
Get a job change, get a divorce! The story of comrade-in-arms Lao Zhang. 12 years ago, the old Zhang Jingren introduced himself to Xiaoyu in the station, and the two fell in love at first sight, Xiaoyu was an only daughter, and worked in public institutions

author:Xiao Hecai revealed Xuan Xuanjiao

Get a job change, get a divorce!

The story of comrade-in-arms Lao Zhang.

12 years ago, the old Zhang Jingren introduced to the station Xiaoyu, the two fell in love at first sight, Xiaoyu is an only child, the institution worked, their family hopes that this son-in-law can often live in the station, and then transfer to the city, Xiaoyu's parents are at ease, and Lao Zhang also promised to work in the army commander.

The first time to take Xiaoyu back to the countryside of Guizhou's hometown, the mountain road is not good, the conditions at home are not good, but Xiaoyu did not complain, after returning to the parents-in-law asked, she also said very good, the other only mentioned.

This made Lao Zhang very grateful for Xiaoyu's reasonableness.

Lao Zhang is usually very busy at work, and the family relies on his father-in-law and mother-in-law to help take care of it.

The father-in-law always arranged various meals to let Lao Zhang integrate, Lao Zhang did not want to participate so he shirked, and the father-in-law who served in the local organ unit began to complain, and the yin and yang strange atmosphere insinuated that the son-in-law did not show up.

Returning to his hometown on a vacation, Lao Zhang faced his elderly parents and meditated that he had served in the army for a long time, and he had failed to fulfill his responsibility as a son for more than ten years, and he felt guilty in his heart.

In case the parents have a three long and two short, they will regret it for a lifetime, the family usually relies on the sister to go back to the mother's house to see the elderly, a few years ago, his mother was hospitalized with cerebral hemorrhage and he could not go home to serve.

The old classmates of the past also warmly received him, and the life of the old classmates really made him envious, without having to leave his hometown, and doing a smooth career in his own network, some rose high, some made a fortune.

With the increase of age, the transfer of jobs is on the agenda, and the old Zhang Tieding is set to return to his hometown in Guizhou!

Xiao Yu, who was pampered and nurtured by his parents, cried his heart out and his temper became worse and worse after learning Lao Zhang's thoughts.

The strong father-in-law and mother-in-law said that they must change jobs in the city and divorce their daughters if they do not obey.

A pair of children, daughter 10 years old, son 6 years old.

The local that does not melt into the home that creates cracks.

Lao Zhang asked Xiao Yu, "Are you really unwilling to follow me?" ”

Xiao Yu replied, "My parents are right, you have a purpose, you have to go on your own!" ”

"Go back and find someone to give you a better job than you do now, and take our parents to live..."

"I don't listen! You're a liar! Promised my parents to stay here and not leave? You have changed, you have become unknown to me! "The light rain is crying and making trouble.

The mother-in-law has even found a lawyer, "My daughter-in-law with a son will not be good to remarry, sweet stay, you take Taotao away." ”

Lao Zhang couldn't sleep all night for a long time, and this pain was painful.

Daughter Tiantian and son Taotao are his heart meat, a pair of living treasures, well-behaved and caring daughters, the sons of tiger heads.

However, in the face of a strong wife and family, ye Luo's idea of returning to the root occupied his heart.

Unable to bear the torture, his heart was crossed, and he left!

The house belongs to Xiaoyu and his daughter, and he takes his son back to his hometown from scratch.

"Sister, when I come back, we'll play together!" The son said against the glass of the car.

"Well, I'll wait for you to come back, and you'll have to come back as soon as possible!" The daughter waved.

This is the dialogue between the two brothers and sisters when they are separated, thousands of kilometers across the province, perhaps, far away.

May time be the best medicine to heal all wounds!

When people reach middle age, some things are opened, and some things are still not open.

Some people say that Lao Zhang's heart is too cruel, or that Lao Zhang is too stupid, put a good provincial capital J city conditions do not stay, have to go back to the poor conditions of the hometown county, some people say that Xiaoyu should not listen to her parents, her parents should not be so strong to stir up the mix.

There is a saying that there is no perfect marriage, but one party has learned to accommodate.

In the military marriage of the two places, only the parties concerned understand the taste.

#Marriage #Cruel Truths in Marriage # #军人 #

Get a job change, get a divorce! The story of comrade-in-arms Lao Zhang. 12 years ago, the old Zhang Jingren introduced himself to Xiaoyu in the station, and the two fell in love at first sight, Xiaoyu was an only daughter, and worked in public institutions
Get a job change, get a divorce! The story of comrade-in-arms Lao Zhang. 12 years ago, the old Zhang Jingren introduced himself to Xiaoyu in the station, and the two fell in love at first sight, Xiaoyu was an only daughter, and worked in public institutions
Get a job change, get a divorce! The story of comrade-in-arms Lao Zhang. 12 years ago, the old Zhang Jingren introduced himself to Xiaoyu in the station, and the two fell in love at first sight, Xiaoyu was an only daughter, and worked in public institutions

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