
Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

author:Character History
Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

Yuan Baojing

On November 24, 2003, the whistles of police cars echoed around the Fuhua Building in Beijing. After the employees saw a few policemen hurriedly walk into the Jianhao Group, they took their boss Yuan Baojing to the police car.

This caused a big stir in the company, and everyone speculated about what was going on.

Yuan Baojing's wife, Dolma, waited at home late at night before receiving a notice of arrest from her family.

That day was a day that turned Yuan Baojing's entire life upside down.

Yuan Baojing was actually accused by the police of buying a murderer.

No one can believe that this billionaire would take a huge risk to buy murderers. And Yuan Baojing has always been a relatively kind person, what reason would make him kill others?

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

Dolma was the one who couldn't believe it the most. Ever since she knew Yuan Baojing, she felt that he was kind and honest and very hardworking, and the only bad thing was that he was too busy at work and didn't have time to accompany her.

But he loves his work, loves his family, and will leave work early to accompany her and her children as long as he has time. How could such a person be involved in a murder?

The cruel criminal who hires murderers and the billionaires who work hard to be kind, which is Yuan Baojing?

Yuan Baojing was born in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, to a very poor family, from snacks to food and clothing, to helping the family cultivate at the same time as going to school.

His dream is to be able to eat enough every day, not at all noble, but very simple.

Because her parents have no culture, Yuan Baojing knows that reading has a way out. In order to achieve his goal, Yuan Baojing invested twelve points of effort in learning.

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

China University of Political Science and Law

Finally, in 1985, he was successfully admitted to the China University of Political Science and Law.

The most admirable thing about Yuan Baojing is persistence and perseverance.

Their family was too poor to provide Yuan Baojing with living expenses. But Yuan Baojing did not give up. When you can't afford to eat, you try to make money.

Yuan Baojing copied the manuscript to the professor, and he could get two yuan for every 10,000 words copied. He also occasionally took on the task of writing letters, writing a thousand and earning five dollars.

At the same time, he also actively participated in the school sports day, just to get some prize meal tickets.

The long life has made Yuan Baojing very disciplined, and it has also made him an independent and strong person.

After graduation, Yuan Baojing successfully worked in a bank.

For the average person, the counterattack to this extent is already very remarkable.

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"


But perennial poverty made Yuan Baojing feel very in crisis, and he felt that his current income was far from filling the emptiness in his heart.

After working in the bank for three years, Yuan Baojing resigned resolutely, and he decided to start his own business.

This was a loss of watermelon at the time. The bank is such an iron rice bowl, as long as it does not fail, you can always be safe and old.

Why do you have to try to start a business?

But Yuan Baojing has his own insistence, he just doesn't want to be a worker who is invisible to everyone. So Yuan Baojing began his entrepreneurial journey.

Due to the family situation, Yuan Baojing is more familiar with agriculture. Therefore, Yuan Baojing was ready to start from this aspect.

First, he invested 200,000 yuan in the cultivation of triticale. 100,000 buy seeds, 50,000 rent land, and the remaining 50,000 pay for other costs and labor costs.

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

Thanks to Yuan Baojing's unique vision and the rapid development of the agricultural economy, in just half a year, he earned 2 million yuan, directly doubling the cost tenfold.

When she had enough principal, Yuan Baojing was ready to switch to the stocks and bonds that the university had been exposed to.

This line of work is not just a casual play, a careless can make a bankruptcy.

After making money, Yuan Baojing did not choose to open a small shop safely and steadily, but chose a high-risk and high-yield stock industry, which shows that he is actually an ambitious and confident person.

And if a person has a grand goal, and can achieve self-discipline and suffer hardships, he is not far from success.

After entering the stock industry, Yuan Baojing methodically planned how to work. Buying equity, pledging financing... More than 60 companies have been handled up and down.

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

Liu Han

In 1996, Yuan Baojing's assets had reached more than 3 billion yuan. What is the concept of 3 billion, ninety-nine percent of Chinese will not make so much money in a lifetime.

Through his own efforts, Yuan Baojing successfully transformed into a billionaire. That year, Yuan Baojing was only 30 years old.

In the eyes of employees, Yuan Baojing is a simple and elegant, respected and unattainable existence. No one could have imagined that Yuan Baojing would have something to do with the murder case.

According to the police investigation, the cause of the incident is like this.

In 1996, yuan Baojing lost more than 90 million yuan when speculating in futures in Chengdu, Sichuan. Although it was not an unacceptable number for him, he was skeptical of the failure.

Under an investigation, Yuan Baojing believes that a person named Liu Han united with the stock exchange to change the rules at that time, thus causing his own losses.

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

At that time, Yuan Baojing was very angry, and he hated Liu Han for ruining his reputation more than losing money.

At this time, a man named Wang Xing came out to stir up muddy waters. He said to Yuan Baojing, "This man is really hateful, so it is better to beat him up and dissipate his anger." ”

This Wang Xing was once the captain of the famous criminal police team in Liaoyang, and Yuan Baojing was acquainted with stock speculation, and he could be regarded as a good friend.

Yuan Baojing is so rich, who doesn't want to pick him up? The same is true of Wang Xing, who just wants to "earn some extra money" from Yuan Baojing.

Yuan Baojing, who was angry, was incited by this and quickly agreed to this matter.

Yuan Baojing let his second brother Yuan Baoqi give Wang Xing 160,000 yuan, which was equivalent to spending money to let him solve this matter.

In this society governed by the rule of law, why do they have such arrogance? Yuan Baojing just casually decided to embark on the road of crime?

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

Yuan Baojing had never thought of doing this, but Wang Xing had been fanning the flames around, and his emotions were infinitely magnified.

And out of trust in former criminal police captain Wang Xing, Yuan Baojing believes that teaching a person is just a small thing, it will not affect himself, and it is a small matter that can be settled with money.

It is precisely because the friends around him are such people that Yuan Baojing will easily embark on a crooked road and never return.

Wang Xing wants money, Yuan Baoqi wants to please Yuan Baojing, Yuan Baojing is angry, and the three of them hit it off.

On February 1, 1997, Wang Xing pulled out a gun and came to Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, with great momentum. He lurked near Liu Han's car, and when Liu Han got into the car, he fired two shots at him very close.

However, the quality of the car was good, the bullets were blocked by the glass, and Liu Han did not have anything wrong.

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"


But when Yuan Baojing heard the dangerous scene narrated by Wang Xing, he couldn't help but shed a few drops of cold sweat. He just wanted to teach a lesson, but he didn't want to kill people!

Unexpectedly, Wang Xing was a fierce, and he shot at the first hand. If you find out, your life will be over.

Yuan Baojing felt a moment of fear, and at the same time, he also developed a sense of remoteness towards the dangerous Wang Xing.

Unexpectedly, in the following days, Wang Xing wrapped around Yuan Baojing like a gangrene attached to the bone.

Watching his former friend Yuan Baojing getting richer and richer, Wang Xing always felt that he should also "dip the light". After making a vote for Yuan Baojing, he has been looking for Yuan Baojing to borrow money on the grounds that he has no money.

At the beginning, Yuan Baojing gave Wang Xing several times in the spirit of making big things small things small.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xing was not really short of money at all, but just wanted to extort money from him. After Yuan Baojing relaxed, Wang Xing intensified his efforts to borrow money from Yuan Baojing.

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

Yuan Baojing naturally did not lack this little money, but what was the matter with raising a poisonous snake all the time? So Yuan Baojing decided to completely cut off contact with Wang Xing.

This behavior infuriated Wang Xing, who had just tasted some sweetness. He began to call and write letters to threaten Yuan Baojing, and if he did not give money, he would shake his affairs out.

Yuan Baoqi is also a big old man with no culture, he doesn't know much about things, but the muddy waters are flowing a lot. Seeing this situation, Yuan Baoqi suggested to Yuan Baojing: "If you really can't do it, just do it." ”

Yuan Baojing naturally disagreed at first. However, he could not resist Wang Xing's harassment day and night and Yuan Baoqi's persuasion from the side, so he nodded his head and agreed.

A gentleman who is beautiful in his own right, a person who relies on his own efforts to succeed step by step, is blackened little by little.

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

After getting the 300,000 yuan provided by Yuan Baojing, Yuan Baoqi returned to his hometown to find his cousin Yuan Baofu and his younger brother Yuan Baosen, instructing them to complete the matter.

The two conspired to hide near Wang Xing's home, subduing him directly and stabbing him to death.

On November 15, 2001, Wang Xing, who had just come out of his home, was stabbed in the back by Yuan Baosen. Then Yuan Baofu jumped out of the shadows and fought with Wang Xing.

During the melee, Wang Xing was stabbed several times. But in the end, he escaped from the battlefield of fighting with his many years of experience.

The Yuan Baofu brothers failed to do a good job, and Yuan Baoqi only gave them 90,000 yuan.

For some barbaric and uncivilized people, a human life is in their hands, worth only tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

After this incident, Wang Xing was hospitalized for serious injuries and stopped for a while.

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

Yuan Baojing breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that such a rough way was the best way to solve the problem. He felt that he was beginning to become a little obsessed with this kind of behavior of controlling other people's lives with a little money.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars are just a small amount of money to him, but this little money can make others work for him. People without insight and thought are too easy to control.

On the other side, the Yuan Baofu brothers took the money and went away. The two had a little money and began to flutter. Self-conscious is a rich man, and there is a big backer.

While eating at the restaurant, the two also beat up a person who had clashed with them, and the spleen of the other was removed.

For this reason, Yuan Baofu and Yuan Baosen were wanted by the police and have been fleeing.

At the same time, Yuan Baoqi contacted them again.

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

It turned out that after Wang Xing recovered from his injuries, he began to look for Yuan Baojing's trouble. First, he was originally greedy for money, and second, after being seriously injured, Wang Xing began to hate Yuan Baojing.

Therefore, Wang Xing violently harassed Yuan Baojing again, and the situation was even more serious than before. And Yuan Baojing took the initiative to find Yuan Baoqi this time.

After the previous events, Yuan Baojing was no longer as weak and at the mercy of others as before.

Yuan Baojing felt that the whole portrait was torn apart by two hands, and while persuading him to be cruel, he was advised to tolerate it.

But once he remembered his harmonious family, rich assets and perfect life, his heart slowly became fierce.

Yuan Baojing would never allow these hard-working things to be destroyed by some small things.

On the surface, he is a polite and elegant boss in the eyes of employees, and in the eyes of his wife, he is the perfect husband who takes care of his family. But in fact, one piece of the heart hidden under the perfect mask has become darker and harder.

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

People are good at being deceived, and only by being fierce enough can they truly be human beings. Yuan Baojing believed so.

Yuan Baojing gave Yuan Baoqi 180,000 yuan and asked him to completely end the matter.

Therefore, Yuan Baoqi found the two brothers of Yuan Baofu who fled.

As soon as they heard that they had money to take, the Yuan Baofu brothers agreed with their mouths. Anyway, he was already saddled with a wounded crime, and he didn't know when he would be arrested and imprisoned. It's better to make more money and enjoy it as soon as possible.

In the eyes of these people, Wang Xing is just an item, a transaction, but he is no longer a "person".

Wang Xing never expected that Yuan Baojing would be able to attack him again, and this time, he completely bid farewell to this world.

On October 4, 2003, Yuan Baofu and Yuan Baosen once again lurked near Wang Xing's home. This time, the two were no longer holding knives, but a shotgun that They had obtained.

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

When Wang Xing returned home, Yuan Baosen took a gun and fired two shots at Wang Xing in a row, without a trace of hesitation and sympathy on his expression.

Wang Xing's eyes widened, and he couldn't speak in his mouth. Before he could say goodbye, he left this world completely.

Later, it was Yuan Baojing who was arrested and returned to the police station at the company.

After Yuan Baojing was taken into custody, his wife Dolma did not believe that he had committed the crime, so he hired the best lawyer to defend him.

The lawyer believes that the evidence in this case is insufficient, and it is really inappropriate to judge that Yuan Baojing hired a murderer based on the words of several people alone.

Yuan Baojing's employees also spoke for him, and they thought that Yuan Baojing was a polite and simple person who would never do such a big treacherous and evil thing.

Yuan Baojing himself denied doing this, revealing a wound on his right leg, claiming that it was caused by the police extorting a confession during torture.

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

During this period, Yuan Baojing also wrote a 3-page donation letter, voluntarily donating his property to the state.

He commissioned a lawyer and donated a 40% stake in Petro Indonesia (about 49.5 billion yuan). The remaining savings in the Swiss bank were all left to his wife Dolma.

Although Yuan Baojing swore an oath: "This money is definitely not for the sake of buying life, but for the sake of the country..."

But at this moment, it is self-evident to donate a huge amount of property and think of anything.

After being arrested, Yuan Baojing has been in a panic for the rest of his life. He regretted more than once that if he hadn't listened to Wang Xing's words, he wouldn't have fallen into such a field now.

He was still young, and there was still a great future waiting for him. What would have made him escape the sanctions of the law?

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

There was no way, Yuan Baojing could only donate his own property, in a vain attempt to save his own life.

But the judicial process is fair, and Yuan Baojing's case is already closely watched by the society, if donating money can solve this matter, will the police and the court still get everyone's trust?

Therefore, this head must not be opened, otherwise all the rich people in the future can commit crimes unscrupulously, and anyway, as long as they donate money, they can solve it.

Sure enough, Yuan Baojing could not escape the punishment of the law.

On January 13, 2006, the court publicly tried Yuan Baojing's murder case, sentenced Yuan Baojing, Yuan Baoqi, and Yuan Baosen to death, and sentenced Yuan Baofu to a suspended death.

Yuan Baojing was not satisfied and appealed. However, the Liaoning Provincial Higher People's Court found that the judicial procedures were reasonable, the evidence was conclusive, and the sentencing was appropriate, so it rejected the appeal and upheld the original judgment.

Yuan Baojing: Blackmailed by villains, he hired his brother to buy murder, and donated 49.5 billion yuan to "avoid death"

The dust settled, and Dolma was separated from her beloved husband.

In fact, in an era when the rule of law was not very clear, there were many gray areas in society. Wang Xing vainly wanted to rely on his knowledge of this aspect to seek convenience for himself.

Yuan Baojing is indeed a simple person, but he can't withstand the temptation of the gray area, and always feels that it is easy to do things if he has money.

Because of this, he not only buried his own life, but also had a bright future.