
A chronicle of a female nurse's work on "sperm retrieval".

author:369 There are many rights and wrongs in front of the widow

Around us, there is such a group of people, they may not have amazed the world, or they may be unknown, but they have shouldered the burden of life with their shoulders and warmed the souls of countless people with a soft heart.

They are medical staff.

And in this group of ordinary people, there is a group of special beings, and the work they engage in may be ignored by many people, and even be misunderstood and discriminated against.

A chronicle of a female nurse's work on "sperm retrieval".

They are medical professionals engaged in reproductive medicine, they may need to face some embarrassing and special work content, but they use firm faith and selfless dedication to help those in need and become guardian angels in the lives of others.

Today, I want to talk about a female nurse in the field of reproductive medicine, her name is Li Yan.

She at work

In our mind, nurses may be a group of angels in white coats with bright smiles, who will provide timely care and comfort to patients when they need them, bringing them a touch of warmth and hope.

And Li Yan is also such a kind nurse, she works in a hospital in Shunde, Guangdong, and her usual job content is to carry out various nursing work for patients and provide them with the greatest care and help.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the profession of "nurse" is no longer unfamiliar, and even has become a little "flat", thinking that their work is just a simple nursing job.

A chronicle of a female nurse's work on "sperm retrieval".

But in fact, not all nurses can be "ordinary" and "ordinary", such as Li Yan, her work is actually far more than that.

Because one day, the hospital decided to open a new service, that is, the "sperm retrieval" service, and Li Yan became the person in charge of this service.

For this kind of work content, many people may feel very "awkward" and "embarrassing", and even have some "misunderstanding" and "discrimination", feeling that this kind of work is not so glorious and normal.

A chronicle of a female nurse's work on "sperm retrieval".

But Li Yan did not change her view of this work because of other people's eyes and ideas, she felt that every job is equal and needs to be treated with heart and responsibility.

Therefore, when she received such a work task, although she also had some hesitation and entanglement in her heart, in the end, she accepted it without hesitation, because she knew that there were many people who needed her help and care.

Stories at work

Since that day, Li Yan's work has added a "special task", that is, to serve patients who need to "retrieve sperm", and these patients may be very "sensitive" and "fragile", and nurses need to be patient and careful enough to comfort and guide.

Perhaps in the impression of many people, the word "sperm extraction" will make them feel very "embarrassed" and "difficult to speak", and even have some negative thoughts and emotions, feeling that such work is not so important and meaningful.

But when Li Yan really devoted herself to this work, she realized that the meaning behind it was far more than "physiological needs".

Because among her clients is a patient named "Junfeng", who is an internist in the hospital, five years ago, due to an accident, he lost his "swallowing" function and could only eat through a stomach tube.

Like many patients who rely on gastric tubes, Junfeng will encounter some "unexpected" difficulties and embarrassments in his life, such as being unable to control his "ejaculation" function, which is simply "humiliation" and "torture" for him again and again.

Therefore, his "sperm retrieval" process has become a "hurdle" in his life, and he needs someone to help him and give him courage and support.

And Li Yan has become the "guardian angel" in his life, in the process of "retrieving sperm" again and again, she uses gentle words and careful movements to comfort and encourage Junfeng, letting him know that no matter what kind of difficulties he encounters, there will be people by his side, silently praying and cheering for him.

Through contact and communication with these patients, Li Yancai gradually discovered that the work of "sperm retrieval" is not so "unfamiliar" and "embarrassing" for others, and can even become a kind of "emotional guidance" and "spiritual comfort".

Because in this process, patients can feel the "care" and "support" from others, can find a trace of "hope" and "warmth" in life, and for medical staff, they can also learn how to "listen" and "understand" the needs of others, and use their own hands to bring "health" and "happiness" to others.

Therefore, deep in Li Yan's heart, she already has a "new" understanding and view of this work, and she feels that no matter what the content of this work is, it may be "misunderstood" and "discriminated against" by the outside world, but as long as she can treat it with "love" and "responsibility", she will definitely be able to become the "light" and "hope" in the lives of others.

Perceptions in life

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Li Yan's work may not be so "eye-catching" and "amazing", and they may even feel that her work is just "an ordinary member of the hospital".

But it is such a group of "ordinary people" who interpret the "extraordinary" life with their ordinary lives, and touch the souls of others with a soft heart.

In Li Yan's body, we can see that she has shouldered the burden of life with her own shoulders, and with a selfless heart, she has brought health and happiness to others, and has become a "guardian angel" in the lives of others.

Through this work experience, she has also gained a lot, not only from the "trust" and "gratitude" of patients, but also from a deeper "understanding" of life and health.

She understands that in this world, everyone is so "fragile" and "strong", and will have their own "pain" and "confusion", so we should learn how to "care" and "tolerate" others, and give others enough "understanding" and "support".

In the journey of life, no matter what kind of "difficulties" and "challenges" are encountered, we must learn to face and overcome them with a "brave" heart, because only in this way can we find the true "happiness" and "meaning" in life.

Through Li Yan's story, I would like to say to every reader, no matter what your job is, don't feel that your work is "ordinary" and "insignificant", because as long as you treat it with heart and enthusiasm, you will definitely be able to create an "extraordinary" life in your own position.

No matter what kind of work you do, you must be like Li Yan, with a kind heart, to influence and move others, and let yourself become the "light" and "hope" in the lives of others.

Because what this world needs is not a "gorgeous" appearance and a "tall" body, but a "sincere" heart and a pair of hands that are "willing to help others", so that we can work together to become the most beautiful "scenery" in this world.


Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Li Yan is just an ordinary member of the hospital, and her work may be ignored by many people, and there will even be some "misunderstanding" and "discrimination".

But through her story, I want to tell every reader that no matter what your job is, as long as you treat it with heart and passion, you will definitely be able to create an "extraordinary" life and become a "guardian angel" in the lives of others.

I also hope that we can learn to "appreciate" and "appreciate" everything around us, because in this world, every contribution is so precious and meaningful, let us work together to face everything in life with a grateful heart, and become the warmest "scenery" in this world.


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