
After the Spring Festival, see if your blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, weight, and heart rate are at the ideal level!

The year of office workers is over, and it is time to go to work.

The years of retirees are almost over, and it is time to return to their daily lives.

During the New Year, most people, the pace of life is slower, eat more "good", move more "less", the direct consequence, is that our weight is overweight, blood pressure rises, blood sugar abnormalities, blood lipids, heart rate is not normal.

After the Spring Festival, see if your blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, weight, and heart rate are at the ideal level!

These most basic indicators are abnormal, which are the most common factors leading to cardiovascular diseases, such as increased blood pressure, increased blood sugar, increased blood lipids, excessive weight, abnormal heart rate, etc. will increase the analysis of cardiovascular diseases such as angina, myocardial infarction, heart failure and so on. So we have to see if these indicators are normal.

So if you simply judge whether your blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, heart rate, and blood lipids are within the normal range?

First, whether the blood pressure is normal

After the Spring Festival, see if your blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, weight, and heart rate are at the ideal level!

Most people know that blood pressure within 140/90mmHg is normal, that is to say, the high pressure does not exceed 140mmHg, and the low pressure does not exceed 90mmHg, then it is not hypertension.

This knowledge point is right, but not rigorous, can only say that if there is no blood pressure ≥ 140/90mmHg, it is necessary to consider diagnosing hypertension. But this is not to say that blood pressure < 140/90mmHg is normal blood pressure.

At present, the ideal blood pressure of mainland adults is < 120/80mmHg, that is, the highest pressure is less than 120mmHg, and the low pressure is best lower than 80mmHg, which is considered ideal blood pressure. The downline is not higher than 90/60mmHg is normal.

So what is blood pressure between 120-140/80-90mmHg? The blood pressure in this range is a normal high value, and the blood pressure in this range, if you still do not pay attention to it, do not actively control weight, adhere to exercise, and control diet, then it will not be long, or months, or years later, it will develop to ≥ 140/90mmHg of real hypertension.

Everyone has time to measure to see how much their blood pressure is, is it at the ideal level!

Second, whether the blood sugar is normal

After the Spring Festival, see if your blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, weight, and heart rate are at the ideal level!

Friends with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar during the New Year. Friends with diabetes also know what the standard of blood sugar is.

At present, the standard of blood glucose in mainland China: fasting blood glucose reference value is 3.9-6.4mmol/L, postprandial blood glucose reference value is 4.6-7.8mmol/L, random blood glucose < 11.1mmol/L, and glycosylated hemoglobin reference value is 4-6%.

With or without diabetes, the upper range is the ideal blood glucose level.

Even if we do not have diabetes, if we have high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, obesity, diabetes family history, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc., it is recommended to take a blood sugar test after the New Year. On the one hand, this part of the people are more likely to develop diabetes, on the one hand, eating more and moving less during the New Year is easy to cause diabetes.

Diabetes is diagnosed if fasting blood glucose exceeds 7 mmol/L; diabetes is diagnosed if the random blood glucose exceeds 11.1 mmol/L; and diabetes is diagnosed if the glycosylated hemoglobin exceeds 6.5%.

After the New Year, take a blood glucose test to see if the blood sugar is normal.

Third, whether the weight is normal

After the Spring Festival, see if your blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, weight, and heart rate are at the ideal level!

Weight can not be judged solely by weighing weight, because we are different in height, so the method of relative preparation is to calculate a BMI by weight and elevation after weighing weight.

BMI = weight÷ square of height. (Weight unit: kg; height unit: meter.) )

The BMI is between: 18.5-24, indicating that the weight is not fat or thin, continue to maintain a good figure!

BMI<18.5 means too thin, BMI > 24 means too fat. It is estimated that most people have gained weight after the end of the year, so calculate their BMI as soon as possible to see if they are overweight or obese.

If you're overweight or obese, start managing your weight well.

Fourth, whether the heart rate is normal

After the Spring Festival, see if your blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, weight, and heart rate are at the ideal level!

We generally say that heart rate refers to resting heart rate, that is, the number of times the heart beats in one minute when we are quiet.

The heart rate range written in the book is 60-100 beats per minute, but in reality, we can only use this interval as a basic reference.

Our heart rate requirements cannot rely entirely on 60-100 beats per minute.

If there is no disease, then the general recommendation for a healthy heart rate is 50-90 beats per minute, of course, it must also vary from person to person, because everyone's base heart rate is different, that is, some people have a fast heart rate, and some people have a relatively slow heart rate. Athletes with good physique may usually have a relatively slow heart rate. However, in general, it should not be less than 50 times per minute, and it should not exceed 90 times per minute.

If you have high blood pressure, it is recommended to control your heart rate at about 70 beats per minute. People with high blood pressure, if the heart rate exceeds 80 beats per minute, then it is recommended to find a doctor to reduce the heart rate treatment.

If there is coronary heart disease, especially angina or myocardial infarction, then the heart rate is recommended to be controlled at about 60 beats per minute, and 55-65 beats per minute is ideal.

If there is heart failure, then the heart rate is recommended to be controlled at about 60 beats per minute, and 55-65 beats per minute is ideal.

Therefore, different groups of people, the ideal number of heart rate is different, you can refer to it.

5. Whether the blood lipids are normal

After the Spring Festival, see if your blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, weight, and heart rate are at the ideal level!

If the four indicators of blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate, and weight can be measured and compared at home, then the indicator of blood lipids can only go to the hospital for blood testing.

Because there is currently no machine to add lipid testing.

HdL lipoprotein cholesterol in blood lipids belongs to good lipids, so we don't need to pay too much attention to the cholesterol series, the cholesterol series mainly looks at LDL cholesterol, so we are most mainly concerned about triglycerides and LDL cholesterol.

Triglyceride reference values of 0.45-1.7 mmol/L are diagnosed when > 2.1 mmol/L for hyperlipidemia (hypertriglyceridemia).

If the triglyceride ≥ 5.6mmol/L, it is a high-risk value, which is easy to induce acute pancreatitis. Therefore, when it is found that triglycerides ≥ 5.6mmol/L, it is necessary to intervene with drugs as soon as possible, and at the same time, it is not overeating and drinking alcohol, so as not to induce acute pancreatitis to be fatal.

There are three different criteria for LDL:

The general population (no cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, no other risk factors) < 3.4mmol/L,

High-risk groups (hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular family history, etc.) < 2.6mmol/L;

The < of extremely high-risk groups (coronary heart disease, angina, myocardial infarction, cardiac stents, cardiac bypass, cerebral infarction, severe carotid plaque, severe peripheral blood vessel stenosis, etc.) < 1.8 mmol/L.

The Year is over, but the body does not mean that it is prepared for the New Year, the New Year is only a few days, but the body is 365 days; usually maintain the body, we can have a good New Year next year, and we can have a good New Year every year!

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