
Yao Ke's performance |worldly stranger, the Divine Doctor King XII

Yao Ke's performance |worldly stranger, the Divine Doctor King XII

Doctor King XII

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Author: Feng Jicai

Credit: Yao Ke

Tianjin Wei is the pier. The ground of the dock is not good to stand, stand up, but also stand, rely on it - can withstand? Generally, you can't stand up, it depends on whether you have a unique job that is very human. In other words, everyone who has a foothold in Tianjin, no matter what kind of business or profession, must have an extraordinary skill, such as the divine doctor Wang XII who looks at the disease and cures the disease.

The Twelve Kings were divine healers. Divine doctors, one day and one place. Where god is, it is that something is wrong with you, that you are in a hurry, that you are in a hurry to die and live, that others can't do it, that he has the Fa'er, and that Fa'er is not what he originally had, but he has a flash of inspiration, is in a hurry, and he is in a hurry, and he is in a hurry, and he has his hands to get rid of the disease.

This Heavenly King XII was walking on the Kaifeng Road when he overheard someone screaming. At a glance, a blacksmith who had put a cigarette pipe on the side of the road covered the left half of his face with both hands and cried out in pain. Wang Twelve hurried over to ask him what was wrong, and the blacksmith said, "The slag of iron has burst into my eyes, and I am going to be blind!" King XII said, "Don't rub it with your hands, the deeper you knead, the more you take your hands away, open your eyes and tell me to see." The blacksmith let go of his hand and barely opened his eyes, and a small piece of black iron slag stuck to his eyeball, bursting into tears and bleeding.

Wang Twelve looked up at both sides, this street is full of all kinds of foreign goods stores, Wang Twelve likes foreigners fresh things, often come to visit. His eyes suddenly flashed, but he also had a flash of inspiration, only to hear him shout at the blacksmith, "Don't touch your eyes with both hands, I'll get it out for you right away!" "Turning around, I ran toward a foreign grocery store."

Wang Twelve entered the door of a foreign goods store, stretched out his right hand to take off the thing hanging on the wall, and casually put the green silk bag he was holding in his left hand on the counter, saying: "I take this bag as a pledge, borrow your thing to use, and return it to you immediately when I use it!" Before he could finish speaking, the man had already snatched the door and came out.

King XII ran back to the blacksmith and said, "Keep your eyes wide open!" The blacksmith opened his eyes vigorously, and Wang TWELVE did not touch him, only listening to the clanging sound, which was very slight and very clear, and then listened to Wang TWELVE: "Come out, it's all right." You blink, does it still hurt? The blacksmith blinked, and it didn't hurt at all, just like a good man. Looking at it again, Wang Twelve held up a small and sharp piece of iron slag in front of him, which was the damn thing that had just happened in his eyes! Without waiting for him to thank him, Wang Twelve had already turned back to the foreign goods store, and then turned around and came out, and his arm socket was holding the green silk bag used for the consultation and walking towards the east end of the street. The blacksmith shouted at him, "What did you do to cure me?" I have to kowtow to you! Wang Twelve's head did not return, but only raised his hand and shook it.

The blacksmith wondered and inquired about it in the foreign goods store. The clerk pointed to an object on the wall and said, "We don't know what's going on, so he said he would borrow this thing and use it, and he'll send it back later." ”

The more the blacksmith looked, the more he did not understand, and asked the clerk, "The foreigners will make it cure the eyes?" ”

The clerk said, "I haven't heard it can cure the eye!" This is an object that can absorb iron, and foreigners call it iron absorbing stone. The clerk said as he took it off the wall and sucked in the mess of iron objects on the table—iron boxes, iron clips, nails, keys, and a wire glasses frame, all of which were called to suck on it.

It turned out that King XII had made it suck out the iron slag in the eyes of the blacksmith.

God or not? Healer. Another paragraph is more divine.

This incident is on the west side of the old city, also on the street.

On that day, the horse of a carriage carrying vegetables was suddenly startled, and ran wildly through the street, and the groom could not stop shouting and pulling the reins, and the people on both sides of the street were frightened and ran to both sides, and where there were alleys, they drilled into the alleys, and those who did not have alleys hid behind trees, and where there were no trees, they stuck in the wall. The horse ran to the intersection and was greeted by a red-faced man, open-arms, revealing a round and shiny belly, a row of black chest hair, and a large centipede lying on the chest. Someone shouted at him, "Get out of the way, the horse is frightened!" ”

Who expected this big man to shout, "There's a kind of bump into your grandfather's chest!" "It looks like this man is drinking too much."

The groom shouted in a hurry in the car: "It's going to die!" ”

Then, with a loud noise, it was like knocking down a wall, knocking the big man out of the way, and falling the wall on the side of the street, as if lying tightly on the wall. The carriage then ran forward, and although the big man was not dead, he could not come down from the wall, he supported the wall with both hands, and the man did not move.

People went up to take a look, it turned out that the rib fork was broken, the broken ribs came out through the skin, just happened to be inserted into the brick seam, the impact was too strong, too deep, could not be pulled out. The big man shouted in pain.

A person shouted: "If you pull hard again, the middle breath in your stomach will dissipate, and the person will be finished!" ”

Another shouted: "Can't exert yourself, the rib fork is broken, and the person is crippled!" ”

No one has ever touched this, and no one can do anything about it.

The big man shouted, "Save me, I'm going to die here!" "The sound was deafening. A few people rolled up their sleeves to go up and drag him.

At this time, I heard someone not far away shouting: "Don't move, I'll come." ”

People turned their heads to look, only to see a small old man running toward this side not far away. This little old man had a bare head, a gray jacket, and extremely fast legs and feet. Someone recognized it as King XII, the Divine Healer, and said, "There is salvation." ”

Only to see That Wang Xi'er first went to the left, took two steps to a shaving stall, shoved the small green silk bag in his hand into the shaver's hand, and said, "First escort to you." "I took a white towel from the shelf of the shaving stall, soaked it in the copper basin with hot water next to it, and ran straight to the big man. His hands and feet were sharp, and he didn't delay his work in these few strokes, and the white hand towel in his hand dripped water and steamed all the way.

Wang Twelve ran to the front of the big Han, his left hand wrapped around the big Man's waist from behind, and his right hand covered the hot wet hand towel on the big Man's face, even the nose and mouth were tightly covered, the Big Han screamed and struggled hard, and Wang Twelve stubbornly hugged and covered, just refusing to let go. The big man must have been swearing all the time, but it sounded like a whimpering pig howling. Only to see the big man holding his head red and swollen face, the qi in his body could not come out of his nose and mouth, his chest bulged up, the drums became bigger and bigger, it was frighteningly big, only to listen to the sound of "bang", and the rib fork nailed to the crack in the wall withdrew on its own. Wang Twelve's hands were loose, and the strength of the great han was also loosened, and he sat down on the ground and made a sound: "Lao Tzu is alive." ”

Wang Twelve said, "Hurry up and send him to see the doctor to pick up the bones." "Turn around and return the white hand towel to the shaver, retrieve his green silk bag for the clinic and leave, good race has not happened."

But all those present were stunned.


Yao Ke's performance |worldly stranger, the Divine Doctor King XII

Painted: Feng Jicai

Author: Feng Jicai, contemporary Chinese writer, painter, cultural scholar and social activist. Originally from Ningbo, Zhejiang, he was born in Tianjin in 1942. He has published more than 100 novels, essays, essays, documentary literature and other works. This book won the 7th Lu Xun Literature Award.

Reciter: Yao Ke, the host of the Voice of China of the Central Radio and Television Corporation, has a magnetic voice and is a person who integrates the world with his soul and voice.

Source: Hear the Classics

Reviewer: Pan Qiwen

Editor: Min Sun

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