
XGP's new game was announced in early March with Microsoft Flight Simulator

Microsoft recently announced the xbox game Pass subscription service in early March to add a lineup of games, including Microsoft Flight Simulation, Final Fantasy XIII: Thunder Returns, and Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy.

XGP's new game was announced in early March with Microsoft Flight Simulator

XGP's new game lineup in early March is as follows:

March 1

Far Away: Rising and Falling Tide (Console + PC + Cloud)

Microsoft Flight Simulation (Cloud)

XGP's new game was announced in early March with Microsoft Flight Simulator

March 3

Final Fantasy XIII: Thunder Returns (Console + PC)

March 10

Kentucky Route 0 (host + PC + cloud)

Mower Simulator (Xbox One)

Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy (console + PC + cloud)

Gemini: Domineering (Console + PC + Cloud)

XGP's new game was announced in early March with Microsoft Flight Simulator

In addition, the following games will be removed from the game library of the XGP subscription service on March 15:

Neil: The Age of Machinery (Console + PC + Cloud)

Phogs! (console + PC + cloud)

Torchlight 3 (Console + PC + Cloud)

Burst 2 (Console + PC + Cloud)

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