
Car 300: Hydrogen car becomes the official car of the Winter Olympics! Hydrogenation takes 5 minutes and the range is 850 km

With the official opening of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the eyes of the world have focused on the Winter Olympic Games, in addition to watching the wonderful competitions of athletes from all over the world on the field, the vehicles providing transportation protection outside the stadium have also become the focus of everyone's attention.

Car 300: Hydrogen car becomes the official car of the Winter Olympics! Hydrogenation takes 5 minutes and the range is 850 km

In fact, as early as last October, there were media reports that the Beijing Winter Olympics would use 140 Toyota hydrogen fuel cell vehicle Mirai, the mileage of this car can reach 850 km, which triggered a discussion among netizens at the time, and many people sighed: Hydrogen energy is the real new energy!

The Beijing Winter Olympics operated a total of more than 1,000 hydrogen energy vehicles, including hydrogen fuel cell buses, cars, special vehicles, etc. from Toyota, Geely, BAIC, Yutong, Foton and other car companies, and equipped with more than 30 hydrogen refueling stations, which is the world's largest collective operation activity of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles so far.

Car 300: Hydrogen car becomes the official car of the Winter Olympics! Hydrogenation takes 5 minutes and the range is 850 km

Hydrogen energy vehicles not only have the advantages of long mileage of fuel vehicles and fast fuel replenishment, but also have the advantages of quiet electric vehicles and large low-speed torque, and the product released is 100% pure water, which truly achieves zero emissions.

Moreover, compared with the lithium battery used in pure electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel cells are much less affected by low temperatures in winter, and can be started in an environment of minus 30 °C, and the charging speed is beyond the reach of pure electric vehicles.

Car 300: Hydrogen car becomes the official car of the Winter Olympics! Hydrogenation takes 5 minutes and the range is 850 km

Although today's new energy vehicle market seems to have been occupied by electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles, in fact, hydrogen fuel cells and pure electric technology are almost simultaneous in the initial stage, and since the successful bid for the Winter Olympics, hydrogen energy has also experienced rapid development in China.

During the 2020 Shanghai Auto Show, Great Wall, Hongqi and SAIC Maxus all demonstrated their self-developed hydrogen energy technologies or models. In addition, Zhangjiakou's hydrogen energy vehicles have been running for more than 3 years, with a cumulative journey of more than 21 million kilometers and a passenger capacity of more than 65 million passengers, which can also be said to have a certain guarantee in terms of safety.

Car 300: Hydrogen car becomes the official car of the Winter Olympics! Hydrogenation takes 5 minutes and the range is 850 km

At present, the development of hydrogen fuel cells is mainly limited by the low penetration rate of base stations and energy manufacturing.

The penetration rate of hydrogen refueling stations is dwarfed by charging stations and substations, not to mention gas stations, and the manufacturing costs of hydrogen refueling stations and hydrogen are very high, which makes the popularity of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in China a difficult task.

Car 300: Hydrogen car becomes the official car of the Winter Olympics! Hydrogenation takes 5 minutes and the range is 850 km

The large-scale use of hydrogen energy vehicles at the Winter Olympics shows that hydrogen energy vehicles have been officially recognized, and the mainland's support for hydrogen energy development has also been implemented into specific policies.

According to media reports, there are 30 provinces and more than 150 cities in the country mentioned hydrogen energy development in their "14th Five-Year Plan", and more than 50 cities have issued special plans for the development of local hydrogen energy industry, according to the planning goals of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, by 2025, more than 1,000 hydrogen refueling stations will be built nationwide, and more than 54,000 hydrogen energy vehicles will be promoted.

Car 300: Hydrogen car becomes the official car of the Winter Olympics! Hydrogenation takes 5 minutes and the range is 850 km

Through this Winter Olympics, hydrogen energy vehicles will be understood by more people, and the day when hydrogen fuel cells will be widely promoted may not be far away.

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