
Only 2 days after birth, the newborn baby is seriously deficient in oxygen, and it is almost impossible to stand up! Emergency moments...

Only 2 days after birth, the newborn baby is seriously deficient in oxygen, and it is almost impossible to stand up! Emergency moments...

Mention ECMO

People in Wuhan who have experienced the epidemic know it

It has saved the lives of a large number of critically ill COVID-19 patients


Once again, ECMO is doing wonders

Saved a baby who was just 2 days old

The baby lying in the incubator is called Hengheng, and the day after birth, mom and dad suddenly found that the baby had been humming, showing a very impatient look. When the doctor and nurse examined it, the child had a very obvious hypoxia reaction.

Only 2 days after birth, the newborn baby is seriously deficient in oxygen, and it is almost impossible to stand up! Emergency moments...

He Bingyan, director of the Department of Neonatology of Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital: This blood oxygen saturation is only 80%, and it is recommended that he be hospitalized after considering a newborn pneumonia, and the condition is actually worsening after hospitalization, when the blood oxygen saturation further declined.

Through the examination, the doctor judged that the baby had already had an intrauterine infection when he was in the mother's belly, and after birth, because the lung development was not very good, which led to a very serious infection in Hengheng. Normally, medication can help patients control the infection, but because the child is too young and his lung function is not perfect, he simply cannot survive the rest of his life.

Only 2 days after birth, the newborn baby is seriously deficient in oxygen, and it is almost impossible to stand up! Emergency moments...

He Bingyan, director of the Department of Neonatology at Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital: At about one o'clock in the morning, this patient was not good. When we adjust the oxygen saturation parameters, even if we adjust to a relatively high position, this blood oxygen saturation cannot be maintained, and can only be maintained to 60 or 70%.

Only 2 days after birth, the newborn baby is seriously deficient in oxygen, and it is almost impossible to stand up! Emergency moments...

Liu Jinping, president of the Cardiovascular Disease Hospital of Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital: The lungs have no function, and if the child does not do this ECMO at this time, the child will die of lack of oxygen.

The Chinese name of ECMO is called membrane lung, also known as artificial lung. Its purpose is to replace the patient's lungs and reduce the burden on the heart and lungs. Using ECMO is simple to say, but it is not easy for a newborn who is only two days old.

The use of ECMO requires the connection of blood vessels, which are 1 cm in diameter in adults, but the blood vessels in newborns do not meet this standard.

Only 2 days after birth, the newborn baby is seriously deficient in oxygen, and it is almost impossible to stand up! Emergency moments...

Chen Jianfeng, director of cardiac surgery at Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital: For children, especially newborns, the blood vessels are very thin, and his carotid arteries (diameter) should be three millimeters.

In the end, through the multi-disciplinary collaboration of the hospital's neonatal and cardiac surgery departments, the doctor successfully used ECMO to help Hengheng survive the difficulties of life.

Liu Jinping, president of the Cardiovascular Disease Hospital of Wuhan University Zhongnan Hospital: At that time, we did it immediately, the oxygen saturation rose rapidly from the original 40% to more than 95%, the child's heartbeat, urine volume, and the entire skin were greatly improved, so ECMO was the key time to save the child's life.

The doctor expects that Hengheng will meet the discharge criteria next week and can go home with his parents and father. He has thus become the smallest patient in our province to be successfully saved by ECMO.

Source: Hubei Jingshi "Jingshi Live"

Reporter: Tong Liang Correspondent: Li Han

Edit: Meng Qiqi | Editor-in-Chief: Natural, Chen Shi

Editor: Liao Shouxi | Producer: Li Peng

Only 2 days after birth, the newborn baby is seriously deficient in oxygen, and it is almost impossible to stand up! Emergency moments...

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