
The "number one" of the Menghai Supply and Marketing Association in Yunnan Province fell from the horse: Gan was "hunted" and huge amounts of public funds were embezzled

author:Time Finance
The "number one" of the Menghai Supply and Marketing Association in Yunnan Province fell from the horse: Gan was "hunted" and huge amounts of public funds were embezzled

On February 21, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission released the "Case as a Lesson | The article "Responsible Fields" as "Self-Reserved Land" reveals in detail the case of the director of a county-level supply and marketing cooperative in Yunnan Province, who willfully used power and finally tasted the evil consequences.

The article of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shows that the "number one leader" plays a key role in dominating the work of a unit and a region. However, in reality, some "top leaders" have inflated their hearts, mistakenly regarded the "responsibility field" as "self-reserved land", and should have performed their duties and responsibilities, but regarded themselves as "big parents", arbitrarily used power, and acted arbitrarily.

Zhou Bo, former director of the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Cooperative Union in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, is a typical example. According to official disclosures, Zhou Bo is an "old good man" in his population and a "capable person" who does things crisply and neatly, but he has gradually lost the battle in the courtship of his subordinates, abandoned his duties, ignored discipline and law, and eventually went farther and farther on the road of violating discipline and law.

The "number one" of the Menghai Supply and Marketing Association in Yunnan Province fell from the horse: Gan was "hunted" and huge amounts of public funds were embezzled

Officials also revealed some details of Zhou Bo's political "responsibility field" that should have fulfilled his duties as his personal "reserved land", abused his power, and unscrupulously: For some matters that need to be discussed and decided, he either did not convene or take the form, or even made decisions at will by himself. For example, by holding a director's office meeting to study and decide to invest in the construction of a water plant on a plot of land used in violation of the law, an individual who exceeded his authority decided to transfer the land of the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Cooperative to the real estate company, causing land losses at the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Cooperatives Asset Management Center (hereinafter referred to as the "Menghai County Supply and Marketing Asset Center"), and using the name of the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Asset Center without authorization to sign a house purchase agreement with a real estate company with incomplete "five certificates" and help it evade the supervision and punishment of the housing construction department. Under the situation that the subordinate enterprise New Supply and Marketing Real Estate Company has already experienced a serious shortage of funds and is heavily indebted, the equity of the original shareholders of the New Supply and Marketing Real Estate Company has been acquired in violation of the law...

"The degree of arbitrariness of Zhou Bo's use of power is staggering, and his extremely irresponsible behavior has left an indelible pain point for the economic and social development of the whole county, and has also left us with a bitter lesson in the supervision and management of the 'number one'." At the beginning of February this year, the Menghai County Discipline Inspection Commission also issued a document analyzing Zhou Bo's violations of discipline and law.

Skynet was restored, neglected but not leaked. Zhou Bo ignored organizational procedures, used power willfully, acted arbitrarily, and eventually escaped punishment. On February 14 this year, according to the official disclosure of the Menghai Inspection, a few days ago, Zhou Bo, former director of the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Cooperative Union and former legal representative of the asset management center, was suspected of accepting bribes and abusing his power, and the Menghai County Supervision Commission concluded its investigation and transferred it to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution, and the Menghai County People's Procuratorate filed a public prosecution with the Menghai County People's Court.

Power is off track in "Hunting"

In April 2013, Zhou Bo came to Menghai County Supply and Marketing Cooperative Union as the director.

In the early days of his tenure, he was full of enthusiasm and dedication. However, in the deliberate efforts of others to curry favor, he "threw away his armor" and was willing to be "hunted" in a position of power, starting from the first disguised acceptance of benefits from subordinate enterprises, giving the green light to the trustees and doing convenient things became more and more intense, gradually abandoning his management duties and abusing the power in his hands until it was difficult to return.

Among them, including Liu Yong, the former chairman of the new supply and marketing real estate company under the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

In March 2014, in the second year of Zhou Bo's tenure, his wife was hospitalized for surgery and was unable to continue running his own "Fu Lin Ge" restaurant, which was closed.

After Liu Yong learned of this situation, he took the initiative to propose to Zhou Bo to acquire the "Fu Lin Ge" restaurant in the name of the new supply and marketing real estate company.

Zhou Bo knew that Liu Yong was doing this to win himself over, and the source of funds for the acquisition was the construction funds of the new supply and marketing real estate company", "Twin Towers International", but still agreed to Liu Yong's proposal. Later, this matter caused discussion in the unit, and Zhou Bo returned 800,000 yuan of acquisition funds to the new supply and marketing real estate company to avoid suspicion.

However, seeing that it was impossible to acquire the "Fu Lin Ge" restaurant through the new supply and marketing real estate company, Liu Yong spent 800,000 yuan to buy this restaurant again in the name of his father Liu Yecheng after several plans, which lifted the restaurant's suspension troubles for Zhou Bo.

In this matter, Zhou Bo disguised himself from his subordinate Liu Yong's interest transmission, and the normal superior-subordinate relationship also began to change.

Later, in July 2014, Zhou Bo invited colleagues from the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Cooperatives to dinner in the name of relocating his new house. During the period, Liu Yong quietly handed Zhou Bo a pile of 10,000 yuan in cash to express his congratulations. Zhou Bo knew that Liu Yong's purpose of sending money was to use the convenience of his position to help him in the loan matters of the "Twin Towers International" project of the new supply and marketing real estate company, but he tacitly put the money into his pocket.

Since then, Zhou Bo has begun to step by step on the road of violating discipline and law.

"Stand up for those who violate discipline and law"

It is worth mentioning that after Zhou Bo served as the number one of the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Cooperative, he repeatedly allowed Liu Yong to use the assets of the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Cooperative Union as collateral for loans. In this process, Liu Yong expressed his gratitude and took the initiative to send a thank-you fee to Zhou Bo after each successful mortgage loan.

And Liu Yong racked his brains to hunt and tie the knot, in exchange for Zhou Bo's entrustment and trust, and Zhou Bo was even more "turning a blind eye" to the mistakes made by Liu Yong, and even deliberately protected the short and ugly, protecting and conniving.

"When the capital problems of the new supply and marketing real estate company were revealed, I did not take decisive measures to deal with the problem and the responsible person, and even made excuses for him, in fact, I was protecting Liu Yong, which was both the shortness of protecting Liu Yong and the shortness of protecting myself." Because the mouth of the person who eats is soft, and the hand that takes the person is short. I blindly trusted and felt that he could handle everything well. Zhou Bo said.

However, behind the special relationship established by Zhou Bo and Liu Yong through the transmission of interests, the "responsibility field" of the "number one" has been deserted, and the assets of the society have long been eaten by the "giant rats". In addition, the severe situation caused by blind decision-making, lack of responsibility, and lack of supervision is not unknown, and those economic losses and social projects that are difficult to promote are in front of us, but Zhou Bo just pretends not to see.

In September 2014, Zhou Bo, then the director of the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Cooperative, the director of the Asset Management Center and the supervisor of the New Supply and Marketing Real Estate Company, held a director's office meeting to study the registration of mortgages with the assets of the society, and borrowed 17 million yuan from the Menghai County Credit Union with the Agricultural Materials Company, a subsidiary of the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Cooperative, as the main body of the loan, and handed over to the new supply and marketing real estate company for use, he could not listen to the objections of other team members, and still went through the loan and mortgage registration procedures with a personal decision.

After the loan was disbursed, Zhou Bo gave up his supervisory duties and was extremely irresponsible for his work, resulting in 15.6 million yuan of the loan funds being embezzled by Liu Yong personally, and the interest generated was paid by the new supply and marketing real estate company, resulting in direct economic losses of more than 830,000 yuan.

Subsequently, from November 2014 to April 2015, Zhou Bo took advantage of his position to violate the authority and procedures prescribed by law, exceeded his authority, and handled matters that individuals had no right to decide, and without convening a meeting to study collectively, the individual decided to use the land and real estate under the name of Menghai Asset Management Center to set up a mortgage registration for a total of 27 million yuan of loans for non-affiliated enterprises Menghai Renhe Tourism Development Co., Ltd. and Xishuangbanna Yuanhong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., and later because the unrelated enterprises could not repay the principal and interest. As a result, the mortgage registration land and real estate were enforced by the court, and more than 12.56 million yuan of the two loans were embezzled by Liu Yong personally.

The "number one" of the Menghai Supply and Marketing Association in Yunnan Province fell from the horse: Gan was "hunted" and huge amounts of public funds were embezzled

Cause serious losses to collective assets

Until January this year, the risk of land and real estate being executed by the Asset Management Center of Menghai County Supply and Marketing Cooperatives due to Zhou Bo's personal ultra vires behavior seemed to continue.

At the end of 2021, according to the Xishuangbanna Prefecture Discipline Inspection Commission and the State Supervision Commission, Zhou Bo was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office. After investigation, zhou Bo violated organizational discipline, did not abide by the principle of democratic centralism, and without collective decision-making, individuals exceeded their authority to decide matters that they had no right to deal with, resulting in the risk of being executed on the land and real estate of the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Asset Center; violating honesty and discipline and agreeing to purchase their own restaurants in the name of the following companies; violating work discipline and incorrectly performing their duties, causing serious losses to collective assets, taking advantage of their positions, and accepting property from others, with a relatively large amount.

According to the data of Tianyancha, Menghai County Supply and Marketing Asset Center was established in July 2001, and the controlling shareholder is Menghai County Supply and Marketing Cooperative Union, which owns Xishuangbanna New Supply and Marketing Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and many other enterprises. From May 2015 to November 2018, Zhou Bo served as the legal representative of Menghai County Supply and Marketing Asset Center.

However, since 2020, the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Asset Center has been implemented many times and has been restricted from high consumption, while Xishuangbanna New Supply and Marketing Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. has restricted consumption orders as high as nearly 30.

Just on January 22 this year, the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Asset Center added a new piece of executed information, and the execution target was 215,000 yuan. According to the relevant judgment documents of the enforcement case, after the court found out, the plaintiff Wang and the defendant Menghai County Supply and Marketing Asset Center signed the Land Transfer Agreement in December 2018, stipulating that the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Asset Center would transfer the land owned by it next to the Menghai County Waterworks to Wang at a transfer price of 215,000 yuan. In December 2018, Wang transferred 215,000 yuan of land transfer funds into the account designated by the supply and marketing asset center.

However, the defendant, the Menghai County Rural Credit Cooperative Association, mortgaged the land involved in the case to the Menghai County Rural Credit Cooperative Association in June 2017 because the supply and marketing asset center had not repaid the loan owed to the Menghai County Rural Credit Cooperative Association, and the land involved in the case had not been able to go through the mortgage procedures. In July 2021, the court requested the Supply and Marketing Asset Center to refund the land transfer amount of RMB215,000 and interest to Wang within 10 days of the effective date of the judgment. Due to the lack of implementation, the Menghai County Supply and Marketing Asset Center was listed as the executor in January this year. (Beijing Time Finance Wu Shan)