
Shanghai Oriental Satellite TV has five host couples, do you know who they are?

author:Good luck for a lifetime 123

The host's profession is bright and beautiful in the eyes of outsiders, but due to the special work, although the host contacts a lot of people, but there are not many people who can really sit down and talk, so many hosts choose peers who can meet every day when choosing a mate, and today we will take a look at how many couples there are in the host in Shanghai!

Shanghai Oriental Satellite TV has five host couples, do you know who they are?

Si Wenjia vs High Mountain

On Valentine's Day 2014, Si Wenjia and Gao Shanfeng, who is also the host, held a wedding ceremony at the Peninsula Shanghai Bund. Si Wenjia, who likes to dance and is eccentric since childhood, is rumored to be a super rich second generation on the Internet, and the marriage room is made by the mother's family when getting married. And for his wife who is 11 years younger than himself, Gao Shanfeng is definitely a 24-year-old filial husband, and he is a leader inside and outside the family, since having a daughter, Gao Shanfeng is more devoted to the family, but Si Wenjia's hosting career is thriving.

Shanghai Oriental Satellite TV has five host couples, do you know who they are?

Cheng Lei vs Wang Mengmeng

In 2013, Cheng Lei married Wang Mengmeng, a beautiful host from Qingdao who had been in love for six years. For Cheng Lei's familial liver disease, Wang Mengmeng did not choose to leave like Cheng Lei's ex-girlfriend Chen Chen, but was touched by Cheng Lei's persistence, and eventually a lover finally became a family member, since having a son, the family has lived more warmly and comfortably.

Shanghai Oriental Satellite TV has five host couples, do you know who they are?

Lin Hai vs He Jie

This should be the couple who have been rumored to be divorced the most times, the Internet is rumored that Lin Hai divorced in 2019, in fact, Lin Hai, who was divorced in 2019, is not the host Lin Hai, but the musician Lin Hai, because the name is the same, and they are all engaged in music, so they are often misunderstood.

Lin Hai had a marriage before He Jie, the other party is also a peer, and it is Pull Lin Hai's debut and fame, for the divorce from his ex-wife, until now Lin Hai has been labeled as abandoning the original match.

Shanghai Oriental Satellite TV has five host couples, do you know who they are?

Li Han vs Qiu Qiming

Li Han and Qiu Qiming both served as anchors from Nanjing Television Station to Serve as anchors of Oriental Satellite TV, and the "Look at the Orient" program hosted by their husband and wife was also one of the most concerned and favorite programs in Shanghai at that time. After Qiu Qiming left Oriental Satellite TV, he successively served as an anchor on CCTV and the network platform, and in 2015, Qiu Qiming was imprisoned for a fight, and Li Han, who was ten years younger, did not abandon him and wholeheartedly waited for Qiu Qiming to get out of prison, which is also a good story. Now the two have children, and life is also sweet and happy.

Shanghai Oriental Satellite TV has five host couples, do you know who they are?

Shanghai TV once had a host couple, and later divorced for various reasons, Chenguang and Ren Yan, the story between them is not convenient to elaborate, everyone should know.


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