
"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

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"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

Tao Huimin

The famous actor Tao Huimin became popular in the country in the 1980s and is still active in the film and television circle. She has starred in a series of film and television dramas such as "Five Daughters Bye Shou", "Beautiful Prisoner", "Dream of the Red Chamber" series of movies, "Yang Naiwu and the Little Cabbage", "Happiness with You", "Old Aunt", "Legend of Guanyin", "Family Banquet", "Sorrow Against the River", "Late Spring" and so on, which are deeply loved by the audience.

Tao Huimin and her first husband Shang Qingmin had a daughter, after which Shang Qingmin unfortunately died young. After Tao Huimin remarried her second husband, the dancer Wang Shizhong, what was her emotional state?

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Tao Huimin was born in 1966 in Ruian, Zhejiang Province, to an ordinary worker family, and has been a beautiful billet since childhood. Although her parents' work has nothing to do with literature and art, Tao Huimin can sing and dance, beautiful and flexible. In 1978, when Tao Huimin was just 12 years old, the Ruian County Yue Opera Troupe openly recruited young actors.

"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

At that time, there were more than 3,000 children who took the exam, and only 3 people were admitted. As a result, after Tao Huimin sang a song "Nanniwan", she was successfully admitted by the main examination teacher.

Because Tao Huimin and the students were going to represent Ruian County in the "Little Hundred Flowers" literary and art performance in Zhejiang Province, the Yue Opera Troupe sent them to the provincial art school in Hangzhou for further study.

Later, in the performance, Tao Huimin performed quite well and represented the whole province in Hong Kong. In the Repertoire of the Yue opera "Five Daughters Bai Shou", Tao Huimin played the fifth daughter "Wu Feng", and emerged in the Yue opera circle.

"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

After the performance, Tao Huimin stayed in Hangzhou and, together with other outstanding young actors, was absorbed by relevant departments to form the Zhejiang Xiaobaihuayue Opera Troupe.

Tao Huimin is born beautiful, beautiful as a flower, and is a famous beauty. In 1984, Changchun Film Studio planned to shoot the Yue opera film "Five Daughters Baishou", and Tao Huimin was lucky to be selected, still playing the fifth daughter "Wu Feng" in the play. After the release of the film, it was a sensation, and "Five Daughters Bye Shou" still has a high click rate on the Internet, which can be called a classic Yue opera movie.

"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

Stills from "The Beautiful Prisoner"

"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

Stills from Tao Huimin's "Dream of the Red Chamber"

In the following years, Tao Huimin starred in many film and television dramas such as "Beautiful Prisoner", "Dream of the Red Chamber" series of films, "Yang Naiwu and the Little Cabbage", and became a famous actress who became popular in the 1980s. "Lin Daiyu" and "little cabbage" have also become synonymous with Tao Huimin.

In 1989, Tao Huimin married, her husband is Shang Qingmin, a dance teacher, who teaches ethnic dance at an art college in Hangzhou. After marriage, the couple had a daughter "Tao Rong".

Shang Qingmin is gentle and kind, and is very supportive of Tao Huimin's career. Tao Huimin is filming and performing in other places, and in addition to going to work, he also has to take care of his daughter and handle everything in the family properly. Tao Huimin never had to worry about the chores at home and was single-mindedly busy with work.

"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

Tao Huimin and actor Cai Gang

The two were very affectionate and never blushed. Her husband once made a request to Tao Huimin: not to take the passion play. Tao Huimin fully respects her husband and never shoots film and television dramas with passionate and hot shots.

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Originally, Tao Huimin was afraid of being out of shape and getting old, and was not ready to have a baby. Although the husband wanted to be a father, he did not give birth to it, and he pressed his thoughts tightly to his heart.

However, when the couple went out together, Tao Huimin found that her husband could not move her legs when she saw the other children, and her eyes showed love and fatherly tenderness. This deeply touched Tao Huimin.

"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

In addition, as she grew older, a strong maternal love began to flow in her heart. When Tao Huimin told her husband that we wanted a baby, Shang Qingmin burst into tears.

Half a month after giving birth, Tao Huimin began to exercise and shape. With the support of her husband, she lost 20 pounds in more than two months. Due to proper maintenance and good recovery, Tao Huimin, who became a mother, did not change much in appearance, figure and prenatal, which did not affect her to take over the role at all.

Tao Huimin understood her husband's difficulty, and rushed to do housework after filming home. She doesn't have to work part-time, cooks her own meals, and kneels on the floor with a towel to wipe the floor. The daughter inherited Tao Huimin's beauty, smart and lovely, and the family of three often played games at home. The daughter plays Sun Wukong, Tao Huimin plays the Eight Precepts of the Pig, and Shang Qingmin plays the Tang monk, and the couple and their daughter are happy and harmonious.

"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

Tao Huimin and Zhang Kaili

In 1993, Tao Huimin was invited to participate in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala and cooperated with Ma Lan to perform the Yue opera "Visiting the Temple Fair". It just so happened that the leader of the Nanjing Frontline Cultural and Labor Troupe also led the actors to rehearse the program "Anti-Heaven song", and Tao Huimin got to know them.

In 1994, the Television Art Center of the Nanjing Military Region filmed the TV series "There is a Sea On the Other Side of the Mountain" in Qingdao, but it has not found a suitable candidate for the heroine.

Shao Junlin, head of the Nanjing Military Region's frontline drama troupe, took the initiative to call Tao Huimin and invited her to come and shoot the drama. Tao Huimin's acting skills and professionalism have impressed the crew.

"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

Stills of Tao Huimin

Two years later, Tao Huimin was specially recruited into the army and became a professional actor in the Nanjing Military Region's Frontline Drama Troupe.

After joining the army, Tao Huimin's film and television road was smoother, and she has played an important role in many film and television dramas such as "DA Division", "Great Qing Fengyun", "Reading Companion", "Chasing the Sun" and so on, and has been active in the forefront of film and television.

It is worth mentioning that "DA Division" is a huge military theme jointly launched by the CCTV Film and Television Department and the Nanjing Military Region, and it is quite cautious about the selection of actors.

"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

Stills of Tao Huimin and Wang Zhiwen's "DA Division"

Tao Huimin's appearance is weak, and the main creative staff once had a serious disagreement, worried that she would not be able to be the female number one. After many discussions, Tao Huimin was finally settled. Among more than a dozen candidate actresses, Tao Huimin won.

When the good news came, Tao Huimin burst into tears. In fact, during the waiting period, 5 crews have found Tao Huimin and let her play the female number one. But she has been waiting for the final verdict of "DA Division".

She said: "I am an actor in the Nanjing Military Region Repertory Theatre, of course, I must focus on the work in the troupe. Even if in the end, "DA Division" did not choose me, I would not have an opinion. ”

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At that time, Tao Huimin had a brilliant career, her husband was considerate, her daughter was smart, and many people envied her living in a honeypot. However, after 2005, Shang Qingmin suddenly fell seriously ill. Tao Huimin tried everything to save her husband, but still could not save Shang Qingmin's life.

"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

The middle-aged widow and the daughter are still underage, so that Tao Huimin is immersed in great grief. She told herself over and over again that living well with her daughter was the best way to miss her husband. However, she could not do it emotionally at all, and has been living in the shadow of widowhood.

It was fine to go outside to shoot a movie, but once she returned to her home in Nanjing, her emotions were like two people. Because of her deep sensitivity to Shang Qing, Tao Huimin decided to take her daughter and grow old alone in the memory of her husband.

It was not until the appearance of the dancer Wang Shizhong that Tao Huimin rekindled the confidence of love marriage. Born in Lucheng, Wenzhou in 1960, Wang Shizhong graduated from the Zhejiang Provincial Art School at the age of 18 and worked as a dancer in the provincial song and dance troupe for three years.

"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

Wang Shizhong and Zhang Yimou

Later, Wang Shizhong returned to the Provincial Art School (now the Zhejiang Provincial Art Vocational College) to teach, and Zhou Xun was discovered by him. At that time, the Beijing Film Studio contacted Wang Shizhong according to the wall calendar, and he contacted Zhou Xun again, pushing her onto the road of acting.

Wang Shizhong is not only handsome and talented, but also a warm man. What makes Tao Hui particularly sensitive is that he is very patient with his daughter Tao Rong and cares for him in life and studies.

Wang Shizhong can be good to his daughter, and Tao Huimin feels that remarriage has a guarantee of happiness. Under the pursuit of Wang Shizhong, Tao Huimin took her daughter to start a family with him.

"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

Tao Huimin in the crew

With a new life, Tao Huimin strives to say goodbye to the past and puts her feelings and passion into her new family. When she was not filming, she continued to be a virtuous wife and kept her home in order. Tao Huimin is low-key and introverted, does not like to socialize, and often stays at home to do housework and cook for the family.

Wang Shizhong understands and supports his wife, and no matter how long Tao Huimin has been filming outside, he has no complaints. When Tao Huimin returned home from filming, he often went to the airport or train station to meet him. Tao Rong's feelings with Wang Shizhong are also very deep, and he regards him as his biological father in his mind.

It is said that the remarried couple is separated from each other, but Tao Huimin and Wang Shizhong have a harmonious relationship and are not defensive at all, and the couple has no personal secrets.

"Lin Daiyu" Tao Huimin: The early death of her ex-husband, what is the emotional situation after remarriage? 010203

In 2021, Tao Huimin is 55 years old, because of a happy marriage and a comfortable life, she looks younger than her actual age. Although there have been misfortunes and twists and turns in life, Tao Huimin finally found happiness, and she felt that this was the favor of heaven. Therefore, Tao Huimin also cherishes the marriage and this love affair!


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