
North Korea to visit relatives (02) set foot in the North Korean border city of Hyesan

author:Hu Wei's Diary
North Korea to visit relatives (02) set foot in the North Korean border city of Hyesan

Episode 2

I watched warily at the other side, it was the first time I had been so close to North Korea. Suddenly, a soldier appeared from the cornfield on the shore, he was wearing an ill-fitting military uniform, he was small, and his military uniform was somewhat loose. Even though I'm an adult, I'm not much taller than me.

The soldier wore his hat backwards, held a gun, pointed at me and the big head, looked very annoyed, and yelled at me and the big head. We were so frightened that we didn't hear what he was yelling about. The big head yelled, run. I reacted quickly, and a fierce man plunged into the river and swam back quickly.

When I got out of the river, I had swam more than 10 meters away, and I heard something fall into the river behind me, and I thought the other party had fired a shot. The big head was also frightened, and he didn't dare to stay for a moment, and struggled to swim to the center of the river.

Soon we swam to the middle of the river, faster than when we swam over. Swimming to the middle, I was exhausted. Glancing at the soldier on the other side, he was still staring at us, but it was already a little far away. At this time, I also saw clearly that the soldiers did not shoot, but threw stones into the river.

The soldier saw that we were Chinese children, and when we swam to the middle, he entered the post not long after. My mood has also calmed down. I started backstroke, and when I swam to shore with my big head, the moon was already out.

After I went ashore with my big head, we swam barefoot for a long time before we found our sandals and top. The evening wind blew, and there was a chill on my body.

Big head showing off in front of me: how's that? Believe I've swam to the other side. At this time, I patted the big head on the shoulder: say, I believe you. The big head was very happy, and the snot shook high.

We trotted all the way in the direction of home, and the big head sometimes posed as Ultraman fighting monsters, and told me with a firm face that one day he had Ultraman's energy, and he would not be afraid of those soldiers with guns.

When I got home, it was completely dark. Because I came home too late, I was "tortured to extract a confession" by my parents, but I had already discussed it with Datou, and this matter was a secret between us, and anyone could tell it.

I've kept it a secret for years and never told anyone about it. After graduating from high school, Datou was not admitted to college and went to work in the south. I was admitted to university and majored in Korean. The reason why I majored in Korean was because I thought it was easy to learn Korean.

During the summer vacation of my sophomore year, my mother said to me: We have relatives in North Korea, and now we have the opportunity to visit relatives in North Korea, do you want to go to North Korea with me to see my uncle? I asked my mother with a puzzled face: North Korea is so closed, can we enter the country?

The mother smiled mysteriously: there is nothing that cannot be done. Later, I learned that my mother spent money to get through the relationship, and only then did she get a visa for customs clearance. But when I was able to meet my uncle, my mother felt that it was worth the money.

When I was a child, I learned from my mother that she had a younger brother who lived in North Korea, but had not seen each other for many years, and before going to North Korea, my mother got in touch with my uncle and told him that we were going to visit relatives.

Going to North Korea to see her younger brother has been my mother's wish for many years. Visiting relatives abroad is always a tiring journey in my mind, either by train or plane.

When we went to visit relatives in North Korea, we didn't have to take a train or a plane, but we just took a car to the treaty port and walked through the port.

My uncle's city is called Huisan, this city is no stranger to me, because this city is separated from my house by a river, Huishan is the capital city of Lianggang Province in North Korea, although it is the provincial capital, but there is no atmosphere of a big city.

When I was a child, I used to stand on the top of the hill and look at the city, and I thought it was similar to our small county. In recent years, our small county town has undergone earth-shaking changes, there are more high-rise buildings, and there are more cars, but Huishan is still the same Huishan.

There are few buildings in the city, most of them are wooden and tile, and cars on narrow streets are rare. The North Korean customs officers, dressed in military uniforms and carrying guns, did not bother us after checking our visas. Instead, I wish us a good time in North Korea in Chinese.

Although it is a customs clearance port, there are not many people in transit tourism and business, the port seems deserted, I have never seen my uncle, only seen a photo of him and his mother when he was a child, even if he passed in front of my eyes, I could not recognize it.

When my mother and I entered North Korea, we brought our mobile phones with us, but when we entered the country, the mobile phones were detained. This made me very unhappy, but the customs officer said that this is their rule, and when you return to China, you can apply to them to get your phone back.

After the port, my mother and I looked around for my uncle's figure, a jeep slowly stopped in front of us, and a middle-aged man got out of the car, he came to my mother excitedly and called out affectionately: Sister.

The middle-aged man was my uncle, and I looked closely at the man in front of me, wearing glasses, short hair, and not as dark as other North Koreans. Wearing a white shirt on the upper body, a pair of black trousers on the bottom, a pair of leather shoes on the feet, and a black briefcase in his hand, he looks very stylish.

The uncle was followed by a girl in a ponytail, wearing a floral dress, a pair of high-heeled sandals, and a parasol in her hand.

The girl was pretty and cute, shyly hiding behind her uncle and secretly looking at us. When I saw my beautiful cousin, I couldn't help but take the initiative to talk: I'm your cousin, come and call my brother.

My cousin's face turned even redder, and my uncle laughed and said, "I've grown so tall, even taller than my uncle." Mother smiled and said: What are you doing, grow the first place.

My mother asked me to call me uncle, and I shouted very affectionately. My uncle asked my cousin to call my mother and aunt, but my cousin was very quiet and not as open as I was. The mother and uncle exchanged a few pleasantries, and the mother was so excited that she burst into tears. My uncle asked me about the date of my birth, and I said that after the birthday, my uncle said to my cousin, "Call my cousin."

The girl called out to her cousin, and my heart suddenly burst into joy, the sister in front of me was much more well-behaved than my own sister. She didn't dare to look at me, I stood next to her, and she only dared to sneak at me.

After chatting a few words on the side of the road, my uncle let us get in the car and talk. The jeep driven by my uncle was very old, and my uncle introduced that the car belonged to the unit, because no one used the car today, so he drove out to pick us up.

My mother sat in the passenger seat, and my cousin and I sat in the back. My uncle asked me: Do you know how to drive?

I replied: I have already taken the driver's license, but I have never driven a car. Uncle praised: It's amazing to get a driver's license at such a young age.

My mother and uncle talked a lot, and I was not interested in the topic of their adults. I asked my cousin: Are you still studying? My cousin said: I didn't get into college and worked in a textile factory.

Uncle sighed and said: This girl has a bad academic performance, so she can only work in the factory, are you in college? I replied: I'm a sophomore, but it's not a prestigious university. The uncle said to his cousin: "Look, your cousin is much smarter than you, and you will learn more from your cousin in the future."

Soon, the car drove into the city, the urban road is relatively narrow, the main road is a gravel road, and on both sides of the road are tiled houses with yards, the yards are surrounded by wooden blocks, and various vegetables are grown in them. While driving, my uncle introduced us to the situation in Huishan.

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