
Ancient tombs dug out the Warring States "refrigerator", experts can not copy in 20 years, modern science and technology has no solution?

There are always hidden mysteries in ancient tombs, hiding a lot of mysteries that we can't explain now, in order to understand the cultural life and customs of our ancients, which is also the reason for our archaeology. The tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng is an ancient tomb of the Warring States period excavated from the mainland, located in Suizhou, Hubei, since ancient times, Suizhou, Hubei has been a place where famous warriors and generals of all generations must fight, and Emperor Zeng Houyi of Zengguo was buried in this place.

Ancient tombs dug out the Warring States "refrigerator", experts can not copy in 20 years, modern science and technology has no solution?

The tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng has unearthed a very famous ancient cultural relic, that is, the complete set of Warring States chimes of the Warring States, and together with the chimes, there are also a large number of jade and bronze tools, as well as more than 20 young bones buried together. The reason why the tomb of Zeng Houyi can unearth so many cultural relics is all due to the fact that this tomb of Zeng Houyi is a "water tomb", that is to say, it was found in the water, which greatly reduced the possibility of this tomb being stolen.

Ancient tombs dug out the Warring States "refrigerator", experts can not copy in 20 years, modern science and technology has no solution?

In the tomb of Zeng Houyi, the cultural relics found by experts are more interesting than one, and in this ancient tomb that is more than 2,000 years away from us today, experts also found the "refrigerator" of the Warring States period. Did you have a refrigerator before? Of course, in the hot summer, it is very comfortable to eat iced food, although the ancient people did not have electricity, but they also ate iced food with their own wisdom, and the cultural relics found in the tomb of Zeng Houyi not only have the function of ice cold things, the same, it is also an "oven". What's going on?

Ancient tombs dug out the Warring States "refrigerator", experts can not copy in 20 years, modern science and technology has no solution?

The refrigerator found in the tomb of Zeng Houyi is called "Zenghou Yi Copper Jian Miao", which is now a first-class protected cultural relic in the mainland, so how does this Zeng Hou Yi Copper Jian make a "refrigerator" and "oven"? This Zenghou Yi Bronze Jian Jian is composed of two parts, and the outer part is called "Jian" And the inner part is called "缶". The height of the jian is 63.2 cm, the height of the "缶" is 51.8 cm, and the internal carving of the "Zenghou Yi Copper Jian Miao" is still very exquisite, and the carvings on it are carved with crab patterns, hook patterns, banana leaf patterns and so on. After seeing this exquisite "Zeng Hou Yi Copper Jian Miao", the experts all felt that the ancients were really smart.

Ancient tombs dug out the Warring States "refrigerator", experts can not copy in 20 years, modern science and technology has no solution?

The whole ribbon is bulging in a square shape, with ring buttons in all four corners, and grooves on all sides of the hook, which surround the middle part like a moat. The mystery lies in this groove, in which ice cubes can be placed, which serves as an ice-cooling role in the refrigerator. As for the oven, in the winter, it is filled with water, and everyone knows that the specific heat capacity of water is very large, and it plays a role in keeping warm when water is filled in winter. Although it is said that this "Zenghou Yi Copper JianJian" is a refrigerator, in fact, the original idea of the owner who invented this container was to make this "Zenghou Yi Copper Jianjian" into a wine vessel, but later people found that this "Zenghou Yi Copper Jianjian" was more useful, so there was a "refrigerator" and "oven".

Ancient tombs dug out the Warring States "refrigerator", experts can not copy in 20 years, modern science and technology has no solution?

After the discovery of this "Zeng Hou Yi Copper Jian Miao", there are also experts who have tried to copy this "artifact", but they have no choice but to copy it, and some experts even spent 20 years, but in the end it was in vain, and what was made was not one-tenth of what the ancients made. This also has to make people admire the wisdom of the ancients, in that era when there was no such high technology as now, if you want to make such a delicate thing, you must be so skilled to make it.

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