
Check the number of battery charges with one click and let your iPhone fight for another three years

Many small partners who use iPhones are very concerned about the health of mobile phones, and everyone hopes that their iPhones can fight for a few more years.

With the increase in the number of iPhone charges, the battery gradually ages, and the iPhone's endurance will naturally decline.

Check the number of battery charges with one click and let your iPhone fight for another three years

On the one hand, Apple provides users with the function of viewing the health of the battery, which is convenient for users to understand the maximum capacity of the current iPhone battery.

On the other hand, in the popular science article released by Apple some time ago, it also clarified the specific methods for everyone to protect the health of the iPhone battery.

Check the number of battery charges with one click and let your iPhone fight for another three years

At the same time, many small partners have also maintained good charging habits in the daily use of iPhone, controlling the maximum capacity of the battery at a relatively healthy percentage.

In fact, the current battery capacity of the iPhone is not the only criterion for testing the health of the battery, and the number of charges is also a very important reference condition.

Check the number of battery charges with one click and let your iPhone fight for another three years

Xiaoguo has previously shared tips for using shortcuts to check the number of times the iPhone battery is charged.

Now, we can check the number of times we have charged our iPhone through an app called Charging Animation.

Check the number of battery charges with one click and let your iPhone fight for another three years

You can go to the App Store and search for "Charging Animation".

After installing the "Charging Animation" app, we can go to the "Settings" - "Privacy" - "Analysis and Improvements" page to check whether the "Share iPhone Analysis" switch is turned on.

If it is already opened, you can directly select "Analyze Data" to proceed to the next step.

Check the number of battery charges with one click and let your iPhone fight for another three years

If you haven't turned on this option before, you'll need to turn on the switch and wait a day before querying.

After entering "Analyze Data", find the search bar on the drop-down page, enter "agg" and select the most recent file in the file name to open.

Then click the share icon in the upper right corner of the file interface, drop down the interface, and select "Charging Times Query".

Check the number of battery charges with one click and let your iPhone fight for another three years

In the pop-up interface, we can see the total number of charges of the current iPhone battery, the battery design capacity, the current capacity of the battery, and the percentage of battery health.

This data comes from the battery file that comes with the system, so it is still relatively accurate.

Check the number of battery charges with one click and let your iPhone fight for another three years

Many small partners may not know much about how the number of iPhone charges is calculated, and here Xiaoguo does a simple science popularization for everyone.

In fact, when the iPhone's battery discharge reaches 100%, it will be counted as a charging cycle.

For example, when we fully charge an iPhone, use 75% of the charge for a day, and then fully charge the device at night.

If another 25% charge is used the next day, the total discharge will reach 100%, resulting in a total charging cycle in two days.

Check the number of battery charges with one click and let your iPhone fight for another three years

According to Apple, when the user completes 500 charging cycles, the battery capacity can still be retained by 80%.

After that, the battery capacity will drop significantly and the battery life will be significantly shorter.

Check the number of battery charges with one click and let your iPhone fight for another three years

If your battery capacity is already below 80%, consider replacing the battery.

In addition, for some special cases, even if the battery capacity is still above 80%, the battery health should be assessed in combination with the number of charges.

Check the number of battery charges with one click and let your iPhone fight for another three years

Take Xiaoguo's iPhone X as an example, because it is a backup machine, it is not often used, and the battery health is still maintained at 81%.

Check the number of battery charges with one click and let your iPhone fight for another three years

But at the same time, the device has been charged 1153 times, so the actual battery life has been greatly reduced, far below the performance assessment shown by the battery health data.

In this case, you also need to replace the battery to solve the iPhone battery life problem.

Check the number of battery charges with one click and let your iPhone fight for another three years

In fact, with the use of equipment, the aging of the battery is inevitable.

But we can still extend the battery life of our iPhone as much as possible with good charging habits.

The above is the way to check the number of iPhone battery charges, and the small partner who has learned can now understand the detailed health of his battery.

For more information about the use of Apple device knowledge and skills and to inquire about the warranty, you can pay attention to my WeChat public account: cxkj-001 (fruit powder club).

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