
Li Pengyu, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Dalian Jinpu New District, and his party extended condolences to frontline medical workers

author:Liaoning No. 1 released

Original title: Li Pengyu, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Jinpu New District, and his party came to our hospital to comfort the front-line medical staff

On February 2, 2022, Li Pengyu, member of the Standing Committee of the Dalian Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Jinpu New District, and his party came to the First People's Hospital of Jinzhou District to comfort the clinical frontline medical staff and extended Greetings for the Spring Festival. Lu Dongsheng, Ma Yingji, Wang Jie, Wang Changyi, Teng Yupan, Hu Fan, deputy directors of the management committee, and Zhang Wenqing, director of the New District Health Bureau, accompanied more than ten people to express their condolences.

Li Pengyu, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Dalian Jinpu New District, and his party extended condolences to frontline medical workers

  Li Pengyu and his party first expressed greetings to the staff, saying that today is the second day of the first lunar month, medical workers are sticking to their posts for the health of the people, and it is very hard for everyone to give up their small homes. At the same time, medical staff are urged to tighten the string of medical safety during the festival and continue to provide patients with quality medical services.

Li Pengyu, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Dalian Jinpu New District, and his party extended condolences to frontline medical workers

  At the "pre-examination triage" department set up by the emergency department, Li Pengyu personally scanned the code and inquired about the pre-examination triage process and related disposal, and instructed the staff to pay attention to their own protection and safety during the extraordinary period. After the emergency registered self-service machine, we checked some of the information equipment of our hospital, emphasizing that medical institutions should keep pace with the times, improve diagnosis and treatment services, and the information construction must be improved synchronously.

Li Pengyu, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Dalian Jinpu New District, and his party extended condolences to frontline medical workers
Li Pengyu, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Dalian Jinpu New District, and his party extended condolences to frontline medical workers

  In the emergency room, Li Pengyu had a cordial conversation with some medical staff and thanked the clinical medical workers who have stuck to their posts and quietly dedicated themselves for a long time. The impact of the epidemic for 3 consecutive years coincided with the Spring Festival, which invisibly increased the intensity and pressure of the medical staff, and hoped that the medical workers would continue to carry forward the noble spirit of saving lives and helping the injured, ensure the normal operation of the hospital during the Spring Festival, and do their best to ensure the medical needs of the people.

Li Pengyu, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Dalian Jinpu New District, and his party extended condolences to frontline medical workers

  In the fever clinic, Li Pengyu learned in detail about the fever diagnosis treatment process and the situation of patients. Li Pengyu particularly stressed that the safety protection measures for medical personnel must be in place, pay attention to the combination of work and leisure, and complete the task of medical treatment in a better state.

Li Pengyu, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Dalian Jinpu New District, and his party extended condolences to frontline medical workers

  On behalf of the staff and staff of the hospital, President Yue Zhongsheng thanked Secretary Li Pengyu for being able to visit the hospital on the occasion of the Spring Festival, and reported to the leaders on the normal operation of the hospital's work during the 365-day holidayless and Spring Festival. Ensure that every patient who comes to the hospital can receive timely and effective treatment.

When talking about the future development plan of Jinzhou First Hospital, Secretary Li Pengyu pointed out that as the largest tertiary general hospital in Jinpu New Area, it is necessary to start from a high starting point in formulating development strategies, improve core competitiveness, and build a modern first-class strong hospital. The Party Working Committee and the Management Committee fully support the development and construction of the hospital and meet the medical needs of the people.

Li Pengyu, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Dalian Jinpu New District, and his party extended condolences to frontline medical workers

  The heart is on the front line, and the heart is warm and nursing. The cordial greetings of Secretary Li Pengyu and his party and their full support for the development of the hospital made everyone feel particularly warm and full of confidence at the same time. Medical staff have said that they must have a good mental state and full of enthusiasm for work, live up to the heavy trust of the Management Committee of the Party Working Committee, do a good job in medical service work, and contribute to the health of Jinpu.

Source: "Jinzhou District First People's Hospital" WeChat public account


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