
Who is the First Counselor of the Three Kingdoms? Zhuge Liang Guo Jia could not rank in the top three, who was the one who had no exhaustive strategy?

author:The Literature and Art of Shiba

In modern society, everyone pays attention to the city government, in fact, everyone has a unique way of understanding it, the so-called city government or scheming, in the eyes of many people is a means of protecting themselves and not being harmed.

However, not only in today's workplace, but also in interpersonal relations, there are countless deceitful calculations, such as between countries in the period of getting along, in fact, you also need to pay attention to the distance problem, at this time, we must pay attention to the art of language and deeper mysteries.

Who is the First Counselor of the Three Kingdoms? Zhuge Liang Guo Jia could not rank in the top three, who was the one who had no exhaustive strategy?

Of course, not only can speak, the ability to read people is superb, it means that the city government is also very deep, and now there is a battle for interests in the workplace, and the series of changes that have been induced are essentially similar to the duels between the internal personnel of the official field in the ancient period.

After the emergence of many costume power dramas, people also had a lot of curiosity about the struggle between power and wisdom in the feudal period, and there were many historical books that described the art of war and had views on various types and things in the hearts of the powerful subjects.

Moreover, many books have also recorded that the various martial arts flexibly used on the ancient battlefield, I believe that most people even if they do not understand, the historical allusions of the Three Kingdoms period will not be unfamiliar with Zhuge Liang's name.

Who is the First Counselor of the Three Kingdoms? Zhuge Liang Guo Jia could not rank in the top three, who was the one who had no exhaustive strategy?

As a well-known strategist in the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang's wisdom and strategy have been praised by the great people of later generations, and he has been able to be like Zhuge Liang in ancient times and the present, and has been enshrined by all dynasties and dynasties.

In addition, strategists abounded during the Three Kingdoms period, and Zhuge Liang could stand out from among his peers, which was enough to see the strength of his strength, but if it was really a problem that there was no solution to who was the first strategist.

Liu Bei's tip-in-the-box advisor Guo Jia

However, during that period, in addition to Zhuge Liang, there were many strategists who had the qualifications of becoming the first strategist in the world during the time when the stars of the Three Kingdoms were chasing deer, first of all, many lovers of the history of the Three Kingdoms, who were familiar with Liu Bei's side.

Who is the First Counselor of the Three Kingdoms? Zhuge Liang Guo Jia could not rank in the top three, who was the one who had no exhaustive strategy?

Led by Pang Shiyuan, and the reputation of Fa Xiaozhi followed, as for Zhuge Liang's role, it was similar to the position of staff officer in the army, but in the actual situation, if Zhuge Liang was divided into three kingdoms period, there were some grievances within the circle of counselors during the Three Kingdoms period.

In terms of leading troops to fight, Zhuge Liang's foresight and strategy have been praised and admired by many generals, but guo Jia's reputation is slightly inferior in comparison.

However, Guo Jia's professional name, but a proper strategist, Guo Jia's experience is really too bumpy, this person's status around Cao Cao, has not been improved for many years, even if he knows that When Guo Jia died, for him zuo is just a military sacrifice wine.

Who is the First Counselor of the Three Kingdoms? Zhuge Liang Guo Jia could not rank in the top three, who was the one who had no exhaustive strategy?

So who is the famous tyrant in history, the number one strategist around Cao Cao, according to the relevant records that this person is Xun You, and the historical records about Xun You are not too many.

However, the same as the lord Cao Cao, the right-hand man around him, Guo Jia's image in the eyes of his peers, but there was a big difference from his reputation, and later Guo Jia's wind evaluation in the surrounding population began to show a polarized situation.

It's just that buddha-figures really don't care much about reputation, so even if they hear that the wind evaluation has declined, it is not a big deal in Guo Jia's mind.

Who is the First Counselor of the Three Kingdoms? Zhuge Liang Guo Jia could not rank in the top three, who was the one who had no exhaustive strategy?

If Zhuge Liang is almost, in the perfect resume, there is any disadvantage that must be mentioned, it must be mentioned in the aspect of knowing people, but Guo Jia's performance in knowing people is still remarkable.

However, there were too many successful strategists in cao's camp, and in the case that each strategist had his own strengths, Guo Jia's sense of existence in it was greatly weakened.

As we all know, around Cao Cao, Jia Xu, who is good at using tricks, not only has a very deep city government, but also treats the enemy Jia Xu's plans, which will definitely be extremely shady.

Who is the First Counselor of the Three Kingdoms? Zhuge Liang Guo Jia could not rank in the top three, who was the one who had no exhaustive strategy?

Secondly, on the pattern and the degree of broadening of the horizon, it is necessary to mention Xun Wenruo, Xun Yu and Xun You are both the right-hand men on Cao Cao's side, and the strength of the left arm and right arm makes Cao Cao's wings when he fights for the world during the Three Kingdoms period.

As for the degree of excellence in adaptability, it is none other than Xun Gongda, and the main reason why Xun Gongda Xun You was able to overcome Xun Yu and ascend to the position of the number one strategist beside Cao Cao was actually derived from his keen insight and ability to respond on the spot.

The sense of existence is too low The first person in Eastern Wu

Among so many characters, Guo Jia, who prides himself on being a brilliant mind, has a greatly reduced sense of natural existence, and not only Cao Ying, but also the ability of a group of strategists is remarkable, and Eastern Wu Lusu is known as the first strategist and the first of the Eastern Wu strategists.

Who is the First Counselor of the Three Kingdoms? Zhuge Liang Guo Jia could not rank in the top three, who was the one who had no exhaustive strategy?

Although Lu Su seems to be the type of great wisdom and foolishness, it is a pity that if he really wants to think that others are good and can be deceived, it is a big mistake.

If there is no Lu Su in Sun Quan's ear, he often said that the Han Dynasty cannot be revived, and Sun Quan is afraid that the time when he really made up his mind to claim the title of emperor will be postponed a little.

It can be seen that Lu Su's strategy and foresight are not inferior to cao ying's many strategists, the famous Battle of Chibi, In which Lu Su contributed great strength, and looking at the area of Eastern Wu, only Zhang Zhao's ability can compete with one.

Who is the First Counselor of the Three Kingdoms? Zhuge Liang Guo Jia could not rank in the top three, who was the one who had no exhaustive strategy?

It is a pity that Zhang Zhao is still inferior to Lu Su in terms of strategic vision, and the impact of the Battle of Chibi on the situation during the Three Kingdoms period cannot be underestimated, and Lu Su, as a key figure in the Battle of Chibi, rated him as a candidate for the First Counselor in the Three Kingdoms period, which is definitely deserved.

Eastern Wu's strategists were all headed by Lu Su, on the contrary, Cao Ying had no choice but to divide a few ladders to judge the strength of each person, and unfortunately, with Guo Jia's performance, it seemed that he could only rank in the third ladder.

Looking at the think tank team around Liu Bei, calling Zhuge Liang a strategist, some violent things, then in addition to him, Pang Shilong's status was actually surpassed by Fazheng.

Who is the First Counselor of the Three Kingdoms? Zhuge Liang Guo Jia could not rank in the top three, who was the one who had no exhaustive strategy?

With the arrogance and arrogance of Fa Zheng at that time, Rao was the famous Zhuge Liang, and he also chose to turn a blind eye to this several times.

It is worth mentioning that after falling into the eyes of the lord Liu Bei, he did not even stand up and admonish Fa Zheng, and the reason why the companion Jun, like the companion of the tiger Fa Zheng, dared to overste the wanton dependence was still the deliberate connivance of the lord Liu Bei.

It can be seen that in terms of getting along with Liu Bei, Fazheng can also be regarded as a very good set, looking at the entire Shu Han region, I am afraid that only a figure like Fazheng can get such treatment from Liu Bei.

Who is the First Counselor of the Three Kingdoms? Zhuge Liang Guo Jia could not rank in the top three, who was the one who had no exhaustive strategy?

Therefore, Lu Su was the first strategist of Eastern Wu, and Xun You was the number one strategist of Cao Ying, and as for Fa Zheng, looking at Liu Bei's attitude and calling him the first strategist of the Shu Han Dynasty, it was really not too much.

A true first strategist

It is only in the context of such an era of competition, although the birth of the tyrant can enrich that period of history, but everyone has a unique shining point.

Just as the so-called wen wu wu wu no second, on the road of attacking people's hearts and speculating on the future situation, in fact, there is no fixed standard to assist people to judge.

Who is the First Counselor of the Three Kingdoms? Zhuge Liang Guo Jia could not rank in the top three, who was the one who had no exhaustive strategy?

If there is no exhaustive strategy, then everyone has ever been called a moment of divine calculation, but the accident of overturning the ship in the gutter has never been encountered.

Therefore, to really elect the First Counselor of the Three Kingdoms, this question will have a completely different answer in everyone's mind.

However, no matter how the world is, it cannot be denied that during the Three Kingdoms period, countless talents did emerge.

Who is the First Counselor of the Three Kingdoms? Zhuge Liang Guo Jia could not rank in the top three, who was the one who had no exhaustive strategy?

Xiongzhou Wulie Juncai Xingchi, there are many strategists with unique ability, Zhuge Liang is not a strategist, and Guo Jia is ignored because of too many talents, and both of them failed to rank in the top three, so they can become the first strategist of the Three Kingdoms.

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