
Kung Fu Car | Euler "qualitative change": good cat "like a tiger", she marketed "wings"

In 2021, when the sales of new energy vehicles in China exploded, Euler, who focused on "her strength", also broke through the "100,000 mark" for the first time.

In 2021, the cumulative sales volume of the Euler brand in the whole year 135028, an increase of 140% year-on-year, ranking first in the domestic new energy vehicle market.

Kung Fu Car | Euler "qualitative change": good cat "like a tiger", she marketed "wings"

It is particularly noteworthy that in December last year, Euler's monthly sales exceeded 20,000 for the first time, a record high, and the monthly sales of its good cat models also reached 10,685 units, a year-on-year surge of 430%.

In addition to the user's recognition of the product, the sales explosion of Euler also implies an advanced upgrade of the brand.

With the hot sales of good cats, Euler's main sales products have also entered the more mainstream range of 100,000-150,000 yuan from 60,000-80,000 yuan, realizing the synchronous advancement of "quantity" and "quality".

Kung Fu Car | Euler "qualitative change": good cat "like a tiger", she marketed "wings"

Looking back at the development of Euler 2021, we found that after taking the lead in breaking the circle with the concept of "women-friendliness", Euler is using technology and products as the support to promote users to deepen brand identity and open up a different "she track" in the industry.

Behind the "good cat like a tiger" is the continuous advancement of the concept of "user-centric"

The reason why the Euler brand was able to quickly break through the "100,000 mark" last year, the continuous outbreak of Euler's good cat sales is undoubtedly one of the keys.

Kung Fu Car | Euler "qualitative change": good cat "like a tiger", she marketed "wings"

Looking back at 2021, Euler Good Cat achieved cumulative sales of 50,931 vehicles for the whole year, accounting for nearly 40% of the overall sales of the brand, and at the same time, it also won the annual sales crown of the A0-level BEV market, which can be said to be like the "tiger trend" tore a new crack in the market segment.

As we all know, last year was plagued by "lack of core", and the report card handed over by Euler Good Cat was not easy to come by. Judging from the sales curve of Good Cat last year, the upward curve that suddenly became "steep" since July, in addition to the efforts of Euler Libao to deliver, actually contains the deepest core of the success of Euler's good cat car series - "user-centric" product concept.

Kung Fu Car | Euler "qualitative change": good cat "like a tiger", she marketed "wings"

First of all, the retro and future design style of good cat not only caters to the needs of female user groups, but also in terms of functional creation, good cats are the key to being able to hit them with a variety of caring details specially created for women.

For example, the car has a caring one-click comfort mode, which can be personalized presets, including automatically adjusting the air conditioning temperature, seat angle, opening seat massage heating, etc., customizing the guardian exclusive to "her"; at the same time, the addition of intelligent configurations such as AI automatic parking and intelligent trajectory intelligent reversing also solves the pain points of female users' actual car scenes.

Kung Fu Car | Euler "qualitative change": good cat "like a tiger", she marketed "wings"

The subsequent launch of the Euler Good Cat GT, the style design of the main retro movement, further attracted more users, so that the popularity of the good cat car series was continuously improved in the domestic new energy vehicle market, and a unique brand advantage and product value were built.

Secondly, in the face of this year's national subsidy decline, Euler Good Cat also launched a delayed compensation policy in a timely manner to avoid users from being annoyed by policy changes through subsidies. Behind this move is another step in the concept of "user-centricity".

Kung Fu Car | Euler "qualitative change": good cat "like a tiger", she marketed "wings"

Kung Fu Auto believes that the success of Euler Good Cat is a sample of The Euler brand's "more love for women" and an in-depth exploration of "her economy".

Today, more than 70% of the owners of Euler Good Cat are women, and they are distributed in first-tier and new first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou. Behind this is undoubtedly the reflection of the Euler brand, which has opened up a new track for the women's car segment with its outstanding product positioning and hardcore product strength.

"She marketing" strength out of the circle, brand upgrade "wings"

The reason why Euler brand sales can burst out such a huge upward momentum in 2021 is not only that it has created a new category from a unique female perspective, but also the key to supporting the continuous increase in sales through a series of marketing activities that meet women's needs.

Kung Fu Car | Euler "qualitative change": good cat "like a tiger", she marketed "wings"

Take good cats, for example. In last year's user co-creation campaign for euler good cat GT, the user collection activity of "looking for contemporary Mulan" was used to deeply associate the "Mulan spirit" with the Euler good cat GT Mulan edition, thus attracting the attention of a large number of female users again in the two dimensions of psychological value and product value.

In the view of Kung Fu Automobile, it is precisely from the psychological insight of female users to choose and use cars that Euler can abandon the traditional "traffic thinking" and use marketing initiatives such as "accompanying thinking" and trend co-creation in the way of "her marketing" to create a differentiated marketing road.

In terms of digital marketing, which has attracted much attention, Euler also tries to create an "Euler ecological circle of friends" with unlimited energy and unlimited circles through APP, which meets the diversified attitudes and consumption methods of women and allows users to become brand builders, operators and owners.

Kung Fu Car | Euler "qualitative change": good cat "like a tiger", she marketed "wings"

In addition, in terms of offline activities, Euler Good Cat has more activities such as various LOHAS bureaus, beauty bureaus, cheongsam bureaus, and cat bureaus, allowing users to share their love and make friends because of Euler, and also drive more women to join the Euler family, and thus continuously enhance the user's brand stickiness, but also open up more contact points for follow-up marketing.

In fact, at the time when the Euler brand has continued to break the circle with "her marketing" this year, we have also seen this positive energy of innovation and exploration to help the brand continue to rise, and also open a new breakthrough for the market to transform into a healthy "spindle".

Kung Fu Car | Euler "qualitative change": good cat "like a tiger", she marketed "wings"

At present, with the continuous improvement of the penetration rate and penetration rate of new energy vehicles, the consumption pattern is gradually moving from the "dumbbell shape" of more than 250,000 yuan and less than 70,000 yuan in the early stage to the middle to the current "spindle shape".

The hot sales of Euler Good Cat, while promoting the "advanced" of The main sales products of the Euler brand from A00 to A0, are actually promoting the market to a new situation of benign development.

Kung Fu shoots

Jack Trout and Aless, the "fathers of positioning," once said: "The competition for marketing is a competition for the mind, and the ultimate battlefield of marketing competition is not the factory or the market, but the mind." ”

In the field of domestic new energy vehicles in 2021, the new category of "car brands that love women more" created by Euler is very popular in the market, behind which is the recognition of users, but also Euler's accurate insight into market demand and the careful polishing of products.

In particular, euler good cats, which have gradually become the mainstay of sales, have now become a benchmark for market segmentation, attracting a number of "imitators".

It is worth mentioning that after the beCAUSE market segment of about 100,000 yuan has also entered the BEV market of about 100,000 yuan, the competition in the range of 70,000-160,000 yuan will become more and more intense.

Euler, who drank the "head soup", can expand the market again through follow-up new products and continuously advanced user concepts, we wait and see!

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