
"Honey, I'm sorry!" 9 years, 2 letters exposing the language of an autistic child "Icebreaker Journey"

Never talk to "whispering"

From solitary to social "little master"

From being unable to take care of oneself to being able to live a normal life

Your changes are seen by many people

Especially your two best friends

One is to give you love and tolerance for moms

One is a rehabilitation therapist who helps you progress and grows with you

In fact, they have always wanted to say something to you

Dear Heng Heng (pseudonym)

Diagnosis of "autism"

It doesn't limit your growth with sunshine

Here are two letters written to you

Hiding their deepest love

To my dear son

Dear Son,

The other day, I was on my way to rehab and you suddenly asked me, "Mom, what do you want?" As I walked, I replied, "I want you to be healthy and happy!" I turned to you again and asked, "Son, what do you want?" You thought for a moment and said, "I want a watch like you." "I laughed, silly boy, actually tricking me, it turns out that you are looking at my watch, I am deceived again."

Watching you grow up day by day, my heart is full of mixed feelings, from 12 years ago to know you, more than 5,000 days and nights, we accompany each other, you are growing, I am also growing.

I remember when you were 3 years old, I taught you to count, and every time you counted to 2, you cried, I don't know why you are crying, and I thought you were running away, not less hit you. Looking back now, I know that because you are "autism spectrum disorder", my mother really wants to say to you, I'm sorry!

We were lucky enough to be able to attend elementary school normally, and at first you were afraid to turn in your homework, afraid that the teacher would ask you to answer the questions by name.

We used the method taught by rehabilitation therapists to simulate answering questions in class in the hospital and at home.

After practicing for a few months, you can finally finish it at home, but you still can't do it at school.

I went to the school to contact the teacher, asked the teacher to give you more opportunities to answer the questions, let you and the classmates queue up to hand in the homework, so it took about a semester, you can turn in the homework, not afraid to answer the question.

Watching you change little by little, Mom is very excited, son, you are really great!

Normal children, you can refer to the parenting instructions handed down from generation to generation, but like you such a "special" child, there is no instruction manual, the mother can only "feel the stones across the river", from life to discover to summarize, suitable for your education methods, the mother has not given up, but also trying to learn.

"Honey, I'm sorry!" 9 years, 2 letters exposing the language of an autistic child "Icebreaker Journey"

Looking back on the mental journey of more than ten years, my mother still has something to say.

First of all, my mother felt that it was indeed right to insist, these two words are easy to say, and it is really not easy to do. How many times I couldn't do it well, my mother was really anxious. But then your mother adjusted her mentality and taught you over and over again until you really learned this skill, you can't give up.

The second is to adjust your mentality and control your emotions. Many times, in fact, you already have emotions, and your mother is still criticizing you. You didn't respond, I even started to lose control of my emotions, and now that I think about it, it's so undeserved. Believe Mom, I've learned to control my emotions.

Then there's the intensification of learning. Outside of school, your mom is the one who spends the most time with you. Only when I learn to deal with problems correctly can I guide you correctly in my daily life, and my mother is also a first-time mother, and I am still working hard.

Now that you are 12 years old, your mother knows that you are not easy, believe in your parents, we will have more understanding, tolerance, must let you grow up in a loving environment, we will get better and better!

Love your mom

April 21, 2022

To my dear students

Dear Good Friend,

You said that the most anticipated thing every day is to find a good friend Teacher Li Hong to attend class, as your rehabilitation therapist, you don't know how happy I am.

After years of rehabilitation, you've grown into a sunny, talkative guy. Have their own idols and hobbies, and have favorite basketball stars.

Usually you will share with me the interesting things in life, share delicious food with your peers, coax an unhappy mother, help your mother do some housework, and pour a cup of tea for your father who comes back from work. These are your progress.

"Honey, I'm sorry!" 9 years, 2 letters exposing the language of an autistic child "Icebreaker Journey"

Do you remember when you first met me?

At that time, you were more than 3 years old, did not dare to look at anyone, did not care about anything around you, others called you, you did not pay attention, completely did not speak. At that time you were diagnosed with "autism spectrum disorder", so you had your own little world, and it was not surprising that the teacher knew what I could do for you and could work hard to help you change all this.

We use ABA to apply behavioral analytics to improve your perception. Teach you to listen to instructions and recognize objects, sizes, and orientations. By using key skills training to improve your communication skills, you can gradually start talking to me.

Your little progress makes us feel happy, from no language, can not express needs, to you know to see people, adults can understand the instructions to understand the implementation, suddenly began to call the mother! It was an unforgettable day, and my mother was very excited every time she talked about this moment. This gives your mom more motivation to stick to rehab.

"Honey, I'm sorry!" 9 years, 2 letters exposing the language of an autistic child "Icebreaker Journey"

When you were 5 years old, you were able to express your wishes, eat by yourself, and go to the toilet independently in a familiar environment, and your mother felt that it was easier for you to bring it up.

As you progress, language rehabilitation is advanced into group training, combined with peer teaching, asking questions, making answers, social language skills, and the cultivation of collective environmental rules. You no longer shy away from strangers and can even take the initiative to socialize.

"Honey, I'm sorry!" 9 years, 2 letters exposing the language of an autistic child "Icebreaker Journey"

So next, we are ready to "let go" of you, using the natural situation teaching method, really let you feel the world, we have been to supermarkets, playgrounds, barbershops and many other places, in the actual situation, tell you where this is, what to do, what to say. You learned quickly, and I learned from your mother that you could buy things yourself, pay on your phone, throw away the garbage, and pick up the courier. You are no longer excluded from unfamiliar environments, you have mastered good social skills, and you can participate in social activities!

Through structured teaching, you can follow the schedule to do self-management, and you will design your own activities on weekends, and you have a very rich day.

Through the transfer assessment, we were pleasantly surprised to find that you basically meet the conditions for integration in inclusive education, so when you are 7 years old, you enter primary school.

You are my proud student and my good friend. Glad now we can talk without saying anything, and some little secrets. You feel the love of the people around you, you already like to be friends with everyone, the teacher is really pleased, you are no longer the timid little boy you were.

Come on, dear boy! Look forward to the day you grow into a young man!

Love your teacher, Li Hong

April 21, 2022

It is precisely because of the persistence of my mother

Precision treatment by rehabilitation therapists

Your language communication skills are getting better and better

Dear Hengheng

You just have to grow

We will always be with you

You'll also have more and more good friends

Hopefully more people will be able to

Attention, acceptance, inclusion

Suffer from autism

But you are not alone

Introduction to Rehabilitation 2

"Honey, I'm sorry!" 9 years, 2 letters exposing the language of an autistic child "Icebreaker Journey"

Xi'an Traditional Chinese Medicine Encephalopathy Hospital Rehabilitation Treatment Department 2 (Speech Therapy Department) was established in 2008, covering an area of 1500 square meters, with 45 professional speech therapists.

There are 20 treatment rooms, including: cognitive training room, voice correction room, swallowing treatment room, PRT training room, pronunciation room, speech correction room, communication room and many other individualized training rooms. It has electronic evaluation training equipment such as Dr. Qi Yin S2 Speech Correction Instrument, Cognitive Platform, Sound Composition Evaluation and Treatment Instrument, Perceptual Sound and Light Training System, IELTS Swallowing Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Therapy Instrument and so on. More than 200 speech therapy tools.

According to the type of speech disorder in each child, an individualized training program is developed, integrating medical treatment, rehabilitation and psychoeducation through advanced individual training and group interactive communication training models. Provide children with scientific, accurate and targeted language rehabilitation training and guidance. Maximize the child's expression and communication skills, return to society, and return to the family.

Dominant diseases: speech disorders caused by mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy and other causes.

Scope of diagnosis and treatment: language development delay, dysarthria, swallowing-feeding disorder, children's stuttering, children's acquired aphasia, hearing-speech impairment, cleft palate-speech disorder, learning disability, psychobehavioral disorder, communication disorder, cognitive comprehension disorder, social communication disorder, etc.

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