
Sun Zhuo's adoptive mother finally showed her face in the public, and her eyebrows were sweet and sweet, claiming that Sun Zhuo looked like her


In our long-standing perception, it is only natural that traffickers are convicted, but few buyers who participate in the human trafficking trade are punished. That's because trafficked children, after years with the buyer, appreciate their nurturing grace and ask their biological parents to issue a letter of understanding. But this pair of biological parents is undoubtedly a secondary injury.

Sun Zhuo's adoptive mother finally showed her face in the public, and her eyebrows were sweet and sweet, claiming that Sun Zhuo looked like her

After 14 years of painstaking searching, Sun Haiyang finally found his own son Sun Zhuo. But after 14 years of being cared for by his adoptive parents, he has long considered himself a member of his adoptive parents' family. In Sun Zhuo's mouth, his adoptive parents regarded him as their own, and what was delicious and fun in the family was always enjoyed by him first. When he was first retrieved, judging from Sun Zhuo's feelings for his adoptive parents, he seemed unwilling to return to Shenzhen and live with his adoptive parents for a lifetime.

Sun Zhuo has such an idea, in fact, we can understand. He was only 4 years old when he was abducted, which is not the age he remembers. So after being abducted, his adoptive parents were so kind to him, he naturally thought it was his parents.

Sun Zhuo's adoptive mother finally showed her face in the public, and her eyebrows were sweet and sweet, claiming that Sun Zhuo looked like her

Sun Zhuo's adoptive mother finally showed her face in the public, and her eyebrows were sweet and sweet, claiming that Sun Zhuo looked like her

It turns out that Sun Zhuo's words are not wrong, and his adoptive parents and family are indeed very good to him, even surpassing his two sisters. His adoptive parents have regarded him as their own since he was a child, and they are very concerned about life and study. In 14 years, I have never owed him anything, and I have taught him the principle of doing things and being a man. Before we met Sun Zhuo's adoptive parents, we must have thought that they were five big and three thick, fierce and evil people. Because from the involvement in human trafficking, it is not simple to guess.

But after Sun Zhuo's adoptive mother made a public appearance, we found that she was not a shrewd villain. Instead, he looks very thick and honest, and he has a smile on his face, and he looks no different from an ordinary mother. She also revealed to the public that after raising Sun Zhuo for so many years, she had long regarded Sun Zhuo as her own son, and Sun Zhuo and herself were also more and more similar.

Sun Zhuo's adoptive mother finally showed her face in the public, and her eyebrows were sweet and sweet, claiming that Sun Zhuo looked like her

People from the same village as Sun Zhuo's adoptive mother said that the buyer had not had a son at that time. Later, after going out to work, when he came home, he held a boy, and this boy was Sun Zhuo. Over the years, the adoptive mother's family has never scolded Sun Zhuo, desperately making money for him to study, and sun Zhuo's goodness is obvious to everyone. Therefore, they never doubted Sun Zhuo's identity, and they all thought that Sun Zhuo was their own son. When Sun Zhuo was just found, for a moment and a half he didn't seem to be able to accept this matter. So he told his adoptive parents that he would never leave them and would stay here to continue his life and complete his studies.

Sun Zhuo, who saw the buyer and the seller committing the same crime on the Internet, was very afraid of his adoptive parents going to jail. To this end, he specially contacted Sun Haiyang and asked them to issue a letter of understanding for their adoptive parents and exempt them from criminal responsibility. Otherwise, I will live my life with guilt forever. Although the adoptive parents were as good to Sun Zhuowan, they also hurt the innocent Sun Haiyang family because of their actions. Only biological parents are always selfless in their treatment of their children and do not ask for anything in return. Sun Zhuo's adoptive parents nurtured Sun Zhuo in this way, in fact, they are also mixed with calculating emotions and have their own purposes.

Sun Zhuo's adoptive mother finally showed her face in the public, and her eyebrows were sweet and sweet, claiming that Sun Zhuo looked like her

In Shandong, the idea of son preference is very common and has been deeply rooted in the minds of Shandong people. In particular, Li Chunxia is also a rural woman, and if there is no son in the family in the countryside, she will be poked in the spine by others. So she and her husband, who were forced to be helpless, embarked on the road of no return to buying people. Although Li Chunxia and his wife have a kind face and the people around them have a good evaluation of them, this does not cover up the crimes they have committed. It is precisely because there are so many buyers like them in the world who buy people that so many traffickers constantly challenge the limits of the law and destroy countless otherwise happy families.

After losing Sun Zhuo, Sun Haiyang and his wife did not think about tea, did not want to eat, and could not sleep at night. What had been a harmonious and happy family became fragmented. Therefore, Sun Zhuo's adoptive mother's family is not worthy of pity, but hateful. Having a son who should not belong to him, but living so peacefully, he has no intention of indebting himself to Sun Zhuo and his wife, and he will definitely get retribution.

Sun Zhuo's adoptive mother finally showed her face in the public, and her eyebrows were sweet and sweet, claiming that Sun Zhuo looked like her

Although Sun Zhuo was reluctant to return to his biological parents at first, the blood relationship of his closest relatives awakened his yearning for his original family. He resolutely decided to stay away from his adoptive mother's family and return to his biological parents. Such an ending is gratifying, because only the biological parents in the world will always be selfless to their children, and I believe that Sun Zhuo will return to his original home and will also recognize the simple purpose of adopting his adoptive parents.

Many people on the Internet are paying attention to Sun Haiyang's search for a son, and everyone is pleased with Sun Zhuo's decision to return to Shenzhen. Sun Haiyang's 14 years of efforts have not been in vain.

Sun Zhuo's adoptive mother finally showed her face in the public, and her eyebrows were sweet and sweet, claiming that Sun Zhuo looked like her

The author's message: There are still tens of millions of families in the world that are not as fortunate as Sun Haiyang and his wife, who may have been searching for abducted children all their lives, but they will never be heard. I hope that those buyers who buy people can compare their hearts to their hearts and stop clinging to it. Children purchased illegally will be returned to their biological parents as soon as possible.

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