
Fake Chen Qingyun and Liu Renyang's 2 martial arts novels, relive martial arts, and be happy

Wuxia novels once brought joy to the common people, but unfortunately, today's wuxia novels have been forgotten in Java, and there are basically no new readers.

Of course, for old martial arts fans, they can't forget the happy times when they watched martial arts novels before.

At that time, not only Jin Yong, Liang Yusheng and Gu Long, but also many martial arts novels were mesmerizing.

I am a real swimming cat, an old martial arts fan who has watched martial arts for 23 years, everyone must pay attention to me.

Today I will talk to you about the 2 martial arts novels that impersonate Chen Qingyun and Liu Renyang, relive martial arts, and be happy!

Friends who like old martial arts novels, you can find these novels and relive the martial arts dream!

The first book, impersonating Chen Qingyun's "Wudang Battle".

Chen Qingyun, a simple three words, was half red in the sky at that time.

Many martial arts fans specifically look for Chen Qingyun's novels to see, and feel that Chen Qingyun's novels are the coolest to fight, have the most adventures, have the most atmosphere, and are very happy to read.

Therefore, there are a large number of novels on the market that impersonate Chen Qingyun.

Just like this "Wudang Battle Record", there is another name "Wulin Ti", the real author and Chen Qingyun have no half-cent relationship.

Fake Chen Qingyun and Liu Renyang's 2 martial arts novels, relive martial arts, and be happy

However, the style of the novel is indeed more similar to Chen Qingyun's novel, and it was really false and real at that time.

Even the old jianghu with good eyesight may not find this book a fake.

Then again, the two names of "Wudang Zhengxiong" and "Wulin Ti" are more gimmicky and more attractive than "Wudang Zhengxiong".

The name of the male protagonist of the novel is also very strange, it is actually called "hate", I really have to admire the author's ghost idea.

Fake Chen Qingyun and Liu Renyang's 2 martial arts novels, relive martial arts, and be happy

The plot of the novel is that the three gate sects in the world, Shaolin, Wudang and Huashan, once hold a contest every ten years, and the winning sect can obtain the Wulin Ti and order the entire jianghu.

The Wudang faction failed twice in a row, and finally the male protagonist hated to become a descendant of the Wudang faction and helped Wudang play the game.

By the way, the male protagonist also got the guidance of many martial arts masters such as "Camel Man", and his martial arts were invincible and became the master of the martial arts alliance.

In the end, the male protagonist defeats the Hundred Poison Heavenly Lords, Ghost Mothers and others of the Hundred Poison Gate, and solves the disaster for Wulin.

Of course, as the male protagonist, peach blossom luck is indispensable. Somewhat similar to Chen Qingyun's novel, this book is also a model of women chasing men, and all kinds of beautiful women actively pursue male protagonists, perseverance, and perseverance.

In the end, the male protagonist and Ai Huimei, Wei Wei and other beautiful women are kind and loving, which is also a good ending.

Fake Chen Qingyun and Liu Renyang's 2 martial arts novels, relive martial arts, and be happy

The fight scenes in the novel are quite wonderful, the words are relatively exaggerated, somewhat similar to the current network novel, the sword and light sword shadow, tense and exciting, let people look dazzling.

Therefore, to this day, there are still many people who like this novel and miss this novel that pretends to be Chen Qingyun.

The second book, "The River of Life and Death in the Yin and Yang Realm" that pretends to be Liu Renyang.

Liu Renyang was also a big name in that year, and conquered the hearts of many martial arts fans with his unique tough guy style.

This "Yin and Yang Realm Life and Death River" is not a real Liu Renyang work, but with its twists and turns, it makes martial arts fans unforgettable.

Fake Chen Qingyun and Liu Renyang's 2 martial arts novels, relive martial arts, and be happy

The novel writes that there is a martial ancestor known as the "five-step soul hunting", who disappeared a hundred years ago. As a result, a hundred years later, the traces of "five-step soul hunting" once again appeared on the rivers and lakes.

It turned out that this "five-step soul chasing" was pretended by the male protagonist "Fang Tianyun". Fang Tianyun is a true descendant of the five-step soul chaser, he defeated one enemy after another, and returned justice for his master, but he could not obtain the consummation of love.

Because the five beautiful heroines, in order to save Fang Tianyun, can only become victims of the Death Valley Lord.

The story ends like this: "Fang Tianyun stood on a hill and looked at the five clear figures. In his mind, there was still hope, and that hope was to wait for them to return. But where did he know that this parting would never see them again? ”

Fake Chen Qingyun and Liu Renyang's 2 martial arts novels, relive martial arts, and be happy

The plot of this novel is tortuous, the fight is cheerful, and Fang Tianyun's "Xuantian Divine Gong" is even more powerful, making readers exclaim and envy endlessly.

However, the novel is a bit of a tiger tail, the plot of "Death Valley Lord" seems to be very abrupt, and the final ending of the story seems to be very awkward, it seems that the author does not want to write a novel, abruptly stopped, it is simply a "rotten tail".

It may also be because the ending of this novel is too bad, so many martial arts fans, like me, still remember this novel.

Fake Chen Qingyun and Liu Renyang's 2 martial arts novels, relive martial arts, and be happy

Friends, have you read these martial arts novels? Do you also know of the martial arts novels of jin yong, Liang Yusheng, Gu Long, Wolong sheng, Chen Qingyun, Xiao Yi and other martial arts masters? Welcome to leave a message.

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