
WeChat has more than 1.2 billion users, ranking third in the world, and it is well known that WeChat is the social application software with the largest number of users in China. Relying on Tencent this big

author:Happy theory entertainment

With more than 1.2 billion Users, WeChat ranks third in the world, and the first and second lists are sacred

As we all know, WeChat is the social application with the largest number of users in China. Relying on the mountain of Tencent and the paving of QQ, WeChat has been sought after by Wangu since its rise. Today, it is still far ahead of the country. It can be said that everyone may not have QQ on their mobile phones, but there must be WeChat.

The U.S. previously signed an executive order prohibiting all U.S. companies from using WeChat and prohibiting any transactions with WeChat's parent company, Tencent. After the executive order came out, many people, including in China, began to discuss a question: Do you want WeChat or iPhone? In this regard, the relevant agencies conducted a survey of domestic consumers, of which about 95% of the respondents said that they would rather give up the iPhone than give up WeChat. If WeChat can't be used on the iPhone, it will be an expensive "e-waste" in China.

At present, WeChat has more than 1.26 billion users worldwide. It integrates social, communication, shopping, travel and other functions. In particular, the launch of electronic payments has played an important role in China. Without it, it will not only bring inconvenience to people's lives, but more importantly, it will implicate a series of industrial chains that rely on WeChat development.

However, despite having such a large user base, WeChat only ranks third in the world. This has shocked many domestic netizens. What exactly are the top two? Even WeChat has to bow its head?

Facebook Messenger is an app launched by Facebook on March 6, 2012 specifically for messaging. However, in the subsequent series of feature developments, it is not difficult to see Facebook hoping to develop various functions through Messenger to become the only app in the user's mobile phone.

Messenger surpasses WeChat primarily because of facebook's strong network of user relationships. Unlike WeChat, Messenger is more open, you can chat without adding friends, and all Facebook users can watch the news posted in Messenger

The largest market for the software is currently the United States, with nearly 55% of the market share. In addition to the United States, Canada, Mexico and some European countries, the software is used as mainstream social software. By 2017, Messenger had more than 1.2 billion users. After nearly 5 years of development, the number of users of this software has exceeded 1.5 billion.

Looking around the world, the name of social hegemony is undoubtedly Whats. According to relevant data, whats currently has more than 2 billion registered users. It is said that the number of such registered users is equivalent to whats covering one-third of the global user market, covering global regions including Russia, Europe, Africa and the Americas. In the face of such a huge international layout, WeChat's current achievements in China may really not be worth mentioning.

The founders, two senior Employees of Yahoo, Jane Com and Brian Ecktown, left Yahoo to start a business with enough money to sign up for WhatsApp on February 24, 2009, Kom's birthday, to develop an app that would show if it was convenient for the owner to answer the phone, and they argued: No ads! No games! No gimmicks!

Five years after its release, WhatsApp has become the world's hottest and most profitable mobile app. It began to gradually threaten Facebook's position on social platforms, and was acquired by Facebook in 2014 for $19 billion. After being acquired by Facebook,

WhatsApp relies on Facebook's social platform to grow rapidly, reaching 1 billion users in 2016, 1.5 billion users in 2018 and 2 billion users in early 2020.

The reason WhatsApp quickly became popular was because it had few competitors at the time, and it was created early enough to have enough time to develop the market and update performance. Secondly, WhatsApp takes simplicity and convenience as the starting point, fully considers the comfort of users, and can meet the communication needs of potential consumers and those around them.

At present, the top two social software in terms of global influence and number of users have fallen into the hands of Facebook. In addition, Facebook's traditional business already has a huge user base, which makes Facebook almost a leader in the global social software market. The data shows that the number of Facebook users has reached or even exceeded 3 billion in 2020.

But Facebook has also faced a lot of controversy since its development. For example, monitoring users' text information and pictures, Facebook has had many information leakage scandals. Although Facebook claims that these are technical errors rather than human actions, many users still cannot accept Facebook's explanations, which must be hidden behind Facebook's conspiracy.

At this point, everyone will definitely ask, this Facebook is so popular in the United States and even the world, why has it not entered the Chinese market? Facebook's revenue producer, Zuckerberg, has the idea of entering China's huge market, but it is difficult to achieve. The reason is that there are many social software in China, and the functions can also meet various daily needs. We are also used to using weChat, QQ and other software. After all, what social software needs most is the user base, and if it cannot be popularized among users, it is impossible to survive for a long time by relying on a small user base.

In recent years, the functional development of WeChat is also obvious to all. It can be said that it has formed a one-stop service for eating, drinking and having fun. At present, the vast majority of domestic social platforms have also been controlled by WeChat. If it is to develop further, it is bound to expand overseas.

At that time, there will be competition between WeChat and Facebook. As China's long-established Internet giant, Tencent's strength is beyond doubt. So, will Facebook be able to deal with competitor attacks at that time? Let's wait and see.

WeChat has more than 1.2 billion users, ranking third in the world, and it is well known that WeChat is the social application software with the largest number of users in China. Relying on Tencent this big
WeChat has more than 1.2 billion users, ranking third in the world, and it is well known that WeChat is the social application software with the largest number of users in China. Relying on Tencent this big
WeChat has more than 1.2 billion users, ranking third in the world, and it is well known that WeChat is the social application software with the largest number of users in China. Relying on Tencent this big
WeChat has more than 1.2 billion users, ranking third in the world, and it is well known that WeChat is the social application software with the largest number of users in China. Relying on Tencent this big
WeChat has more than 1.2 billion users, ranking third in the world, and it is well known that WeChat is the social application software with the largest number of users in China. Relying on Tencent this big
WeChat has more than 1.2 billion users, ranking third in the world, and it is well known that WeChat is the social application software with the largest number of users in China. Relying on Tencent this big

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