
Children who are often yelled at, iq can change amazingly! Do you still yell at your child after you know the truth?

Scientists once did an experiment in which they took two 3-year-olds and did a brain scan.

The 2 children of the same age, the same gender, and the family situation are similar, the only difference is that one child is often praised, and one is often scolded.

As a result, their brain scans were very different.

Children who are often yelled at, iq can change amazingly! Do you still yell at your child after you know the truth?

Children who are often scolded have a noticeablely smaller brain. The brain volume becomes smaller, and the intellectual development will be seriously impaired.

Children who are often yelled at and abused by their parents grow up with an average verbal IQ of only 112 points, which is 12 points lower than those who do not suffer verbal violence.

There is a phenomenon in psychology called the "suggestion effect", which means that when parents yell at their children, they will bring negative and critical negative psychological hints to their children.

In the long run, children will gradually internalize these negative judgments into their own evaluations, until they really become "bad children" and "stupid children" in the mouths of their parents.

Children who are often yelled at, iq can change amazingly! Do you still yell at your child after you know the truth?

British Education Association professor Stappen believes:

Yell at your child, especially repeatedly rebuke your child, and your child will be hurt more than if you were beaten!

On the knowledge, some netizens shared their posts on "what kind of experience it was to be scolded by my mother since I was a child".

His mother would often scold him for a small matter, and any extreme words of "beasts, pigs and dogs are better, let him get out" had been smashed into his heart.

Being scolded has become a habit, and although I suffered from school violence in middle school, I could only bear it because I was afraid of being yelled at by my mother.

Now 19 years old, he lives a lonely and torturous life, and even has the idea of taking his own life.

For children, every high-decibel scolding voice of parents is a destruction of the child's spirit, and for a long time, the child will have depression, inferiority, autism and other psychological problems.

Children who are often yelled at, iq can change amazingly! Do you still yell at your child after you know the truth?

Many parents will subconsciously label their children as "rebellious, disobedient, and ignorant" when they are resisted and rejected.

Then he transformed the irritable emotions he had accumulated into a yelling and scolding way to attack the child and force the child to submit.

But in fact, the high-decibel "yelling" communication method of parents cannot really solve the contradiction between parents and children, but will make the parent-child relationship become rigid.

Xiaobian always believes that yelling at children is the wrong way of education, rather than "tit-for-tat confrontation" with children, it is better to go into their hearts, follow the good temptations, guide children to form correct concepts, develop good behavior habits, so that parents can worry about it, and children are happy.

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