
Ministry of Education: After the start of the school year, the school will hold a "double reduction" special parent meeting (with practical guide)

On February 15, the Ministry of Education held the first 2022 "Education New Year" series of press conferences to introduce the key tasks of basic education in 2022 and the relevant work requirements for the opening of kindergartens in primary and secondary schools.

Lu Yugang, director of the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education, proposed that after the school opens, it is necessary to hold a special parents' meeting to comprehensively introduce the results of the school's "double reduction" work in the autumn semester last year, especially the quality assurance of education and teaching, actively listen to the opinions and suggestions of parents on further doing a good job in the "double reduction" work this semester, and effectively enhance the joint efforts of parents and schools to do a good job in the "double reduction" work. It is hoped that all schools in all localities will attach great importance to and conscientiously do a good job in the opening of schools.

After the start of the spring semester of 2022, how to hold a parent-teacher conference under the background of "double subtraction"? How can we get the most out of our parent-teacher conference? To give you some practical advice for parent-teacher conferences, let's take a look!

Ministry of Education: After the start of the school year, the school will hold a "double reduction" special parent meeting (with practical guide)

Tell parents to be clear about their role

Psychological nutritionist: Give your child a piece of spiritual strength

When a child encounters troubles, can we make him willing to open his heart and talk to him with confidence? When a child encounters setbacks, can we find out in time to give him spiritual strength? When children encounter problems, can we comfort and encourage them in time? When a child makes a mistake, can we decipher his psychological code and care for his inner temperature? You know, making your child a physically and mentally healthy person is more important than grades.

Learning Leader: Set a good example for children

In the process of children's learning, parents are not supervisors, not correctors, but leaders. What we have to do is to make ourselves a role model in the eyes of our children.

The real best education is the behavioral level, so that the way children really act is always to teach by example, when parents fall in love with learning from the heart and continue to grow, children can naturally draw sufficient energy from it. Be a growth parent, let your continuous learning, continuous growth, and continuous pulling together the role model action, influence the child, change the child, and achieve the child!

Life Coach: Give your child direction in life

Parents are the most important mentors in a child's life. A person's growth, without the guidance of the teacher, can not recognize the direction of life, let alone practical thinking and action.

When children have no goals, parents should do a good job of guiding the direction, helping children to aspire, closely linking personal learning and growth with the fate of the country, and helping children find endogenous motivation for growth.

Habit Supervisor: Escort your child's growth

The "double reduction" policy landed, instead of focusing on whether the child's performance declined, it is better to take a step back and re-cultivate the child's learning habits in order to truly escort the child's growth. Forming a habit that is truly valuable and suitable for children in the persistent run-in requires the patience of parents, the persistence of supervision, and timely consolidation.

Interested Partner: Combat specialty training

The child's interests and needs should be determined by the child himself, not by the cognition of the parents, who are partners in the child's interests, not the deciders. Therefore, at this time, we should pay more attention to cultivating children's self-discovery ability, and use the spare time to cultivate children's interests, develop interests into life dreams, and be a good child's dream partner.

How parents can help

Be a high-quality companion

Be interactive with your child. Accompanying children should pay attention to personal education.

Parents' high-quality companionship and dedication to their ability are the education that children need most.

Be a wise escort

To "manage" children, we should pay more attention to the physical and mental health of children, study children, and effectively guide them with appropriate educational methods.

In the face of complex and diverse problems in the growth of children, parents need to self-reflect and grow up for life.

Be an ally of science

In peacetime, dripping water through stones; home-school collaboration, help growth.

Wise parents are to train their children to learn to manage themselves.

Be a coach of happy education

Read a lot of books, strengthen physical exercise, develop hobbies, participate in social services, and ensure adequate sleep.

Under the "double reduction", the school and the family work together to support the growth of children. Rethink the essence of education, see the characteristics of children, figure out the needs of children's development, put the pulse of the times, and jointly find a suitable educational path to help children grow.

4 tasks are synchronized to parents

Task 1: Supervise learning and develop self-discipline

What kind of child is the most worry-free? Must be a self-disciplined child. Self-disciplined children do not need too many reminders from parents and teachers, play mobile phone games without trying to block, and know what to do at what time.

The reason why a child is a child is that he has no self-consciousness, and any self-disciplined child must be the result of parental discipline and correct supervision.

Parents can't pin their hopes on the school, they hope that their children will learn to be self-conscious, and they will become the treasurer. If parents do not supervise, the child will be more unconscious and more willing to do whatever he wants in the future.

Task 2: Develop habits and develop holistically

Mr. Ye Shengtao, a famous educator, once said: "The essence of education is to cultivate habits. "What really opens up the gap between children is not IQ, but the habits developed from an early age."

Study Habits:

— Prepare before class, listen carefully to lectures during class, and review in time after class.

— Take notes, think positively, speak boldly, and dare to question.

— Develop a correct reading and writing posture and consciously read extracurricular books.

What other study habits are important?

Here is a list for your reference

Ministry of Education: After the start of the school year, the school will hold a "double reduction" special parent meeting (with practical guide)

Lifestyle Habits:

— Prepare textbooks, school supplies, etc. for the next day every night.

— Go to bed early, get up early, eat on time, eat less snacks, and do your own thing.

— Maintain proper physical exercise every day and pay attention to personal hygiene.


Task 3: Valuing companionship and communicating with heart

The essence of companionship is a kind of education, without companionship, parents can not read the child's heart, let alone lead the child's healthy growth.

It is not to call on parents to seize every minute to accompany their children, but to grasp every minute of their children and achieve high-quality companionship. Accompany the child to "heart", not "hard", understand the child's psychological needs, and communicate with the child more.

Parent-child co-reading: We can read a book with our children, use the power of parents to influence children, infect children, and develop the habit of reading.

Outdoor activities: often take children to the outdoors for a walk, close contact with nature, so that they are open-minded and happy.

Task 4: Cooperate with each other and support the teacher

The landing of the "double reduction" policy is not only a matter for schools, it requires the joint efforts of families and schools to promote synergy. The two must cooperate and support each other to form a synergy.

Communicated to Parents:

Believe in the professionalism of the teacher

Teachers have the professionalism of teaching and educating people, and cannot be generalized and represent the entire group of teachers with individual issues. Please trust the teacher, do not talk about the teacher in front of the child, and do not take it for granted. When you are distressed by your child's criticism from the teacher, think about the teacher's motivation and original intention.

Maintain good communication with teachers

Link teachers and participate in guiding children's learning methods. Listen to your teacher's opinions and learn to respect them. In the problems of children, only by maintaining a pleasant and positive communication style between the two parties can they jointly seek solutions to the problem.

The list is for teachers' reference

Ministry of Education: After the start of the school year, the school will hold a "double reduction" special parent meeting (with practical guide)

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