
Ye Luoli: Why did Princess Meng suddenly kindly urge Wang Mo to leave? Because Wang Mo is her nemesis

In the Ice Lotus flower of the elven dream leaf Luo Lifan, the Water Prince is trapped in his own exclusive nightmare, which is related to the Forbidden Land and the King, and contains topics related to the end of the world. Because the Dream Princess can spy on the deepest secrets of the human heart, even if the Water Prince has been hiding the relevant information and burying it deeply, he is still turned over by the nightmare. The water prince is in danger, Wang Mo naturally will not ignore it, even if she may face the threat of never being able to go out of the dream, she still decisively chose to accompany the water prince and decided to wake up the water prince.

Ye Luoli: Why did Princess Meng suddenly kindly urge Wang Mo to leave? Because Wang Mo is her nemesis

What was surprising was that the dream princess, who had always wanted to trap everyone in the dream country, suddenly became kind to Wang Mo. Princess Meng even advised Wang Mo to leave quickly, otherwise she would be trapped forever. Dream Princess This is a big deal of mercy? Or did conscience find out? In fact, it is not, the reason why Princess Dream does this is all because Wang Mo is a special person, don't forget, Wang Mo has just come out of her own nightmare shortly before entering the Nightmare of the Water Prince, and she already has a certain immunity to Nightmare.

Ye Luoli: Why did Princess Meng suddenly kindly urge Wang Mo to leave? Because Wang Mo is her nemesis

Princess Meng hurriedly urged Wang Mo to leave, apparently because of Wang Mo's restraint on herself. You know, Wang Mo is a simple girl, and it just so happens that this innocence allows her to easily come out of the nightmare. It is worth mentioning that after Wang Mo cracked his nightmare, he had a special ability, that is, the domineering ability to break the nightmare technique. When Yan Jue's nightmare technique of Princess Meng was corroded to the point of being unable to move, it was also Wang Mo who purified Yan Jue's arms, which made Yan Jue recover as before.

Ye Luoli: Why did Princess Meng suddenly kindly urge Wang Mo to leave? Because Wang Mo is her nemesis

The environment in which the Water Prince is now located is very dangerous, and it is easy to fall into a permanent slumber. Obviously, the threat of the King of the Forbidden Land to the Water Prince is enormous, and this is also the deepest secret buried in his heart. The Water Prince also possesses the "power of destruction" of the end times, and if this power is out of control, it will threaten the Fairyland of Ye Luoli and the human world, so he will choose not to leave the nightmare. However, how could Wang Mo let the beloved Water Prince be trapped in a nightmare and never be able to turn over?

Ye Luoli: Why did Princess Meng suddenly kindly urge Wang Mo to leave? Because Wang Mo is her nemesis

Wang Mo's sentence "If you don't leave, I won't go" is also quite touching, with the water mark and the feelings of the two, Wang Mo will inevitably be able to wake up the water prince. Princess Meng is not a fool, she did her best to arrange such a bureau, even at the expense of herself fell into a deep sleep, if Wang Mo, a human being, broke the game, wouldn't she have to fall short? Wang Mo, a girl, can always play a role in key moments, she has repeatedly unexpectedly repelled Mandora, and now it has caused Princess Meng a headache.

Ye Luoli: Why did Princess Meng suddenly kindly urge Wang Mo to leave? Because Wang Mo is her nemesis

For Princess Dream, she hated two people the most, namely the Water Prince and the Ice Princess. If she could permanently seal the Water Prince in a nightmare, she would be happy. After the Water Prince is solved, it will be easier and easier to deal with the Ice Princess. However, even if wang Mo was killed halfway, this also made Princess Meng's plan all face failure. A seemingly ordinary human being, but repeatedly bad dreams of the "good thing" of the princess, this is not what the nemesis is? Therefore, Princess Meng was so "caring" to Wang Mo, and also "kindly" reminded her to go out quickly, which meant "go fast, you nasty human." ”

Ye Luoli: Why did Princess Meng suddenly kindly urge Wang Mo to leave? Because Wang Mo is her nemesis

Sure enough, Wang Mo finally woke up the Water Prince, and Princess Meng's plan was foiled again. Next, Yan Jue will also face his own fears, if everyone comes out of the nightmare one after another, then the nightmare of the dream princess will not have anything to fear. Even the most terrifying nightmare could not hurt the four people, and the dream princess basically had no tricks.

Ye Luoli: Why did Princess Meng suddenly kindly urge Wang Mo to leave? Because Wang Mo is her nemesis

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