
Laughing numb! Liu Xiaoqing said that there was no hot search for young people at all, and I died of laughter in the comment area

author:Only high eight douchen star 5u

Recently, Liu Xiaoqing boldly tried to play the role of a young man in a show, which aroused heated discussions among netizens. She confidently said: "It's no problem to play a young person!" This remark quickly appeared on the hot search list, and the comment area was a sea of joy.

Laughing numb! Liu Xiaoqing said that there was no hot search for young people at all, and I died of laughter in the comment area
Laughing numb! Liu Xiaoqing said that there was no hot search for young people at all, and I died of laughter in the comment area
Laughing numb! Liu Xiaoqing said that there was no hot search for young people at all, and I died of laughter in the comment area
Laughing numb! Liu Xiaoqing said that there was no hot search for young people at all, and I died of laughter in the comment area
Laughing numb! Liu Xiaoqing said that there was no hot search for young people at all, and I died of laughter in the comment area

As a senior actor, Liu Xiaoqing has always been known for his superb acting skills and ageless appearance. Challenging young roles this time is undoubtedly a bold breakthrough in her acting skills. However, netizens have different opinions on this.

Some netizens expressed their support: "Liu Xiaoqing's acting skills have always been online, what he plays is like, and he will definitely be able to control this challenge for young roles." They believe that Liu Xiaoqing's acting skills have reached the point of perfection, whether it is a costume drama or a modern drama, he can easily interpret the charm of the role.

However, some netizens have reservations: "Although Liu Xiaoqing's acting skills are very good, there is still a sense of disobedience when he is older and plays a young man." They believe that age is an insurmountable gap, and no matter how good their acting skills are, they can't fully make up for the gap caused by age.

Of course, some netizens chose to ridicule: "Liu Xiaoqing is going against the sky, it's okay to play a young person, will you challenge playing a baby next time?" In a humorous way, they expressed their views on Liu Xiaoqing's challenge to the younger role.

In the face of various comments from netizens, Liu Xiaoqing himself seemed quite calm. She responded on social media: "Thank you for your attention and support, I will continue to work hard to bring more good works to everyone." These words not only expressed her gratitude for the comments of netizens, but also showed her firm belief as an actress.

In general, Liu Xiaoqing's challenge to the young character sparked widespread discussion among netizens. Some support, some question, and some choose to ridicule. But in any case, we should all praise the veteran actor for his courage and determination. After all, the spirit of daring to challenge oneself and constantly breaking through is the most valuable asset of an actor.

Finally, we look forward to Liu Xiaoqing continuing to shine in his future works and bringing us more surprises and touches. At the same time, I also hope that netizens can give her more understanding and support, and witness the growth and transformation of this senior actor together.

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