
He Xiaopeng exclaimed: Where did the Chinese face at the American meeting go?

author:Xiao Liu came to class

Friends, have you heard? He Xiaopeng, the head of Xpeng Motors, recently took a turn in the United States, and after coming back, he lamented that the number of Chinese companies in the field of AI is not large, and the number of entrepreneurs who go to the United States to participate in the conference is sparse. We'll have to talk about it. He Xiaopeng experienced Tesla's FSD autopilot system, which is really dazzling, and people can't help but want to find out. However, what he said after returning to China was thought-provoking. He said that there do not seem to be enough AI startups in China, and that the number of Chinese companies attending the conference in the United States is also decreasing. The first point of view may be somewhat reasonable, after all, AI is the trend of the future, and it is always good to have more innovative companies. As for the second point, the story behind it is complicated.

He Xiaopeng exclaimed: Where did the Chinese face at the American meeting go?

The technological rivalry between the United States and China, especially the Huawei incident, has sounded the alarm for many Chinese companies. The Meng Wanzhou incident, on the surface, seems to be Canada's doing, but it is actually a US-led action to curb Huawei's development. The U.S. sanctions stick is wielding a tiger, and many Chinese companies are feeling the chill. In this context, entrepreneurs will naturally think twice, and the enthusiasm for attending the conference in the United States will naturally cool down.

He Xiaopeng exclaimed: Where did the Chinese face at the American meeting go?

In fact, the small number of AI companies in China may be related to the market environment, investment risks and policy guidance. Whenever the national policy is tilted, the related industries will usher in a wave of entrepreneurship, but the tide recedes, and there are very few companies that can really gain a firm foothold. This is not a bad thing, it shows that the market is purifying itself and survival of the fittest. As for going to the United States to participate in the conference, it depends on the attitude of the United States, after all, an open and friendly environment can attract more participants.

He Xiaopeng exclaimed: Where did the Chinese face at the American meeting go?

Speaking of which, it has to be mentioned that educational exchanges between China and the United States are also undergoing changes. The decline in the number of Chinese students studying in the United States and the decrease in the willingness of American students to study in China are not only due to the factors of policy adjustment, but also the influence of the public opinion environment. But one thing is for sure, communication and cooperation will always be the key to solving problems.

He Xiaopeng exclaimed: Where did the Chinese face at the American meeting go?

He Xiaopeng's emotion may be more of an expectation for the future. China's AI field needs more fresh blood and a broader international perspective. But in this process, we need to keep a clear head, both to see the opportunities and to be wary of the risks. After all, the competition in technology is a protracted battle, and it is not something that can be decided overnight. All in all, He Xiaopeng's observations provoke us to think. Whether it is the prosperity of AI entrepreneurship or the deepening of international exchanges, we need to work together to create a more open and inclusive environment. Only in this way can we occupy a favorable position on the global scientific and technological map and write our own wonderful chapter.

#AI创业之路# #中美科技较量# #教育交流新趋势# #科技竞争与合作# #未来科技展望#

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