
A woman ate noodles at guangxi railway station, and when checking out, she found that a bowl of noodles cost 1,000 yuan, so the woman did not hesitate to call the police, and after calling the police, she found that the bowl of noodles was really worth 1,000

author:A smiling tinker cat

A woman ate noodles at the Guangxi Railway Station, and when she checked out, she found that a bowl of noodles cost 1,000 yuan, so the woman did not hesitate to call the police, and after calling the police, she found that the bowl of noodles was really worth 1,000 yuan. It turned out that the owner had found that when a man and a woman were eating noodles, the man's look was not quite right, so he asked for 1,000 yuan a bowl of noodles, which was expensive, and the woman certainly couldn't bear to call the police. As a result, the man listened. Frightened, he immediately ran away. Because he is engaged in pyramid schemes. In this way, women will avoid being deceived by pyramid schemes.

2. The matchmaker introduces a object to Xiaomei. Xiaomei: How about that person? Matchmaker: That, I think it's like the Shangfang Sword of the Han Dynasty. Xiaomei: Wow, isn't that sharp and noble? Matchmaker: Not really! He had pimples on his face... The Shang fang sword of the Han Dynasty should also be rusty now, and the surface is potholed, very similar to his face.

3. The old man received a pension of 800,000 yuan, and he was particularly happy to invite us to a high-end restaurant for dinner. After the dishes were all served, I suddenly found that there was no corkscrew on the table. I said: It's okay, I'll use bamboo chopsticks to make beer. The whole table looked at me adoringly, but there were only disposable wooden chopsticks on the table, not taking advantage of the hand. I picked up a porcelain spoon on the table and explained, "Everybody see, this is the lever principle in physics!" "I tried to say goodbye, the spoon broke, my hand was cut, and the blood flowed like a flood...

4. A female colleague went on a blind date, and after the kiss I asked her how the result was. The female colleague said that the boy was too thin and weak and did not feel it. Later, the introducer insisted on eating together, and the female colleague was not good at refusing, so she opened her belly and ate five bowls of rice when eating, and the wind swept the clouds and ate all the vegetable soup on the table. The next day, the boy took his parents to propose to the female colleague, saying that he liked the girl who could eat and not be pretentious like a female colleague!

5. We live in the countryside, and there is a saying that dogs come to rich and cats to be poor, and I have never believed it. Early this morning, as soon as I opened the door, I saw a dog coming over with a big swing. I was overjoyed and said loudly: Am I not prosperous this year? The dog looked up at me, turned his head, and left without a word. What's the situation? Just because I don't have makeup, even the dog ignores me?

6. The 200,000 saved from three years of work was secretly taken away for his wife and a Facelift in South Korea. After returning from a facelift, the wife became particularly narcissistic. Every morning after getting up from the window, my wife would look into the mirror and say, "Magic Mirror Magic Mirror, is the best-looking person in the world me?" Well, if you don't talk, I'll acquiesce to you. Then, the wife went to work happily!

7. About twenty minutes after the start of an exam, a girl began to kick the stool in front of the table and wanted to ask questions. At this moment, a large ceiling fell on her desk, and there was a big movement, and the whole class was startled. The girl buried herself in the answer, and after the exam, she said indignantly: It's too terrible, just a little bit of cheating thoughts have been condemned by heaven.

8. The brother-in-law was hit by a muck truck, and the owner of the car lost 4,000,000 yuan. My cousin immediately bought a Bentley and was stopped driving out today. Asked to show her driver's license, she said, "I didn't bring it." The other party said angrily: "Drive out, why don't you bring a driver's license??" The cousin said solemnly: "It is not easy to take the test, what if you take it out and lose it??" ”

  #Funny# #搞笑段子 #

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