
1-year-old baby's kidneys are full of stones, doctor: these complementary foods must not be eaten randomly! Parents must pay attention!

When the various organs of children have not yet developed well, it is easy to get sick, especially the development of the spleen and stomach is lagging behind, many adults love to eat things, children can not digest with eating, diarrhea and vomiting, colds and fevers, all kinds of major diseases and small diseases have come. No wonder the saying goes, "illness comes from the mouth", which does make sense.

Some parents feel that the child grows slowly, very anxious to feed the child "adult meal", the baby is not yet 4 months old, began to add complementary food, and when the child grows to 1 year old, it will be a big fish and meat every day. Parents are very proud of their children to eat well, they can definitely grow up, do not know that the child's body, is such a step by step ruined.

1-year-old baby's kidneys are full of stones, doctor: these complementary foods must not be eaten randomly! Parents must pay attention!

Recently, there is a message in the parenting group: there is a bao mom meal for the child to make egg soup to eat, the child's whole body is puffy, for several days without peeing, constantly crying, go to the hospital to see that the kidneys are full of stones. The picture of the inspection also saw that other bao moms sent it, a small white dot, too scary. The child is so young, he has suffered so many sins, when the mother has an unshirkable responsibility, many things really can't remember, how can the complementary food be eaten randomly!

1-year-old baby's kidneys are full of stones, doctor: these complementary foods must not be eaten randomly! Parents must pay attention!

1. Broth, fish broth, bone broth

When the baby grows up to the 4th month, it is almost possible to add complementary foods, and it is generally recommended to feed the child some rice and rice noodles at the beginning, and the child can adapt quickly. But in this way, the disadvantages are also more obvious, that is, the child's nutrition may not keep up, so some parents want to feed their children some broth, fish soup, bone soup, etc., to supplement the child's nutrition. The problem lies here, the child can not digest these greasy nutrients at all, and it is easy to be supplemented into a small disease seedling that accumulates food.

1-year-old baby's kidneys are full of stones, doctor: these complementary foods must not be eaten randomly! Parents must pay attention!

2. Ordinary soy milk powder, protein powder

When parents feed their children soy milk powder and protein powder, they must pay attention to choosing special meals. Because these ordinary powders are too different from the baby's exclusive complementary food nutrients, children under 3 years old eat it, and the probability will hurt the body, and the result is that the more you eat these nutrients, the worse the body is.

1-year-old baby's kidneys are full of stones, doctor: these complementary foods must not be eaten randomly! Parents must pay attention!

3. Almost all dairy products

Milk and milk products, most of them are rich in nutrients, but this is for adults, children under 1 year old must not eat dairy products, because dairy products contain protein, minerals, sugar and salt, etc., far higher than the amount required by the child's body, some yogurt may also contain bacteria that are not suitable for the child's physique, and after eating it, it will destroy the balance of bacteria and cause intestinal disorders.

1-year-old baby's kidneys are full of stones, doctor: these complementary foods must not be eaten randomly! Parents must pay attention!

Before the child is 1 year old, parents should be extra careful about what they eat in their mouths. Be sure to pay attention to the basic principles of complementary feeding:

From the type to the quantity is from less to more; from thin to thick; from fine to coarse; from one to many.

Eating each new food needs to be observed for at least three days to see if there are adverse reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea, allergies, etc.; if any kind of complementary food is added, there is skin eczema aggravation, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., the addition of such food should be suspended for at least 3 months.

Do not add sugar or salt until 1 year old. Adding salt to complementary foods will increase the burden on your child's kidneys. No honey is added for 1 year of age. Do not add so-called children's soy sauce. Without adding juice, it is recommended to eat puree and fruit pieces. Add vegetable oil in an appropriate amount. No added nuts.

Start with a paste-rich food and gradually enrich the food variety.

Based on the adjustment of the baby's adaptation, there is no unified recommendation.

During the baby's illness, the addition of new varieties should be postponed.

Your baby's growth status is the gold standard for evaluating the suitability of complementary foods.

【Foods not recommended】

Baby food supplements within 1 year of age do not add salt, less sugar, less oil!

Do not eat fresh milk, egg whites, shelled seafood, soybeans, peanuts, etc. within 1 year of age!

Honey cannot be consumed for 1 year old!

It is not recommended to eat dried fruits, one is that dried fruits have a high risk of allergies, and the other is that it is easy to choke and cause suffocation. If the child is older, the mother must crush and feed the dried fruit, and do not let the child eat it alone to avoid danger!

【Precautions for drinking water for babies】

Because the World Health Organization recommends that there is no need to drink additional water for babies during breast milk or formula 6 months ago, babies need to be properly hydrated after the addition of complementary foods. So in general, after 6 months, you can give some water to drink in moderation, with a spoon or straw cup. It is not recommended to give the baby to drink any vegetable water juice, and the taste of food is not conducive to drinking water later, the child's sense of taste will form a preference for something with taste, so it is easy to eat.

(Source: Maternal and Infant Vision)

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