
At the critical moment and soft, can the 27-year-old Lin Gaoyuan still become the best of the male players of the national table tennis team?

The first competition of 2022 national table tennis, the WTT Macau Championships, has also ended a few days ago. In the battle for the men's singles title, it was finally the young player Wang Chuqin who defeated Lin Gaoyuan to win the championship. The two played with difficulty in seven sets, and in the last set, the winner was divided, and Lin Gaoyuan lost to Wang Chuqin by losing two consecutive points in his own service round. This also makes fans full of doubts about the upcoming 27-year-old Lin Gaoyuan, whether he can continue to lead the male national table tennis players forward with Fan Zhendong, which has become a big problem.

At the critical moment and soft, can the 27-year-old Lin Gaoyuan still become the best of the male players of the national table tennis team?

Lin Gaoyuan was born in 1995 in Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, and his left hand clap is good at arcing and combining fast attack, which is an uncommon playing style among male national table tennis players. In 2017, it should be regarded as Lin Gaoyuan's highlight moment, won the men's singles championship of the 30th Table Tennis Asian Cup, and fan Zhendong reversed his national table tennis teammates Fang Bo and Zhou Yu 3:1 to win the men's doubles championship, thus becoming the Asian champion. In 2018, he participated in a variety of competitions and only lost to Fan Zhendong and won the second place several times. At that time, national table tennis fans thought that he and Fan Zhendong would be the main figures leading the national table tennis forward in the future. However, judging from Lin Gaoyuan's play in recent years, there are indeed great problems in leading the male members of the national table tennis team to continue to move forward.

At the critical moment and soft, can the 27-year-old Lin Gaoyuan still become the best of the male players of the national table tennis team?

Lin Gaoyuan joined the national table tennis first team on April 30, 2009. On that day, a total of four male players entered the national table tennis team, and the national table tennis fans affectionately called these four teams the 430 squad. And this year, the squad known as 430 is only Lin Gaoyuan who insists. It can be said that in terms of age, in addition to Ma Long and Xu Xinlin Gaoyuan is the largest in the national table tennis. The 27-year-old Lin Gaoyuan can be said to have strong people before and strong people in national table tennis.

At the critical moment and soft, can the 27-year-old Lin Gaoyuan still become the best of the male players of the national table tennis team?

In the front, Ma Long and Xu Xin have not yet retired, and in the back, Fan Zhendong, who is younger than himself, has already achieved something. Wang Chuqin, who is similar to his own playing style, is now in a stage of rapid rise, and as a post-00s, he can now be described as a key player cultivated by national table tennis. At the Tokyo Olympics, Wang Chuqin also went out with the team as a P card player. This time his battle with Wang Chuqin actually reflects that it is a very important assessment of the two people, after Fan Zhendong xiao fat, who can continue to take on this important responsibility with Fan Zhendong. It was clear that Lin Gaoyuan had lost, and he had lost more than just this game.

At the critical moment and soft, can the 27-year-old Lin Gaoyuan still become the best of the male players of the national table tennis team?

Lin Gaoyuan's personality has always seemed to be gentler from the fans, so it also caused him to be less aggressive on the field. Even on some key balls is very indecisive can not grasp the score. However, if you are not decisive, you will soon be given the opportunity by the opponent to reverse it. Every time I lose a point, I bow my head and shake my head, and the momentum has a very bad impact on the field, and there is no domineering spirit that gives up on me. Fans who watched his game also said that the downwind game was getting better and better, and there was basically no chance of overturning the headwind game. It can be seen that this character is a very important reason why he lost the game.

At the critical moment and soft, can the 27-year-old Lin Gaoyuan still become the best of the male players of the national table tennis team?

Lin Gaoyuan's speed playing style is basically the fastest among the current male national table tennis players. Although the quality of the veneer is not the same as that of Fan Zhendong Wang Chuqin, the overall rhythm and tandem of the game are Lin Gaoyuan's very strong advantages. Liu Guoliang once praised Lin Gaoyuan, saying that his performance was relatively stable. After what many races I have experienced, especially this time when I have a chance to win a championship after such a long time, I have lost it again.

At the critical moment and soft, can the 27-year-old Lin Gaoyuan still become the best of the male players of the national table tennis team?

I believe he also realized how serious his mental problems were. If you want to become the real main force in national table tennis, you can only go further by combining strength and psychology.

Time has also officially entered the Paris cycle, do you think Lin Gaoyuan still has the opportunity to rush out and lead the national table tennis with Fan Zhendong through this dilemma?

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