
CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

author:Small pot stew entertainment

Let the audience sigh that the period of "drama famine" seems to be about to end, as if the discussion is good, "Wind Rises Luoyang", "Heart Residence", "Breakout" and other big dramas have moved, and when these dramas are released one by one, not to mention the grand situation of the summer file, the audience can see a dazzling is no problem.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

And "Police Honor" is not far behind, quickly joined the propaganda brigade, released a pilot trailer, it seems that Zhang Ruoyun, Wang Jingchun, the "Wang Bomb Drama" is not far away.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

Why is "Police Honor" a "king bombing drama"? Looking at the publicity, this big drama dedicated to telling police stories is a real unaired fire, and it was played by CCTV TV dramas as early as the time of the fight.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

Later, it was promoted by the China Movie Channel, CCTV roll called, CCTV roll called the official announcement, "Police Honor" This row is also no one.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

Look at the lineup, Zhang Ruoyun, Wang Jingchun, Ning Li which has poor acting skills, CCTV is optimistic, the lineup is strong, what reason is "Police Honor" not "Wang Bomb"?

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

There is really, although the battle of "Police Honor" is big enough, there are also a number of powerful factions to participate, but the selection of the heroine is to make the audience "sad", what is going on?

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > Zhang Ruoyun and Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprise starred</h1>

"Police Honor" tells the story of four young policemen with different personalities, who grew up rapidly under the words and deeds of the old policemen, constantly tempered in the parental shortness, and finally grew into qualified people's policemen.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

Unlike the witty and hard-working police image in most police films, the police in "Police Honor" are gradually growing up in the short term of dealing with parents, there is no exciting task, but it is the most suitable portrayal of the grass-roots police.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

For example, in the preview, a trainee police officer nervously took over the "big task" in the office, and the result was that this "big task" was actually to watch the monitor to find diapers, and the scene was once very happy.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

The male protagonist of the play is the strength actor Zhang Ruoyun, in "Qing Yu Nian", Zhang Ruoyun played Fan Xian, who was wrapped in fate and moved forward, "killing" the back poem fragment in front of the hot search, Zhang Ruoyun used his strong line skills to attract a large number of audiences for the play.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

And his acting skills in the play are also quite brilliant, friends are killed, but because he is a guard can be ignored, after killing the murderer in the street, Zhang Ruoyun played by Fan Xian, full of grievances but not at all, the grief of losing friends at that moment, the resentment of the world, the collapse of their own faith and other emotions are complex and intertwined, this period of emotions is handled by Zhang Ruoyun too layered.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

This time in "Police Honor", Zhang Ruoyun played the role of "thorn-headed" police officer Li Dawei, Who is a trainee police officer who was admitted at the bottom, and he is content and happy every day, and his growth is very interesting.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

In the play, it was Ning Li, who played the role of Ma Shuai in "Sweeping Black Storm", who played the role of Zhang Ruoyun's master Chen Xincheng.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

In "Sweeping The Black Storm", when he was first interrogated by He Yong, the glance when Ning Li looked up at He Yong after breaking his little thumb was simply a shiver, obviously in a weak position, and his forehead was still full of cold sweat, but Ning Li's mocking and proud glance proved that he was dominating the overall situation, and his acting skills were really excellent.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

This time, Chen Xincheng, played by Ning Li in "Police Honor", is harsh on the apprentice, but it is not impossible to stand jokes, and the human setting is also very plump, I believe that Ning Li will bring different surprises to the audience.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

In addition, the film emperor Jing Chun also participated in "Police Honor", and Wang Shouyi, who he played in the play, should be the director, very tolerant and controlling the overall situation.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

It is worth mentioning that the director of "Police Honor" Ding Hei has strong strength, Douban 7.2's "That Year the Flowers Bloomed and the Moon Is Round", Douban 8.5's "The Rise of the Great Qin Empire" are all from his hands, and screenwriter Zhao Dongling also has "Bullfighting", "Eight Hundred" and other representative works, the director of the god + first-class screenwriter + powerful actors, the quality of "Police Honor" is almost stable.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > the choice of hostess is controversial</h1>

Since the quality of "Police Honor" is "almost" stable, that means that the show still has a certain controversy, and this controversy is on the heroine White Deer.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

After seeing the female lead candidate, some netizens commented that "the heroine Bailu is a bit inappropriate, I feel that her acting skills are not compatible with others", some people say "Is it not embarrassing that the white deer is sandwiched between Zhang Ruoyun, Wang Jingchun and Ning Li", and even some people bluntly say "Seeing the heroine I am really convinced, there are resources that are good, and the acting skills can not be done", it seems that the audience is really very opinionated about the white deer as the heroine.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

In fact, Bailu's acting skills are not bad, and his performance in the summer program 'Zhou Sheng ru gu' is very eye-catching, especially in the section where zhou Shengchen's death is told, Bailu cries silently but his liver and intestines are broken, and many viewers are in tears.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

But the problem is that the other stars of "Police Honor", Zhang Ruoyun is the level of the emperor, Wang Jingchun is the international film emperor, and Ning Li is also a cattle man who can star in the drama, in front of these people, the white deer that is only slightly brilliant will of course be lined with mediocrity.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

At the same time, the white deer's ability to carry the drama is also questionable, Yu Zheng said that the "Yulou Spring" that quit the circle without fire is very suspicious of "fluttering", and the white deer who serves as the heroine has also been spat on by many viewers, and the "Zhou Sheng Ru Gu" that makes the white deer circle fans is a small network drama, and "Police Honor", which is officially announced by CCTV, cannot be compared.

CCTV roll call official announcement! Zhang Ruoyun Wang Jingchun Wang exploded the drama, saw the heroine I served Zhang Ruoyun, Ning Licheng "master and apprentice", Wang Jingchun surprised to play the heroine of the selection of controversy

The acting skills are not brilliant, and the ability to carry the drama has been questioned, but it is also understandable that bailu can be opposed by netizens with such a good resource as "Police Honor".

But in fact, from the trailer, it can be seen that the makeup of the white deer in the play is very light, the attitude of filming is very serious, as for the final effect of "Police Honor", at present, everyone is not sure, maybe the performance of the white deer can add points to the play, the audience still has to calmly wait and see, do you expect the performance of the white deer in "Police Honor"?

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