
7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

More than 6,000 cafes, fierce


7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

Some time ago, the blue bottle of coffee opened, did friends in Shanghai have fun? Before that, Ri Zhanjun also wrote a story about the blue bottle for everyone: the past life and this life of the blue bottle coffee

But after all, I... Didn't drink it!

Why? Of course, the queue is too exaggerated! According to many media reports, on the first day of the opening of the blue bottle of coffee, some people went to the queue at 6 o'clock in the morning, and the longest queue lasted 8 hours, waiting for a cup of coffee!

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

At the same time, the scalper is late but arrived! Some witnesses said that there were cattle who placed 60 cups at a time and sold them at a high price... Ah this, farewell!

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

Although the queue in the next few days was gradually compressed to 1 or 2 hours, it seems that in a short period of time, the daily station Jun could not drink this blue bottle of coffee.

However, such a crazy queue tide also proves how strong the shanghai people's dependence on coffee is, and it also proves how rolled the coffee market in Shanghai is.

To what extent? Now you can look forward to it!

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

More than 6,000 coffee shops, what a blood sea battlefield!

If you count the cafes in Shanghai, there are more than 6,000 in general, several times more in many cities! To what extent? The family doesn't have their own unique skills, so you don't have to open this shop anymore.

· Some coffees, with cross-border highlights of their own characteristics ·

For example, this café below not only sells coffee, but even sells pancake fruits directly! People who don't know think they have come to Tianjin in a second!

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

Only to see the staff skilled stall pancakes, pancake stalls on the English "Coffee Shop" words, staff a fashion black suit, and the stall on the hot pancakes seem out of place and a little attention-grabbing, alternative "Chinese and Western", it is difficult not to want to try it.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

This combination with the daily civilian breakfast makes people deeply feel that the coffee shop is deeply rooted in the Shanghai area, and it is no longer a "petty pastime", eating and drinking well is the purpose.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

Of course, since there are also pancake fruits, are the more simple and easy buns indispensable? ...... Ri ZhanJun casually searched, and there really was, even more than one!

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

In addition to the shop called "Bun Coffee" in the upper part, the "Zhongjia No. 1" below also coincided with the sale of buns, giving their own buns a name - called "tolerance".

A pun not only advocates the Chinese philosophy of inclusiveness, but also the appearance of the bun is indeed quite capable.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

If this continues, "Yangchun noodle coffee", "shallot oil cake coffee", "oil duner coffee" should also be on the road. I don't know if our Winter Olympic champion Gu Ailing will come out with a few "leek box coffees" after the shocking bite?

Hinata Jun still wants to try it...

· Some coffees, with flavoring to seduce the tip of your tongue ·

More cafes still choose to "use drink flavors to decide", such as the Iron Hand Coffee Manufacturing Bureau, one of Asia's top 50 companies, which has become famous.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

Not only are there standard various types of hand punches and special tones, the most distinctive "Sun Egg Series Latte" in the store has also brushed up a number of hot search lists, and even attracted a wave of fast food!

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

And this one egg alone has produced "cinnamon flavor", "dangui flavor", "ginger flavor", "silt (black sesame) taste"... I'm going to be swept up by you!"

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

The iron hand on the top plays with the shape, and the O.P.S coffee on the bottom has begun to play the idea of floral fragrance.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

According to the introduction of netizens, this coffee has achieved a different menu in each season, and there are only 5 kinds of coffee, each with its own characteristics!

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

For example, this cup of "The one where everything begin", using a variety of floral syrups, the clerk will explain the taste of the flowers one-on-one, sprinkle with petals and seaweed and spray with edible jasmine perfume, you are not doing Michelin molecular cuisine is it??

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

Another "Big Tree at the Mouth of the Village" uses the smoking method, placing the techniques originally used in the meal on the coffee, and named it "the summer that never ends and the love that is disillusioned at any time".

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

There is a saying, do not come to Shanghai, but also feel that they know a little coffee, came to Shanghai to drink a few cups, feel like a local dog...

· There are also some coffees, swords to go sideways ·

Just been "frightened (hi)" by the taste and crossover, and the next side has to marvel at the strange craftsmanship of Shanghai coffee people. For example, in many cafes in Shanghai now, you open the menu and see "liquid nitrogen coffee", and you don't know whether you are walking into a café or a chemistry laboratory.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

The owner of the coffee with the mentality of "engaging in scientific research" also produces a large number of hidden menus, from this niche and inconspicuous café: cclab coffee, the daily station Jun has been served!

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

Doing what is done to the extreme is "ingenuity", and countless cafes in Shanghai have verified this truth: not only the coffee is unrolled, but the attached desserts are not left behind.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

XI TOUNG's sweets make people think that their store is really a bit of an idea.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

The overall variety is many, the value is high, it is really a full range of exudation: open a coffee shop in Shanghai, you learn a little bit of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and then add some design art geography, humanities, chemistry, physics, history and music.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

There is also a bear's claw coffee that everyone is familiar with, which is also a successful case of sword walking sideways, and everyone is already very familiar with it!

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

These thousands of niche cafes have formed the "Shanghai Coffee Inner Roll Knife Mountain Blood Sea", only on a street on Yongkang Road, there are more than a dozen, making strange moves at each other, competing for each other's curiosity, really making people have to sigh: the cosmic center of the coffee industry is in Shanghai!

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary
7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

Big Coffee Chain: Rolls don't forget to bring us

Large coffee chain stores, due to the uniform quality, the main fast, in the coffee itself on the doorway is naturally not as exquisite as the niche café, these coffee chain stores that survive in the shanghai battlefield, and finally win with design.

For example, the store of Blue Bottle Coffee this time still uses the "royal designer" Nagasaka Toki, which has exploded the old factory building and realized the design style of new and old integration and time and space contrast.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

%Arabica is also constantly refreshing the design ceiling, and Shuhei Aoyama has designed multiple stores for it, each with a distinctive landmark style.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

This store in Shanghai adheres to the clean and transparent atmosphere that %Arabica has always had, and I believe that it is difficult for anyone not to take out their mobile phone to take pictures here.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

Another local coffee, Manner, has grown rapidly after opening its first small shop of only 2 square meters and has become a large coffee brand.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

Designed in the style of "small and fine", if you have visited this humble looking small store located at the Majestic Theatre, you will definitely have a deep feeling.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

The store's strong retro style makes the whole space look exceptionally comfortable and relaxed, while also with some micro-rock improvisation, a second back to the neon era.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

In addition, there are brands such as Seesaw, all of which are located accurately and vigorously reflect their own design aesthetic style, and there is always one that is your favorite.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

And more old Shanghai, it has been 85 years, known as the "origin of Shanghai coffee" Of the East China Sea Café, completely old-fashioned Shanghai style, the interior of the old Shanghai people's favorite "borscht", the memory and design aesthetics, all brushed up!

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

As for the Starbucks we are all familiar with, do you still need to say! To what extent is it rolled up? One intersection, two shops across the street! What a paragon of "I rolled up and killed myself"!

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

"When you come to Shanghai, you can not only feel the Huashan sword of the coffee industry, but also see the ups and downs of a century-old design." —by Lu Xun (he didn't say it)

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

Don't look up to the ceiling, but they enjoy it

Although rolled up to the ceiling, coffee brands still have a great affection for Shanghai, and there are relevant statistics that the number of coffee shops in Shanghai is twice that of Guangzhou, far exceeding the world's major cities, and is the city with the most cafes in the world.

This is all because in Shanghai, drinking coffee has become a living habit that has lasted for nearly a hundred years, and it is no longer a petty bourgeois complex.

Every coffee shop is trying to "make flowers" and keep the taste and technology of coffee constantly updated, and eventually become the one at the top – although the competition is getting stronger, but it has indeed allowed the coffee industry in Shanghai to develop incredibly rapidly.

It's hard to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

7 hours waiting for a cup of "blue bottle coffee"? Scalpers frantically place 60 cups! Netizen: Although, however, it is not necessary

However, for us ordinary consumers, there is no need to think too much. With good coffee to drink, new stores to open, who wouldn't want to try it?

I don't believe let me see how many good stores (blinks) introduced this time have been collected by you who have read this article and the Little Red Book.

Image Material:

Dianping's user reviews chart

Little Red Book user review group

Photographer Tian Fangfang

Fresh coffee @ Weibo

Shanghai Where to Eat @ Weibo

Manner Coffee


Starbucks Reserve

Some of the images come from the Internet

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