Carl's side, then Carl must tell him the truth of something very frankly, at which point Carl admits that Levy's death was not accidental, but of his own making.

However, due to the noisy environment in the restaurant at that time, the eavesdropping microphone also had problems, the recording equipment did not clearly record Carl's voice, the police had no choice but to ask Cindy to ask Carl out for the second time and let him confess the crime again, but at this time Carl had obvious vigilance, and he denied that he had killed Levy.

In this case, the police had to arrest Carl first and interrogate him in the interrogation room, but Carl gave two completely different versions of The answer to Levy's death.

The first version is that Karl said that he went to the garage before going to the funeral and found that Levy had been crushed to death by a truck, and he was very panicked at the time, and because he was going to the funeral, he came back and called the police.

However, the police did not agree with this statement, so not long after, Karl changed his explanation, he claimed that when he entered the garage before leaving the house, he saw Levi lying under the truck, he opened the truck door to get something, but because the action of opening the door caused the center of gravity to be unstable, and finally pushed down the jack and pressed down on Levi, who was repairing under the car.

In both cases, Carl believed that an accident caused Levy's death, but the police did not believe Carl's words at all, and instead prosecuted Carl for second-degree murder and insurance fraud.

In 2013, Carr signed a plea agreement admitting to second-degree murder, and in exchange for the police no longer holding him accountable for bail fraud, he did not have to recover $700,000.

Then Carl confessed to his murder, After Entering the Garage, Carl deliberately set up the unstable jack, after the top, Levy went in to check, and then Karl pushed hard, so that the truck landed on Levy's body, the whole process Levy was crushed by the truck and could not move, but he still had sanity, just could not struggle and shout, when he asked Karl for help with a pleading look, but Karl just smiled coldly and turned away.

Levy struggled under the weight of the truck for 4 hours before slowly dying, and we can't imagine what kind of mood Carl felt during those 4 hours, from hatred to grief to despair, and eventually Carl was sentenced to 15 years in prison for his actions.

Because of the foundation of the case, the prosecution launched another investigation into the death of Carl's ex-wife in 1991, and they reopened the case and found that there were actually traces of artificial splashing of kerosene around the room at that time, based on these traces, at least 6 liters of kerosene was spilled in the room, using this report as an entry point, the police in 2014 indicted Carl, who was serving a sentence, for first-degree murder.

In 1991 the American wife was burned to death, and 17 years later the son was crushed to death, and the father was arrested: he died in an accident

Meanwhile, the police discovered another shocking fact, shortly before Carl's arrest, that he had bought high insurance for Levi's two daughters, which left investigators shivering in the back.

After a lengthy trial, finally on February 3, 2020, the jury unanimously concluded that Karl had killed his first wife, Christina, convicted of first-degree murder, and that he was sentenced to life in prison without parole, which had just been Levy's birthday, and if he had been alive, he would have been 35 years old at the time.

As a father, Karl not only ruthlessly attacked his wife, but also to his own son and even his granddaughter, this unscrupulous, despicable and vulgar means are despised by the world, the facts have proved that Skynet is restored without leakage, no one can escape the punishment of the law, and as long as this kind of thing is successful once, it will happen another time, so that Carl did not expect that his whole life will be spent in prison, what is the use of more money?

Please do not neglect the precious family affection because of money, which cannot be bought by any amount of money.

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