
There is a handsome child at home is convenient [sneaking laughter], Peng Gaofeng wanted to find someone to try it, and he casually grabbed Lele, although wearing thick pajamas, but it did not affect the handsome man image of Lele at all! All said

author:Interesting sky lH

There is a handsome child at home is convenient [sneaking laughter], Peng Gaofeng wanted to find someone to try it, and he casually grabbed Lele, although wearing thick pajamas, but it did not affect the handsome man image of Lele at all! It is said that the son follows the mother, but the two sons of the Peng Gaofeng family are the father and mother genetic division of labor is clear [cover the face], the old lele completely inherited the mother's beauty, tall and handsome, the second son regretted to follow his father, haha said that it will not be killed [cover his face], in fact, the second is also very cute [sneaking laughter], netizens suggest that Le Le and Zhuo Zhuo after getting a combination together is called "big smart combination", well, the name is good, waiting for the official to announce the debut [laughs]

There is a handsome child at home is convenient [sneaking laughter], Peng Gaofeng wanted to find someone to try it, and he casually grabbed Lele, although wearing thick pajamas, but it did not affect the handsome man image of Lele at all! All said
There is a handsome child at home is convenient [sneaking laughter], Peng Gaofeng wanted to find someone to try it, and he casually grabbed Lele, although wearing thick pajamas, but it did not affect the handsome man image of Lele at all! All said
There is a handsome child at home is convenient [sneaking laughter], Peng Gaofeng wanted to find someone to try it, and he casually grabbed Lele, although wearing thick pajamas, but it did not affect the handsome man image of Lele at all! All said
There is a handsome child at home is convenient [sneaking laughter], Peng Gaofeng wanted to find someone to try it, and he casually grabbed Lele, although wearing thick pajamas, but it did not affect the handsome man image of Lele at all! All said

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