
"Analects": If you want to be fast, you can't achieve it, and if you see small profits, you can't achieve big things

"Analects": If you want to be fast, you can't achieve it, and if you see small profits, you can't achieve big things

In the "Zhou Li DongGuan Examination Worker Record", it is said: "Everything is a bow, the winter analysis is dry and the spring liquid angle, the summer zhi tendon, the autumn combination of the three materials, the cold body, the ice analysis." "This means that all the production of a good bow must be analyzed in winter, boiled in spring to cure the horns, summer to treat the tendons, in the autumn with glue, paint, silk three materials to combine the dry, horns, tendons, in the cold season to fix the bow body, and finally to wait until the time of freezing to check whether the paint pattern peels off. After these six links, "spring is a year's thing". Artifacts are tangible and unbounded. Whether it is making a good bow or doing other work, it is necessary to make a long-term effort, play steadily and steadily, and achieve natural success.

"No desire for speed, no small profit." If you want to be fast, you can't achieve it, and if you see small profits, you can't achieve big things. "The Analects record that one year, Zi xia was sent to Ju father to become a magistrate, and before leaving, he went to visit his teacher Confucius and ask how to govern a place well. Confucius admonished him not to simply pursue speed in doing things, nor to covet small profits. If we pursue speed too much, we will not be able to achieve our goals; we will not be able to accomplish anything big if we only care about small interests in the immediate future and do not talk about long-term interests. Facts have repeatedly proved that rushing for quick success and taking advantage of opportunism is bound to affect the quality and efficiency of work, and even backfire. "The Song people have those who are not long and have not long, and they are returning to their people, saying: 'Today is sick!' Help the seedlings grow! His son tended to look at it, and Miao looked at it. "The story of the seedlings is a satire on those who do not act according to objective laws, are eager to achieve results, and subjectively take the initiative, but instead mess things up.

The improvement of ability, the acquisition of experience, and the creation of achievements are inseparable from the accumulation of bit by bit, which requires the next slow effort and long effort. "The combination of river ice is not the cold of a day; the accumulation of soil is mountainous, and it is not the work of Sishu." Most of the people who have made achievements have worked hard for a long time without distraction, diligently pursued, and experienced "a thousand hammers chiseled out of the deep mountains" before ushering in "keeping the clouds open and seeing the moon". In the early years of the late Qing Dynasty, Zeng Guofan had mediocre qualifications, but he refused to give up, insisted on learning more, reading more and remembering more, the four books and five classics were ripe, the knowledge of books did not leave dead ends, slow work laid the foundation, thick accumulation and thin hair, and finally achieved an extraordinary life. Feng Youlan, a scholar known for his "no hurry", only started to write the "New Edition of the History of Chinese Philosophy" in his 80s, and it was only announced that it was completed in his 90s, but this book made an original study of the entire history of Chinese philosophy and put forward a series of new insights that had an important impact on the academic community. Slow work out of the fine work, sit on the cold bench, save enough basic skills, and finally the middle of the month is inevitable. Of course, emphasizing "slow" is not to completely deny "fast", the correct approach is to understand the dialectic of fast and slow, flexible response to events at the time, fast things should be fast, and things that should be slow should be slowed down.

Success is faster and longer. Whether it is ten years of work on stage for one minute and offstage, or ten years of grinding a sword and sitting on the bench for ten years, these experiences are advocating that people work harder and work harder to establish the cause of evergreen and reach the distance of heaven and earth. As the saying goes, the gas is not round and does not open the pot, it is said that when cooking rice and steaming steamed buns, only when the fire completely boils the pot and the hot gas in the pot is fully concentrated until the lid is completely out of the pot lid, then the rice and steamed buns will be steamed; on the contrary, if the heat is not enough, they are eager to open the pot lid, and the steamed food will be sandwiched. Meritorious service is not worth donating. "Thirty-six thousand hammers, less no, you fool it, it fools you." In the ancient method of making, a pure iron pot must go through twelve processes, eighteen times of fire, a high temperature of 1,000 degrees, and 36,000 times of forging, which is an enduring secret.

"If you don't stop, you can overcome the heavens; if you don't stop doing it, it's like painting the ground." If you want to achieve something, you need to abandon the idea of quick success and short-term profit, and work hard for a long time. Especially for laying the foundation and benefiting the long-term, we should persist in hammering one hammer after another, and running with one stick after another, so that we can continue to create new achievements and move towards new glory.

◎ This article was originally published in the "China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News", the source network, the copyright of the picture and text belongs to the original author, if there is infringement, please contact to delete.

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