
The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving! Huang Xiaoming's cloud red carpet, Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed!

author:Xiao Gao said to see
The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving! Huang Xiaoming's cloud red carpet, Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed!

The 29th Shanghai Magnolia Awards Ceremony kicked off with many big-name stars such as Liu Yifei, Hu Ge, Tang Yan, Zhou Xun, etc., but due to some sudden absences, it cast an unexpected shadow on the entire ceremony.

The absence of Yang Zi and Fan Wei became the number one topic at the opening ceremony. As a popular candidate for Best Actor, Fan Wei was unable to attend because of other work arrangements. Some fans left a message on social media: "Brother Fan Wei didn't come, what should we do with this fan?" "The actor has always been very popular, and his performances are not only loved by audiences, but also widely praised in the industry. His absence made many viewers feel regretful, and some netizens said: "Fan Wei's performance, how can we feel at ease if we don't come?" ”

And Yang Zi's absence also sparked heated discussions among fans. Yang Zi was unable to rush back to attend the Magnolia Awards ceremony due to her work arrangements in Paris. Some fans sighed: "Xiao Yang Zi didn't come, and our Magnolia Awards Ceremony lost a little spark." In recent years, Yang Zi has become an idol in the hearts of many people with her superb acting skills and cute image, and each of her works is highly anticipated. Her absence made many fans heartbroken, and they left messages on social platforms to express their regret for her.

Another high-profile Chen Xiao, who chose to avoid the red carpet this time, also sparked speculation and heated discussions among netizens. After experiencing the marriage turmoil, Chen Xiao's every movement has affected the nerves of the media and fans. Some netizens commented: "Why didn't Brother Chen Xiao go on stage? Is it because of the divorce that you don't want to see the media? ”

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving! Huang Xiaoming's cloud red carpet, Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed!

Chen Xiao has experienced a lot in his personal life in the past few years, and his absence has also led to speculation about whether he is avoiding the limelight or simply working on a job. These speculations spread quickly on the Internet, and many fans paid attention to and supported him: "Brother Chen Xiao, your performance is always the best, no matter where you are, we will support you!" ”

Because of these sudden absences from the entire awards ceremony, despite the wonderful attendance of many stars, it also made many viewers and fans feel regret and regret. Their expectations and attention to these stars have not diminished because of their absence. This incident has once again sparked all kinds of speculation and attention behind the lives of celebrities, and every detail tugs at the heartstrings of fans.

Wang Yang, the actor of "The Wind Chaser", appeared in the nomination turmoil, although he was not affected by it, but was not specifically mentioned by the host at the awards ceremony, this detail has caused people to think about whether there are more stories and unknown inside stories hidden behind it.

When Wang Yang walked on the red carpet, although the turmoil failed to affect his state of mind, it was difficult to hide a faint worry on his face. There was a firmness in his eyes, as if he was silently responding to the voices that had questioned him. This nomination means a lot to him, it is a recognition of years of hard work, and it is also a new peak on his acting career.

Liu Yifei, who was on the same stage as him, was wearing a pink dress, and although she was full of aura when she appeared, she was almost embarrassed because of the big skirt. Her eyes flashed to reveal her helplessness about fashion, but she always maintained an elegant smile. Wan Qian, who was side by side with her, showed increasing self-confidence, and her outstanding image was undoubtedly a bright touch on the red carpet that night.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving! Huang Xiaoming's cloud red carpet, Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed!

Fan Xiangyan of "Flowers" shed tears on the red carpet, and her emotional expression allowed people to see the real and fragile soul behind a character. This move is not only an interpretation of the depth of her role, but also an affirmation of the power of her performance. Tang Yan, who was nominated for the first time, showed a unique calmness and atmosphere, and her smile revealed a kind of maturity and confidence, as if to tell the world that she was ready to accept this glory.

Huang Xiaoming was unable to attend the event in person, but participated in the "Cloud Red Carpet" through video, which not only demonstrated the integration of technology and entertainment, but also conveyed his sincere attention and blessings to the award ceremony. With a smile on his face on the screen, he expressed his gratitude and support to the audience and fans with kind words, and this virtual interaction brought him a closer connection with his fans.

Wang Ou chose a bold dress design, but faced the risk of running out because of this. She was always vigilant on the red carpet, cleverly covering it with her hands, but despite this, she still couldn't completely avoid embarrassing moments. Her eyes revealed a kind of calmness and firmness, as if telling herself that all this was just a momentary episode, and she could not shake her calmness and demeanor.

Throughout the red carpet of the awards ceremony, each actor has their own story and emotions. They may be apprehensive about their outfits, tears on the red carpet because of their characters, or they may feel closer than ever because of a new way of participating. These moments show the real and diverse lives behind them as public figures.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving! Huang Xiaoming's cloud red carpet, Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed!

Some people began to discuss why Tang Yan did not win the award. A netizen left a message on social media: "Although I am also a fan of Zhou Xun, her performance in "Imperfect Victim" is like that. This time, I really want to support Tang Yan, her performance in "Wang Mingzhu" is more contemporary and powerful than Zhou Xun's role. ”

This message immediately sparked heated discussions. Another netizen replied: "Agreed! Tang Yan's performance in "Wang Mingzhu" is impressive, she not only captures the complexity of the character, but also shows a deep inner world. This kind of strong aura and acting skills really made her stand out in the nomination. ”

However, some netizens have a different opinion. One viewer commented: "I think Zhou Xun's performance is more delicate and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In "Imperfect Victim", she vividly interpreted the inner contradictions and struggles of the characters, and this superb acting skills are not comparable to ordinary people. ”

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving! Huang Xiaoming's cloud red carpet, Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed!

In addition, there are some people who mention the judges' perspective. "Perhaps the judges are more inclined to reward that more restrained and understated style of performance. Zhou Xun's acting skills have always been the best in the industry, and each of her works is full of depth and tension. Although Tang Yan also has a good performance, perhaps in the eyes of the judges, she still lacks some maturity and profundity. ”

Discussions continue to ferment on the web, with various perspectives and perceptions intertwined. Some people support Tang Yan, believing that her role is more contemporary and powerful; Some people insist that Zhou Xun's performance is better because her acting skills are more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This lively discussion not only reflects the audience's different understandings and preferences for acting, but also reflects the deep imprint left by each actor in the film and television works.

Finally, the various turmoil before the entire award ceremony made the audience full of expectations and speculation about the ownership of the final award. I hope that these experiences can add more drama and humanity to the award ceremony, and I also look forward to finding my own satisfaction and resonance in the wonderful performances and works of the stars.

The stars of the Magnolia Award are dim: Chen Xiao is not leaving! Huang Xiaoming's cloud red carpet, Liu Yifei is the most embarrassed!

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