
Can't control yelling kids? Don't wait for the roar to regret it, these 4 methods to take and use, simple and effective

Did you not stop yelling at the child?

As a result, as soon as you turn around, your anger has not subsided, but the child is already cat in your arms, sweetly calling the mother, looking at the child's small face still hanging with tears, regret it? How I was so impulsive just now, how I couldn't help but yell at the child again.

Many mothers have such an experience, the child has made a mistake, can't help a roar, or a beating, but after the beating, scolding, and then began to regret, and secretly warned themselves, next time must not be so rough. But next time, it will still repeat the same mistakes, negative cycle, while can't help but yell at the child, while living in guilt and self-blame.

In the book "When Anger Hurts Your Child", it is mentioned:

"Anger that accumulates in the family has an impact on almost every important period of a child's adolescence. Anger casts a long shadow, not only with immediate lethality, but also with damage to a child's emotional intelligence and sociality. ”

We all know that yelling children are very bad for children's growth, so is there a better way to replace yelling?

Today cream mom shared 4 small methods, allowing mothers to adjust their emotions in time before the emotional outburst, the method is very simple, but very effective.

First, lower your voice and speak at a slower pace

When emotions erupt, the main manifestation is to raise your voice and speak loudly. This is the simplest and most direct way for many people to vent their emotions, and when they are angry, they feel like there is a fire in their hearts, and the sound of speaking at this time is like the wind, and the stronger the wind, the more vigorous the fire.

So, mothers can try, lower their voices and slow down their speech, the purpose of slowing down is so that you can talk while thinking.

The child's own comprehension ability is limited, if you are angry, angry and anxious to talk to the child a lot, for the child, what effective information can he receive? How can he, in your anger, quickly understand what is wrong with him?

So, when you are angry and your emotions cannot be suppressed, you may wish to try, lower your voice, and slow down your speech.

Second, give your child another chance

We always say that fairy tales are unscrupulous, indeed, sometimes children will say something offensive to parents, or when they get along with other children, they will inadvertently say some impolite words, and the most common way to deal with it at this time is that the mother thunders a roar, and the result is that the child is scared.

At this time, we can change this opportunity to give the child another chance, and the mother can directly tell the child: What did you just say? Oh, let's do it again, let's show the mother what the polite child says?

Many times the child's words are unconscious, if you yell, but the child remembers the sentence, so you can try this more humorous, friendly way to remind the child. This effect will be much better than yelling.

Third, meditate on 5 numbers in the mind

You can recall the scene of our yelling children in life, in fact, many times it is not because the child has made this mistake, but because the problem that the child has appeared affects the mother's feelings.

For example, if the child breaks a certain brand of skin care water that you have spent a lot of money to buy, many people subconsciously go to yell at the child at this time, but is it really because the child has done something wrong?

No. It's because the kids are ruining your money.

For example, the child is playing with the slide outside, the child snaps, falls on a big horse, the most common reaction of the mother at this time is to yell, stupid to die, how can you be so careless, this time you are angry because you are worried that the child fell and hurts?

No, you feel that your children can't do such a simple thing, so you feel very ashamed.

In fact, it is not that you want to yell at the child, but this "feeling" forces you to vent your emotions by yelling at the child. So, from now on, when you see your child making a mistake, don't be in a hurry to make a sound, and first mentally recite 5 numbers.

Fourth, leave the battlefield first and give yourself a calm time and space

When a child makes a mistake, the best way for the mother not to get angry, not to yell or scold is to stay away from the battlefield.

You know, whether the child breaks your lipstick, or the laundry detergent with water to play a romantic bubble date, if you are in a good mood, neither worry about the child's homework at night, nor worry about the car loan and mortgage credit card that should be repaid tomorrow, then of course you will be very patient with the child to clean up the mess.

But if at this time, you have just been scolded by the boss in the company to the point of bloodshed or have just finished washing clothes, mopping the floor, making a good meal, or just putting a one-year-old child to sleep, I think I have the temperament, and then the mothers who have nurtured, when you see these scenes, it is really difficult to suppress your constantly rising blood pressure.

Therefore, the best way to deal with this situation is to stay away from the battlefield, give yourself a calm time and space, and wait for your emotions to be adjusted, and then face the little god beast at home.

Maybe at the same time that you go outside to calm yourself, your little god beast and pig teammates can also find out in good conscience and take the initiative to clean up the battlefield.

I always say: Mom is also a human being, and there are times when I am sleepy and tired and can't hold on. In fact, a lot of times we yell at our kids, really because we can't hold on a bit.

Imagine if life does not have chai rice oil and salt, no children, only wind and snow, which woman is not gentle as water? If there is a person who can understand your heart, understand your suffering, and feel sorry for your helplessness, then who would not want to be a gentle and delicate little woman?

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