
The "three don't" abstinence method allows me to quit drinking five times in the next year, and I don't hurt my feelings

author:Private room story stew

The "three don'ts" abstinence method allowed me to successfully quit drinking again, which was the fifth time this year that I had not dripped wine on the wine table. Want to know how I did it?

Since I threatened to quit drinking with my wife during the Spring Festival, I began to implement this year's alcohol abstinence plan.

In fact, this is a matter of last resort, before I drank almost unrestrained, I drank at every turn.

But then I found that my blood pressure had risen, my physical fitness had dropped, and my weight had exceeded the standard too much, and I had reached the point where I had to take measures.

When people reach middle age, this is a situation that is easy to encounter. Then abstinence from alcohol is imperative and imminent.

In fact, I did not drink alcohol during the Spring Festival, so the vigorous alcohol abstinence plan was officially launched.

The "three don't" abstinence method allows me to quit drinking five times in the next year, and I don't hurt my feelings

In a house where I haven't lived for a few years, there is only a little greenery left.

But people always have to deal with people when they walk in the rivers and lakes, and now when they deal with people, they will go to the wine table at every turn.

This situation is inevitable, the problem is how to sit at the wine table and not drink, it depends on a person's concentration and wisdom.

After the Spring Festival, I have already passed through a liquor bureau, which is the kind of liquor bureau that must be visited, and the small liquor bureaus that have been dismissed are not counted.

My feat is that in these five official liquor boards, I really did the wine without sticking! Whoops! Cows or not cows?

So how did I do it?

The "three don't" abstinence method allows me to quit drinking five times in the next year, and I don't hurt my feelings
What the? Is your car still a manual gear? Or automatic? Look at me – voice-activated!

In fact, there is only one secret, that is, "don't be too serious, don't be too facetious, don't be too self-respecting"

This is my exclusive secret – the three don't abstain from alcohol.

Before, at the wine table, it was often because I was too serious, too face-saving, and too self-respecting, and I drank myself with a small pigtail to the sky, and I couldn't move to support the wall.

But now as soon as we get on the wine table, we have to put on our own posture: "Sorry guys, today I have a special situation, I really can't drink, I declare it in advance!" ”

"What's going on? Driving? They would ask.

"Ah, haha." Vague answer.

"What's the matter, ready to have a second child?" They meet hmmm asks.

"Mm-hmm, uh-huh." Vague answer.

"Strict wife? Strict control of the wife? They would ask.

"Hey, hey, hey, hahaha." Answered vaguely.

In short, it is a sentence - anything can be said, and we are firm anyway. No matter how much persuasion is not drunk, no matter how to scold, how to provoke the Fa is not drunk. And we are also very cultivated, smiling, not anxious, not serious, no face, no self-esteem.

The "three don't" abstinence method allows me to quit drinking five times in the next year, and I don't hurt my feelings
Life is like this, a little careless, will be chicken flying eggs beating, the body drunk collapse, it is nothing!

Anyway, we just don't drink it! There is no seriousness on the wine table, so why be serious? Why face? Why self-esteem? It really doesn't work, they just forced us to drink and we are also rogues around the table, that is, improper wine glasses, hip-hop and laugh to cope with the past.

After a few times, people will stop pushing you. After that, if you don't drink alcohol, you become your persona, then you succeed.

Not serious, no face, no self-esteem, actually real seriousness, real face, real self-esteem. What do you think?