
Zhu Hongren, | specialized in new topics: The deep logic of the new development of small and medium-sized enterprises

author:Time Finance
Zhu Hongren, | specialized in new topics: The deep logic of the new development of small and medium-sized enterprises

Jingrong Wisdom Bank

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Text | Zhu Hongren

Zhu Hongren, | specialized in new topics: The deep logic of the new development of small and medium-sized enterprises

Zhu Hongren

Zhu Hongren, | specialized in new topics: The deep logic of the new development of small and medium-sized enterprises

Small and medium-sized enterprises are the most dynamic and large number of groups in the current market, and adhering to the road of "specialization and specialization" is an inevitable choice for small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve high-quality development. "Specialized and specialized" is the quality and characteristics of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises. "Specialization" is "specialization", mainly referring to specialization and proprietary technology; "fine" is "refinement", mainly refers to product refinement, process technology depth, and fine management of enterprises; "special" is "specialization", mainly refers to the uniqueness and characteristics of products or services; "new" is "novel", mainly refers to enterprise independent innovation, model innovation and novelty.

First, understand the deep logic of the new development of specialization

Specializing in new small and medium-sized enterprises is an important focus for steady progress and development. At present, the new atmosphere of China's economy is reflected in the sustained and steady recovery of China's economy and the new steps taken in building a new economic pattern. The Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of 2021 put forward the general policy and general requirements for this year's economic work as "steady words and steady progress". Specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises are the vanguard of innovation in the enterprise group, the ballast stone of the battle against the wind and waves, and the new force of steady development, and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises to accelerate the development of specialization and special new development is to build a "stable" foundation and form a focus of "advancement".

Specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises are an important force to accelerate the construction of a harmonious society. The mainland market has more than 150 million households, which is the force of China's social stability and economic development. At present, China's economy is facing new difficulties, new challenges and downward pressure, to promote the sustained and healthy development of the economy in the climbing over the obstacles, we must first emphasize the "six stability" and "six guarantees", especially to ensure employment and people's livelihood. Practice has proved that where specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises develop, the economy is often more dynamic and resilient, and has a strong ability to resist market risks. At present, it is necessary to support small and medium-sized enterprises to alleviate difficulties, protect market players, and develop specialized and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises are effective and important measures.

Specialized and specialized new SMEs are an important part of accelerating the cultivation of national competitiveness. The competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises is an important part of the national industrial competitiveness, which is concentrated in the endogenous power, innovation ability and development vitality of specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises. A number of specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises have become the strategic support for national security and development by strengthening the living force of scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance. For example, 13 projects submitted by 14 specialized new "Little Giant" enterprises won the 2020 National Science and Technology Award, accounting for 10.2% of the total number of enterprise participation awards.

Specializing in new small and medium-sized enterprises is an important part of accelerating the forging of industrial chain resilience. The development of the manufacturing industry depends on the maintenance of the relevant industrial chain, and the enterprise responds to emergencies also relies on this lifeline, and it is particularly important to ensure the safety and stability of the industrial chain. When the industrial chain is impacted, whether there are alternative solutions that can be made up in time, and whether it has the ability to prevent ruptures or even turn crises into opportunities to achieve renewal and upgrading, which are closely related to the development degree, industrial base, market demand and manufacturing environment of specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises. Specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises will help fill the breakpoints of the industrial chain, enhance the resilience of the industrial chain, and help the economy improve its ability to resist risks.

Zhu Hongren, | specialized in new topics: The deep logic of the new development of small and medium-sized enterprises

Specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises are an important object for accelerating the coordinated development of science and technology, industry and finance. With specialized and specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises as the core, connecting scientific and technological and financial resources to the main battlefield of high-quality industrial development, promoting stable industrial growth and effective investment, and helping the construction of manufacturing power and network power. Adhere to the government, enterprises, scientific research institutes, financial cooperation, give play to the role of diversified and multi-level financial system, strengthen the linkage role of indirect financing and direct financing, form a long-term stable investment mechanism for specialized and specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises, improve the integration of industry from the three aspects of standard system, information sharing, and platform construction, and accelerate the integration of industry.

Specializing in new SMEs is an important basis for accelerating sustainable development. 2021 is the opening year of the 14th Five-Year Plan and a new starting point for the long-term goal of 2035, and the mainland has accelerated its pace in promoting high-quality development and participating in global sustainable development. In the identification and release of support measures, the state has emphasized green development as a necessary precondition, and specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises bear the responsibility of being the vanguard of innovation and development among China's large-scale and wide-ranging small and medium-sized enterprises, so green and low-carbon, environmental protection and development are tasks that must be completed. A group of Chinese specialized new SMEs are active in sustainable development activities such as the United Nations Global Compact and ESG Investment, and demonstrate China's responsibility to achieve the global sustainable development goals to the world with actions.

Second, learn from the international experience of specialized and new development

Economic globalization is one of the important characteristics of the contemporary world economy, which is conducive to the rational allocation of resources and production factors in the world, to the global flow of capital and products, to the global expansion of science and technology, to the promotion of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and is a manifestation of human development and progress.

But economic globalization is also a "double-edged sword." While promoting the development of global productivity and bringing many opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises, it has also intensified international competition, and multinational companies often retain their most advantageous and valuable parts, and outsource the links that they consider to be less valuable or have no advantages through global value chains and industrial chains. Due to their different strengths, developed countries and TNCs grasp the high end of the value chain and benefit the most, while developing countries and SMEs gain very little. As a result, the gap between developing and developed countries, between TNCs and SMEs, will widen further.

To move towards the high end of the value chain, only continuous investment in innovation, the main ways in which developed countries support the development of innovative SMEs in their countries include:

First, U.S. support for innovative smes. As the world's largest economy, the United States, Congress and the executive authorities through the formulation of relevant laws, fiscal and tax policies, as well as the coordination of cooperation between various sectors of society and other means, vigorously promote and promote the progress of scientific and technological innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises, so that it has become the main force to achieve national innovation activities. The U.S. government has several distinctive features in supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in scientific and technological innovation: (1) It is based on the premise of improving the legal support system. With the Law on the Innovative Development of Small Enterprises as the core, a series of laws and regulations have been promulgated successively, which have comprehensively regulated the establishment and implementation of science and technology plans for small and medium-sized enterprises, technology transfer, technology promotion, and intellectual property protection. (2) Improve the innovative financing system as the key means. Use fiscal and tax policies to improve the financing system for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises and support scientific and technological innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises. (3) Take the establishment of an innovative service system as a strong support. Under the leadership of the government, the innovation service system of small and medium-sized enterprises has formed an organizational mechanism for coordinating and promoting each other, and promoted the establishment of a reasonable division of labor and partnership among various entities.

Second, the EU's support for innovative SMEs. The European Commission leverages funds by recycling public finance funds and drives social capital to support the entrepreneurial activities of small and medium-sized enterprises. Financial project financing includes loans, equity financing, mezzanine financing and guarantees. The EU pays attention to providing venture capital support policies that are compatible with the development stage of enterprises: for enterprises with high risk and high investment in the pre-"seed period", the EU proposes a high-growth innovative small and medium-sized enterprise plan (GIF) to provide enterprises with the risk capital funds necessary for the start-up period; for enterprises with greater demand for financing in the start-up period, the EU uses the capital market to attract domestic and foreign funds, while encouraging member states to provide microcredit to start-up enterprises; as enterprises shift from the entrepreneurial period to the development period, The EU regularly holds roundtables for entrepreneurs and bankers to enhance business-to-bank ties and facilitate lending projects, while the EU government also provides access to IPO financing for growing businesses.

Zhu Hongren, | specialized in new topics: The deep logic of the new development of small and medium-sized enterprises

Third, Germany's support for innovative SMEs. The concept of "hidden champions" was proposed by Professor Hermann Simon, which mainly refers to companies that have a leading international market share in the subdivision industry, with sales of less than 5 billion euros and relatively low public visibility. Germany has a large number of highly competitive small and medium-sized enterprises, which constitute the backbone and backbone of Germany's manufacturing and export trade. The cultivation and growth of The German hidden champions has formed a set of mature experiences. The first is to highlight the main business. To formulate a long-term strategy, a large number of "small and specialized" enterprises to establish a competitive advantage in a short period of ten years, as long as decades; the second is the "dual system model" (school + factory) to cultivate professionals and leading talents; pay attention to the "craftsman spirit". The third is to put the standard first. The pursuit of quality, advocating high-quality manufacturing, high-intensity research and development. The fourth is to cultivate the park. With the industrial park as the carrier, cluster development. Fifth, association organization. Form a link between scientific research and the market, and promote the commercialization of mature processes and products for small and medium-sized enterprises. Sixth, financial support. Deutsche Baath Offers preferential long-term credit to SMALL and medium-sized enterprises for their investment projects at home and abroad.

Fourth, UK support for innovative SMEs. In order to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to carry out scientific and technological innovation, the British government strives to create a fair, open and relaxed market environment, encourage enterprises to innovate, improve productivity, reduce prices, and provide necessary financial support for enterprise research and development, small and medium-sized enterprises. In the Autumn 2017 Budget, the UK government announced a 10-year action plan proposing to release more than £20 billion over the next 10 years to fund the growth of innovative businesses. In 2018, a package of initiatives was launched, including the establishment of the British Patient Capital project, the release of pension investments, and further tax breaks for investment knowledge-based enterprises. The so-called "patient capital" is actually an alias of "long-term capital", which does not focus on short-term profits, but pays more attention to long-term returns. The Venture Capital Trust Scheme encourages listed venture capital firms to invest in unlisted small businesses by way of equity participation, and dividends from common stock and gains from equity exchanges are exempt from taxation.

Fifth, Japan's support for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises. Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises conform to the changes in the needs of the times, adhere to innovation, adhere to the boutique route, and perfectly combine the advantages of traditional manufacturing with modern technology, which is the successful innovation model of many enterprises. The ability of Japanese SMEs to innovate vigorously is inseparable from the relatively perfect policy and legal environment. As a department directly under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Small and Medium Enterprises Agency of Japan is responsible for nurturing and promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. The specific work of the Office includes helping SMEs to improve their business practices, improve their technological skills, develop new projects and participate in fair competition. Japan has enacted the Act on the Promotion of New Business Activities for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, which stipulates that small and medium-sized enterprises and guilds can formulate management innovation plans and receive assistance in financing and taxation after being recognized by the Japanese government and prefectural governments.

Overall, the main practices of developed countries are as follows: first, the government attaches great importance to innovative small and medium-sized enterprises; second, increase fiscal and taxation and financial policy support, highlight accurate policies; third, continuously improve the legal policy system, strengthen cross-departmental linkage, and continuously optimize the environment for the innovation and development of small and medium-sized enterprises; fourth, establish a sound public service system for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises.

He is the stone of the mountain and can attack jade. The example of developed countries' support for innovative SMEs should be a reference for China to promote the growth of specialized new SMEs.

Third, specialize in the newly developed digital password

Scientific and reasonable zoning is the basis for accurate policies for the different characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises. In June 2011, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Bureau of Statistics, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Finance studied and formulated the "Provisions on Standards for the Classification of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", which was issued with the consent of the State Council, and divided mainland enterprises into four types according to 16 industries, such as large, medium, small and micro, according to the combination of industry categories, according to the indicators such as employees, operating income, total assets or alternative indicators. Among them, the standard of industrial enterprises is less than 1,000 employees or operating income of less than 400 million yuan for small and medium-sized enterprises; 300 employees or more, and operating income of 20 million yuan or more for medium-sized enterprises; 20 employees or more, and operating income of 3 million yuan or more for small enterprises; less than 20 employees or operating income of less than 3 million yuan for micro enterprises. Since then, the standard has been improved and revised. At present, the relevant departments are stepping up the revision and preparation of the introduction of a new version of the "Provisions on the Classification Standards for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", adding quantitative dimensions, qualitative standards and self-declarations to promote accurate policies for the different characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises.

One goal: to promote the high-quality development of small and medium-sized enterprises with specialization and innovation. According to General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on many occasions, small and medium-sized enterprises can do great things, to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the development of specialized and specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises, should be specialized and special to promote the high-quality development of small and medium-sized enterprises as a firm grasp of the work goal. Cultivating specialized and specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises with core competitiveness and driving the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises to embark on the road of high-quality development should become the starting point and foothold of economic work in various places.

Zhu Hongren, | specialized in new topics: The deep logic of the new development of small and medium-sized enterprises

Two links: grasp the key guarantee for the development of specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises. Specialized new SMEs tend to be knowledge-intensive. Key members are very sensitive to incentive institutional mechanisms and a good business environment. Under the premise of adhering to the principle of "unswervingly consolidating and developing the public ownership economy, and unswervingly encouraging, supporting and guiding the development of the non-public ownership economy", it is necessary to take the two key links of institutional mechanisms and business environment as the premise and guarantee for the sustained and stable development of enterprises. It is necessary to strive to form a good enterprise ecology for the coordinated development of large and medium-sized enterprises, support state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises to give play to the competitiveness, innovation, control, influence, and anti-risk ability of the state-owned economy, spill out more scientific and technological achievements and management achievements, and give play to the leading role of the industrial chain; we must support innovative small and medium-sized enterprises to play a special and new specialty, have the opportunity to enter the industrial chain innovation chain, help overcome difficulties, blockages, and breakpoints, promote the solution of the "card neck" problem, and form a new model of innovation.

Three efforts: focus on improving the ability of specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises. The first is to focus on deepening the cultivation of specialized areas. Specialized and special new smive enterprises should take the road "narrow and deep" and deeply cultivate a specialized field. Adhere to the professional development strategy, long-term focus and deep ploughing in a certain link or product of the industrial chain, clearly develop in which market segment, and accurately position core products and services; have the courage to innovate, directly face the market to polish products, and form its own brand products with competitive advantages. The second is to focus on improving innovation capabilities. Specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises should continue to increase investment in research and development, form a continuous innovation ability, and continue to innovate in research and development design, manufacturing, marketing, internal management and other aspects. It is necessary to pay more attention to the important development industries of the national manufacturing industry, including new generation information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing new energy, new materials, biomedicine and other high-end industrial fields. The third is to focus on improving market share. Specialized and special new SMEs should focus on market segmentation, increase investment in research and development, and develop "specialized and new" products. Gradually form a key core technology, advanced equipment technology, perfect management system, strong market competitiveness at the same time, and constantly improve the market share, produce more significant benefits, is expected to become a leading enterprise in the future.

Four gradients: systematic cultivation of specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will further increase the cultivation and support for specialized new "little giant" enterprises. At present, 4,762 national-level specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises and 848 single champion enterprises have been cultivated, driving more than 40,000 provincial -level "specialized and special new" small and medium-sized enterprises and 117,000 enterprises in storage. It is studying and formulating innovative small and medium-sized enterprise evaluation and cultivation methods, and strives to form a "million thousand" specialized new small and medium-sized enterprise echelon by 2025 in a systematic way. The first gradient is to cultivate 1 million innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, the second gradient is to cultivate 100,000 provincial specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises, the third gradient is to cultivate 10,000 specialized new "small giant" enterprises at the national level, and the fourth gradient is to cultivate 1,000 manufacturing single champion enterprises. Focusing on improving the innovation ability and professional level of small and medium-sized enterprises, establish and improve the cultivation library of specialized and specialized new enterprises, establish phased work goals, tasks and measures, and ensure that the cultivation work achieves practical results.

Specialized new smes have the characteristics of "five-six-seven-eight". From the perspective of specialized new "little giant" enterprises, more than 50% of the R & D investment is more than 10 million yuan, more than 60% belongs to the industrial base field, more than 70% of the industry has been deeply cultivated for more than 10 years, and more than 80% has ranked first in the provincial market segment, and a number of enterprises that "make up for shortcomings" and "fill in the blanks" have emerged, which has become an important supporting force for the construction of a manufacturing power.

Specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises show a trend of parallel development. "Little Giant" enterprises have achieved nationwide coverage. Among them, the number of enterprises in the eastern region exceeded half, reaching 2626, accounting for 55.15%; 1084 in the central region, accounting for 22.76%, 771 in the western region, accounting for 16.19%, and 281 in the northeast region, accounting for 5.9%, which is basically consistent with the regional distribution of manufacturing enterprises in the country.

Specialized and special new "little giant" enterprises are favored by the capital market. There are more than 300 listed "Little Giant" enterprises, and the average growth rate of operating income and net profit in the past two years has exceeded 25%, which is about twice the average value of all listed companies. On November 15, 2021, the Beijing Stock Exchange opened, and more than 50% of the 81 first listed companies were specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises, and 16 were "little giant" enterprises.

Fourth, the best time to welcome the new development of specialization

Focus on the fundamentals and grasp the development direction of small and medium-sized enterprises. In 2021, the whole country implemented the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the people of the whole country worked hard together, the overall economy recovered steadily, the mainland's GDP increased by 8.1% over the previous year, and the expected target of economic development of more than 6% for the whole year was completed. In the whole year, 12.69 million new jobs were created in cities and towns, and the expected target of more than 11 million people was achieved, and small and medium-sized enterprises played a huge role. The income and profit of small and medium-sized enterprises increased by 20.7% and 28.2% year-on-year, with an average growth rate of 9.8% and 17.1% in the two years, respectively, which was higher than the growth rate in the same period in 2019. Specialized new smes have become the best of them. At the same time, it should also be noted that the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially small and micro enterprises, is facing changes in the market environment, changes in the epidemic situation, etc., and there are still some difficulties in operation, mainly in the high price of raw materials, insufficient orders, difficulty in employing labor, slow recovery of financing, high logistics costs, poor supply chain affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and tight electricity consumption.

Not afraid of the wind and waves, firm confidence in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. In November last year, in order to help small and medium-sized enterprises meet the challenges and solve difficulties, the State Council held a special study and issued three heavy documents with full weight and full of gold content: first, the "Notice on Further Increasing the Intensity of Relief and Assistance to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" issued by the General Office of the State Council; and then the "List of Practical Things for "Specialized, Specialized and New" Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" and "Several Measures to Enhance the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" issued by the Office of the Leading Group for Promoting the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the State Council. The three documents, which unite the joint efforts of departments to help enterprises bail out and stimulate vitality, are both beneficial to the present and the long term, just like the formation of three "combined fists" to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Studying and studying and implementing these three documents is crucial to helping small and medium-sized enterprises tide over difficulties, supporting the development of specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises, and accelerating the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Send charcoal fire on snow days to help small and medium-sized enterprises solve difficulties. The Notice on Further Increasing the Relief and Assistance to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises issued by the General Office of the State Council put forward a series of specific measures from 9 aspects, including increasing the support of bailout funds, further promoting tax and fee reduction, flexibly and accurately using a variety of financial policy tools, promoting the alleviation of rising pressure on costs, strengthening the guarantee of electricity use, supporting enterprises to stabilize and expand their posts, ensuring the payment of small and medium-sized enterprises, focusing on expanding market demand, and comprehensively consolidating responsibilities, involving the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, Chinese 13 departments, including the People's Bank of China and the people's governments at all levels, have taken multiple measures at the same time, coordinated departments, and linked up and down to jointly relieve the difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises and help stabilize and develop healthily. The document clearly states that it is necessary to increase the support of bailout funds, encourage local governments to arrange bailout funds for small and medium-sized enterprises, implement the policy of discounting interest rates and rewards for entrepreneurial guarantee loans, and make good use of small and micro enterprise financing guarantee fee reduction awards and supplementary funds. Further promote tax reduction and fee reduction, small and medium-sized enterprises in the manufacturing industry will postpone the payment of some taxes and fees in the fourth quarter of 2021 in accordance with regulations, study the timely introduction of continuation policies after the expiration of some preferential enterprise policies, and continue to clean up and standardize the charges of enterprises. Flexibly and accurately use a variety of financial policy tools, make good use of the new 300 billion yuan of small refinancing lines, increase credit loans, and strengthen working capital loan support for small and micro enterprises seriously affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, flood disasters and rising raw material prices.

Hand over the tow rope, and work with small and medium-sized enterprises to innovate and climb. The "List of Practical Things for "Specialized, Specialized, And New" Small and Medium-sized Enterprises issued by the Office of the Leading Group for Promoting the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises issued by the State Council focuses on a "real" word, talks about dry goods, lists, and practical things, and promotes specialized and specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises to accelerate the realization of high-quality development. From the "two-pronged approach" of policies and services, we focused on strengthening institutional innovation, implementing accurate support, and gathering service resources, and put forward 10 practical matters and 31 specific tasks. In order to effectively enhance and enhance the sense of acquisition and satisfaction of specialized new smes, the focus is on the following three aspects: First, adhere to the problem-oriented, demand-led. Focusing on the difficulty of financing, the difficulty of transforming innovative achievements, insufficient technical service support, cold market development, insufficient professional talents and other problems, comprehensive consideration, precise policy, and concentrated efforts to ensure that various practical tasks are grasped and implemented, so that small and medium-sized enterprises have a real sense of gain. The second is to adhere to innovative thinking and highlight the highlights. Focus on the constraints and obstacles faced by the development of small and medium-sized enterprises for a long time, focus on promoting institutional innovation and mechanism innovation, customize exclusive service packages for "one enterprise and one policy", implement new measures such as "specialized and special new ten thousand enterprises" and two-way "unveiling", and explore support policies such as opening up green channels for listing and adding points for declared projects. The third is to adhere to the guidance of the government and the participation of many parties. Give full play to the guiding role of the government, strengthen multi-departmental coordination and linkage, encourage local governments to combine reality, implement policies according to local conditions, innovate and explore pragmatic measures, and maximize the superposition effect of policies. Gather the strength of multiple advantageous resources to provide personalized and professional in-depth services for the characteristics of enterprises.

Inject new energy to cultivate the core advantages of small and medium-sized enterprises. The "Several Measures to Enhance the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" issued by the Office of the Leading Group for Promoting the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises issued by the State Council has put forward 11 aspects and 34 measures to further stimulate the innovation vitality and development momentum of small and medium-sized enterprises, promote the continuous improvement of the modernization level of the industrial chain supply chain, ensure economic resilience and employment resilience, and with the goal of enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and focus on creating a good ecology for the development vitality of small and medium-sized enterprises. "Several Measures to Enhance the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" has 5 outstanding features. First, strengthen innovation support. Give full play to the supporting role of innovation platforms such as the National Manufacturing Innovation Center, promote collaborative innovation of large and medium-sized enterprises, and improve the gradient cultivation system for high-quality enterprises. The second is to optimize the development environment. Implement the detailed fiscal and taxation support policies, guide local governments to increase support for specialized and specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises through the relevant special funds of the central finance, and guide small and medium-sized enterprises to strengthen brand building. The third is to strengthen the guarantee of elements. Increase financing support, innovate financial service models, give play to the role of the Beijing Stock Exchange in serving small and medium-sized enterprises, and create a main position for serving innovative small and medium-sized enterprises. Vigorously promote the spirit of entrepreneurship. The fourth is to improve service efforts. Complete a service system that combines government public services, market-oriented services, and socialized public welfare services. Strengthen coordination and linkage with social groups such as associations, chambers of commerce, and societies. The fifth is to promote transformation and upgrading. Enhance the green development capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises, improve the management consulting expert database of small and medium-sized enterprises, and carry out activities such as management consulting and diagnosis of small and medium-sized enterprises. Help enterprises improve the level of compliance management.

The Beijing Stock Exchange was launched to open up new space for the growth of specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises. In the middle of November last year, there was also a major event closely related to the new small and medium-sized enterprises of specialization, which was launched by the Beijing Stock Exchange. The positioning of the Beijing Stock Exchange is to focus on innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, especially to open up new growth space for specialized and special new enterprises. From the perspective of capital orientation, we will support R&D investment, support technological innovation, support the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, support the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, and support innovation-driven development strategies. Accelerating the development of direct finance and improving the scale and speed of listed companies will effectively promote the transformation and upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises and high-quality development. In terms of direct financing, the Beijing Stock Exchange will complement the industry and enterprise development stages of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, as well as healthy competition. The Science and Technology Innovation Board, the ChiNext Board, the Beijing Stock Exchange and the innovation layer and basic layer of the New Third Board will form a support chain for different growth stages and different types of scientific and technological innovation enterprises. In terms of indirect financing, Chinese Min min bank plays a precise guiding role in structural monetary policy tools. Add 300 billion yuan of small refinancing lines; support small and medium-sized enterprises to postpone principal and interest payments of 11.8 trillion yuan, and issue a total of 9.1 trillion yuan of inclusive small and micro credit loans; improve the financing convenience of the supply chain of small and medium-sized enterprises. The platform has supported nearly 20,000 small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain financing of 1.46 trillion yuan.

Zhu Hongren, | specialized in new topics: The deep logic of the new development of small and medium-sized enterprises

It can be said that the understanding of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially specialized and specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises, has never mentioned such a height today, policies have never been promulgated as intensively as today, and the support has never been so great as today.

Fifth, seize the rare opportunity of specialized and new development

With the strength of the good wind, send Er up to qingyun. In the new situation, we must have a new positioning for "specialization and specialization": we must put the "specialization and specialization" of small and medium-sized enterprises at the height of building the main body of the implementation of high-quality development of China's economy, and take it seriously as the need to ensure the harmonious and stable development of China's economy and the need to improve the work level of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Create a good atmosphere for the development of specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises. Under the background of a series of supporting documents and important measures successively introduced by the central authorities, local governments must do a good job in studying and implementing them, so as to enhance their understanding and highlight their connotations; make overall plans and take into account the key points; conform to reform and form mechanisms; and set goals and take specific steps.

Strive to be a small giant in the team of specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises. Entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized enterprises should actively do the following: First, grasp the direction. Recognize the general trend of "14th Five-Year Plan" period to promote small and medium-sized enterprises to enhance their professional advantages and cultivate specialized and new "small giant" enterprises. The second is to clarify the positioning. According to market demand, combined with their own advantages and strengths, to focus on casting expertise, to support strong industries, to win the market with innovation; to find the position in the industrial chain, forge long boards, fill in the blanks. The third is to consolidate the foundation. Strengthen management innovation, grasp the market environment, put legal compliance first, and lead the management team and staff. The fourth is to choose the right path. Firmly grasp digital transformation and green and low-carbon development.

Do a good job in the resource pool of the growth of specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises. Industry organizations and service institutions that specialize in new small and medium-sized enterprises should do a good job in bridging the government and specializing new small and medium-sized enterprises, help the government understand information, help small and medium-sized enterprises grasp and make good use of policies; they should take advantage of familiarity with industry dynamics, enterprise operation, government policies and other advantages to pool resources and provide services for the new development needs of small and medium-sized enterprises; cultivate an information demonstration platform for in-depth services for specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises, and support the construction of demonstration bases for innovation and entrepreneurship of small and medium-sized enterprises. Support small and medium-sized enterprises to specialize in specialized and new characteristic industrial clusters. Give full play to the advantages of industry experts and entrepreneurs gathering, strengthen online and offline consulting and training services, guide small and medium-sized enterprises to take the road of specialized and special new development, do better and stronger, and give birth to "singles champions" and "supporting experts" enterprises that have mastered unique skills.

Carry forward the spirit of excellent entrepreneurship, build and develop a new small and medium-sized enterprise specialized and specialized. The Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Creating a Healthy Growth Environment for Entrepreneurs, Promoting Excellent Entrepreneurship and Giving Better Play to the Role of Entrepreneurs was released in full on September 25, 2017, and the Central Committee focused on entrepreneurship for the first time with a special document. Entrepreneurs specializing in new small and medium-sized enterprises should bear in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, continuously improve themselves in terms of patriotism, innovation, integrity, social responsibility and international vision, and strive to become a new force in the new era to build a new development pattern, build a modern economic system, and promote high-quality development. (This article is based on the author's speech at the Jintai Forum, and after being sorted out and revised, it is authorized to be published in Beijing time.) )

Responsible editor| Jiao Jianquan

Proofreader | Wu Shan

Beijing time· Jingrong think tank

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