
How do women fight aging? Develop the habit of lying on your back, can you also skin care?

No one can resist the devastation of the years on the face, and fighting aging is every woman's life's work, and female friends hope that they can grow older and look younger than their peers.

In fact, as long as you insist on doing these things well in daily life, you can keep the skin in a youthful state and achieve the purpose of delaying aging.

How do women fight aging? Develop the habit of lying on your back, can you also skin care?

Let's take a look at which few things can help women effectively fight aging as long as they are adhered to.

1. Do a good job of sun protection

Ultraviolet radiation will stimulate the production of melanin in the skin, and will also cause skin cells to produce more free radicals, accelerate the aging of the skin, resulting in wrinkles, pigmentation, dullness and other skin problems.

How do women fight aging? Develop the habit of lying on your back, can you also skin care?

Therefore, to fight aging, we must first do a good job of sun protection. Try to avoid going out at noon when the ultraviolet rays are strongest, if you want to go out during the day, you should apply sunscreen to your face and neck half an hour in advance, and the amount of application must be enough, otherwise the sunscreen effect will be greatly reduced.

After applying sunscreen during the day, remember to do a good job of cleaning the skin at night to avoid sunscreen remaining on the surface of the skin, increasing the burden on the skin, causing acne, redness and other problems.

How do women fight aging? Develop the habit of lying on your back, can you also skin care?

2. Choose antioxidant skin care products

Everyone knows that free radicals are the culprits of aging, and the metabolic activities in the body are producing free radicals every moment, and some stimuli from the outside world, such as ultraviolet rays and exhaust gases, will also promote the formation of free radicals, resulting in skin aging.

In the matter of resisting external pollution and irritation and scavenging free radicals, the use of skin care products with antioxidant effects is a good way, antioxidants can effectively inhibit the damage of free radicals to collagen, and help maintain the youthful state of the skin.

How do women fight aging? Develop the habit of lying on your back, can you also skin care?

3. Develop the habit of lying on your back

Most people know that adequate sleep can promote metabolism and help damaged cells repair themselves, but few people know that sleeping posture will also affect the appearance.

Long-term lying on the side or prone will cause the facial skin to withstand too much pressure, affect blood circulation, is not conducive to the repair of damaged cells, and will also cause skin lesions because of friction with the pillow, in addition to causing deeper nasolabial wrinkles and more obvious wrinkles.

Therefore, female friends should fight aging, prevent wrinkles from appearing, avoid wrinkles from deepening, and develop a good sleeping posture, it is best to take a supine sleeping position and be a sleeping beauty.

How do women fight aging? Develop the habit of lying on your back, can you also skin care?

4. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidant substances, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, antioxidant coenzymes and various bioflavonoids, which can help the body form antioxidant enzymes, scavenge free radicals, repair damaged cells, maintain the youthful state of the skin, and effectively delay skin aging.

It is recommended that female friends who want anti-aging, the ratio of vegetables, fruits and meat intake in three meals a day is 7:3, and it is best to eat more dark green vegetables.

How do women fight aging? Develop the habit of lying on your back, can you also skin care?

No one can avoid getting old, but if female friends who love beauty can insist on doing five things in their daily lives, such as strictly doing sun protection work, avoiding skin damage from ultraviolet rays, choosing antioxidant skin care products, helping skin cells resist external pollution and stimulation, developing supine habits when sleeping, avoiding deepening wrinkles, eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, helping to remove free radicals, and promoting skin cell self-repair, you can effectively delay aging and keep the skin young and energetic.

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