
How to ensure safety when driving on snowy days? Slow braking and other knowledge points quickly get, Hangzhou traffic police out of a full strategy

On the first day of work in the New Year, Hangzhou seriously fell heavily with goose feathers!

How to ensure safety when driving on snowy days? Slow braking and other knowledge points quickly get, Hangzhou traffic police out of a full strategy

Snowfall will affect road traffic, Shu Huang brings everyone "rain and snow safe driving strategy"

In order to ensure driving safety, snow travel must be "slow"!

Safe driving reminder on rain and snow days:

1. Start slowly

If the tire is frozen on the ground when starting, use a cross pickaxe (or hard stick) to dig out the ice, snow and dirt around the tire before starting the car.

2. Drive slowly

Vehicle speed in the driving process to be slow, ice and snow road wheels are easy to slip, driving danger increases, in order to ensure safety, the speed of driving should be stable, to avoid violent acceleration or violent braking, when it is necessary to accelerate or decelerate, the throttle should be slowly stepped down or released, in order to prevent the drive wheel from slipping due to sudden acceleration or deceleration.

3. Slow braking

When you find that the distance between you and the car in front of you is shortening, no matter what the reason, immediately collect the oil and slow down, and put your foot on the brake pedal to prepare for braking, do not step on it, if you feel that the wheel is locked, immediately release the brake pedal and then step on, the force is still gradually increasing.

4. Slow turn

Before turning, we must reduce the gear in advance, slowly pass, after the speed is reduced, we must take the method of turning a big turn and taking a slow turn, do not turn the direction sharply, do not brake or hang a neutral gear during the turn, and pay special attention to avoiding snow and ice in the corner when turning.

5. Less overtaking

Try to avoid overtaking on ice and snow roads, one is because the ice and snow road should not be accelerated, and the other is that when cleaning the snow area, the snow is often piled on the side of the road, and the road surface becomes narrower.

6. Park the car

Try to choose to park in open spaces without ice and snow, if you must park on ice and snow roads, try to choose a sunny and windy place, do not close to buildings, utility poles or other vehicles, so that there will be no collision due to skidding.

7. Pull the driving distance

The resistance of the ice and snow ground is very small, the driving distance is 4-5 times greater than that of the dry asphalt road, and the distance with the car is too close, it is difficult to brake the car in a short distance, and it is easy to cause rear-end accidents.

So, if an emergency occurs on a rainy and snowy day, how should it be dealt with? Shu Huang also has a "high move" yo!

Side slip and tail flick occur

Excessive braking or rapid acceleration will cause the car to slide sideways, flick the tail, that is, slide out horizontally or swing the tail back and forth.

Treatment method: Due to the side slip or tail flick caused by the braking too strongly, the brake pedal should be released and the continuous point brake should be used to brake (cars with ESP generally do not have similar situations). When a similar dangerous situation occurs, do not hit the direction of the slam, trying to stop the vehicle by turning the direction is very dangerous.


If the cornering speed is too fast, the car will be understeered and the front of the car will slide out of the bend. To put it bluntly, the car doesn't listen to you, you want to go straight, it turns directly. Front-drive vehicles are particularly prone to similar situations.

Treatment method: first release the accelerator pedal, and then slightly back to the positive direction, in the steering and back to the positive constant adjustment, but do not be too large, to no more than the normal driving position of the wheel as a limit, if necessary, you can tap the brake to slow down, with the direction correction.


The speed of the vehicle is too fast, the steering is too strong, causing the rear of the vehicle to swing forward, and there is a tendency to turn around, which is called oversteering, and the rear-drive vehicle is prone to similar situations.

Treatment method: First of all, it is still to release the throttle, gently and quickly reverse the direction, must return to the center line, if necessary, with the point brake to reduce the speed.

Finally, don't forget "speed down, distance control, bright tail", the weather is very cold.

When everyone goes out, one should remember to add clothes to keep warm, and the other should pay attention to travel safety.

(Source: Hangzhou Traffic Police)

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