
"My cotton swabs are chocolate-flavored!" Nucleic acid testing site, these big whites are super warm!

Reporter: Wang Xin / Correspondent: Wang Wenting

In the past week, the First People's Hospital of Hangzhou has ushered in a wave of nucleic acid testing peaks for children, and the testing of these children is a test for medical staff. In order to relieve their tension, the on-site staff and medical staff did their best.

"Uncle, I did my best today!"

On this day, the boy Hengheng was led by his mother to the nucleic acid testing point of a hospital in the city to measure nucleic acid. During the waiting time, Heng Heng seemed to predict something, and from time to time he looked forward to observe the dynamics ahead.

drip! The information entry is complete and the test is about to begin. Heng Heng looked at the "big white" in front of him, Chen Fanghui, deputy chief physician of the emergency department, and immediately curled up his neck, grinning and crying in pain, and the cotton swab had been shrinking back before it reached his mouth.

"My cotton swabs are chocolate-flavored!" Nucleic acid testing site, these big whites are super warm!

The mother who was holding her also looked anxious, holding his head, not knowing what to do. "Hengheng's throat has been particularly sensitive since he was a child, and he usually wants to vomit when he opens his mouth wide, and he vomits as soon as something reaches into his mouth." Seeing more and more people lining up behind to do nucleic acid, my mother became more and more restless.

"Hengheng, look at the little friend in front of you!" Dr. Chen had a stroke of genius and pointed to a boy who had just finished doing nucleic acid.

"He's my little brother downstairs!" Heng Heng's eyes lit up, and he turned his head and asked timidly, "Did the little brother do it?" ”

"Little brother is not as brave as you!" He cried for a full 5 minutes before he opened his mouth. Dr. Chen looked directly into Heng Heng's eyes and said very seriously, "I promise you, just wipe the little cotton swab." ”

As soon as the words fell, Heng Heng immediately opened his mouth and obediently remained motionless with his eyes closed. Dr. Chen immediately put a cotton swab into his mouth, and before Heng Heng could react, the sampling was completed.

Heng Heng broke free of his mother's arm, jumped off the ground, and straightened his thin chest: "Thank you uncle, today I behaved better than him!" ”

"White" lies abound

Scenes and conversations abound. In the queue at the nucleic acid sampling point of a hospital in the city, many of them are children under the age of 10. Some are crying and writhing, some are brave, and some are even woken up in a deep sleep to do nucleic acid.

Defense breaks always happen inadvertently. The children's timid eyes like small animals always made the medical staff can't help but feel sad. But they are always able to patiently soothe the children's emotions, tell some white lies to make the children happy, and complete the sampling at the fastest speed.

"My cotton swabs are chocolate-flavored!" Nucleic acid testing site, these big whites are super warm!

Because of the school's requirements, on this day, a little girl under 4 years old, Xinxin, was led by her mother to a city hospital to test nucleic acid.

Because of the nervousness, Xinxin kept asking like a repeating machine when queuing: "Mom, how deep is the cotton swab sticking into the throat?" Does it hurt? ”

At first, my mother patiently replied to the exhortation, but later she repeated it more, so she didn't pay much attention to it. Xinxin helplessly looked east and west, waiting for the "disaster" to come.

"My cotton swabs are chocolate-flavored!" When it was Xinxin's turn, wu Zesheng, a sampling doctor, actually said such a sentence.

"Really?" Shin Shin couldn't believe her ears.

"Don't believe me? Try it? ”

Xinxin opened her mouth cooperatively, and Dr. Wu quickly put a cotton swab into it and skillfully completed the sampling quickly.

Xinxin swallowed hard and said to herself, "It seems that it is really a little..."

This small detail also makes the tense nucleic acid collection site more interesting and warm.

Source: Hangzhou Traffic 918

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