
Remember these 6 points to avoid the occurrence of angina and myocardial infarction! Especially people at home!

It is almost the New Year, there are still new crown in several places, many people are in a relatively static, it is not convenient to go to the hospital, but also to protect themselves.

Once angina or myocardial infarction occurs, we have to give first aid, but prevention is the best treatment.

The following 6 points are effective in preventing angina and myocardial infarction.

Remember these 6 points to avoid the occurrence of angina and myocardial infarction! Especially people at home!

1. Monitor blood pressure, blood sugar, and heart rate

Remember these 6 points to avoid the occurrence of angina and myocardial infarction! Especially people at home!

It is not convenient to go to the hospital, and you must not forget to monitor your blood pressure, blood sugar and heart rate.

Too high a heart rate, too high blood sugar, and too fast a heart rate can increase the risk of angina and myocardial infarction.

People with high blood pressure should have a sphygmomanometer as standard, and people with diabetes should have a blood glucose meter as standard. If you find high blood pressure or high blood sugar, in addition to adjusting your diet and exercise, consult the relevant doctor through the Internet if necessary.

The ideal blood pressure is about 120/80mmHg, when we measure blood glucose in the household ordinary blood glucose meter, the fasting blood glucose exceeds 7mmol/L, or the random blood glucose exceeds 11.1mmol/L, indicating that blood glucose control is not ideal.

If your heart rate exceeds 80 beats per minute during rest, it is best to consult a cardiovascular doctor to see how to lower your heart rate. Friends with cardiovascular disease, the ideal heart rate when quiet is 60 beats / min. The faster the heart rate, the higher the risk of angina and myocardial infarction.

Therefore, we must control blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate, and reduce the risk of angina and myocardial infarction.

Second, take medicine regularly

Remember these 6 points to avoid the occurrence of angina and myocardial infarction! Especially people at home!

Whether it is drugs that control the three highs, or cardiovascular-related drugs, such as aspirin and statin. You should take medication regularly, and don't feel that you are stable and do not need to take medicine.

Every year, we rescue many cases of angina due to private discontinuation or dressing change, resulting in angina attacks, cardiovascular stenosis aggravation, having to stent or bypass again, and even directly lead to thrombosis, sudden myocardial infarction, resulting in sudden death.

Do not stop or change the medicine without going through a regular professional doctor. Any discontinuation or change of medication carries the risk of angina or myocardial infarction.

Don't stay up late

Remember these 6 points to avoid the occurrence of angina and myocardial infarction! Especially people at home!

During the stay-at-home period, a lot of people don't go to work, or retirees, don't sleep at night, look at this, look at that. A brush is for several hours, and when I find that I am particularly sleepy, I look at the watch at 2:00 a.m.

Staying up late for a long time can lead to increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, decreased immunity, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Many of the patients who die suddenly from the cardiovascular system every year stay up late.

Fourth, eat healthy

Remember these 6 points to avoid the occurrence of angina and myocardial infarction! Especially people at home!

1, eat too much

During the stay at home, the amount of activity itself is reduced, and if you eat too much during this period, it is more difficult to digest. Therefore, during the stay at home, try to eat 70% full, must not eat brace or overeating.

Overeating, which itself will lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, while the blood flow back to the heart is reduced, coupled with the increase in the burden on the heart, these factors are intertwined, will induce myocardial ischemia angina, and even overeating will directly induce myocardial infarction.

2, eat comprehensive nutrition, but also be healthy

Cardiovascular friends eat a healthy diet and is a protracted battle. It wasn't the doctor who reminded me today, so I went back today with less oil and less salt, and in a few days I forgot the doctor's words.

It's not easy to develop a good habit; it's not easy to break a bad habit. Our high-oil, high-salt, and fine-grain diet has been eaten for decades. It's not easy to change in a lot of time. In addition to the reminder of the doctor, the reminder of the family is also needed, as well as their own perseverance.

Only those who are self-disciplined can change the high oil, high salt and high fine grains, and gradually develop a healthy diet of low salt, low oil, low sugar, more vegetables, fruits, coarse grains, and appropriate lean meat, fish, milk, and nuts.

An unhealthy diet is not conducive to the control of blood pressure, blood glucose, lipid weight, and increases the risk of angina and myocardial infarction.

5. Appropriate activities

Remember these 6 points to avoid the occurrence of angina and myocardial infarction! Especially people at home!

Stay at home, if the community can go to the community, you must remember to go out every day, activities; if you can't guarantee to go downstairs every day, you can go 3-5 times a week, each time for more than 30 minutes.

If you can't go downstairs, then do gymnastics at home, activities, treadmills, bicycles, tai chi, etc. are all considered activities. Even pacing back and forth at home is better than always sitting.

Long-term inactivity will lead to higher blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, and fatter weight; in addition, blood circulation will also slow down, more likely to occur angina or induce thrombosis, causing myocardial infarction.

Sixth, a good mindset

Remember these 6 points to avoid the occurrence of angina and myocardial infarction! Especially people at home!

If the above 5 points, most people can do it through hard work.

This last point is more difficult, because the longer you stay at home, the more specific work you have to do, and the easier it is to think wildly.

The longer you stay, the easier it is to be depressed, anxious, and in a bad mood, and the study found that anxiety increases the risk of heart attack by 9.5 times.

In a bad mood, it is easy to quarrel and get mad, and studies have found that anger can increase our risk of heart disease by 7.5 times in 2 hours.

So I have to find a way to adjust my mentality, find something to do, and can't always be idle: cooking, dragging, playing chess, listening to songs, watching cross-talk sketches, writing and writing, recording small videos, sending small articles, and so on. You can adjust your mindset.

In short, the epidemic is not over, those who are isolated at home, inconvenient to go to the hospital friends, should take care of themselves, so as not to suddenly heart disease, life-threatening!

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