
The 5th C919 was delivered to China Eastern Airlines! The fleet size has increased to 626 aircraft, becoming the second largest airline in China!

author:The little brother chases the drama
The 5th C919 was delivered to China Eastern Airlines! The fleet size has increased to 626 aircraft, becoming the second largest airline in China!


In today's rapidly developing aviation industry, COMAC C919 large passenger aircraft has undoubtedly become a dazzling new star. On March 2, China Eastern Airlines took over the fifth of this highly anticipated domestic large aircraft, marking another solid step forward for China's aviation industry in the global aviation market. As a result, China Eastern Airlines' fleet grew to 626 aircraft, making it the second largest airline in China and the sixth largest in the world.

The 5th C919 was delivered to China Eastern Airlines! The fleet size has increased to 626 aircraft, becoming the second largest airline in China!

China Eastern Airlines takes delivery of the fifth C919

The process of taking delivery of the fifth C919 of China Eastern not only marks the growth of its fleet, but also reaffirms the milestone event in China's civil aviation industry. The aircraft, with the registration number B-919F, was officially delivered to China Eastern Airlines at the Zhuqiao base of COMAC in Shanghai, and the whole delivery ceremony was solemn and elegant. At the ceremony, the East China Administration of Civil Aviation of China issued a series of important documents to the new members, including nationality registration certificates, stand-alone airworthiness certificates and radio licenses, which are all necessary documents for the aircraft to fly legally, symbolizing that the C919 is fully qualified for commercial operation.

The 5th C919 was delivered to China Eastern Airlines! The fleet size has increased to 626 aircraft, becoming the second largest airline in China!

Initial operational plans for the fifth C919

The first mission of the B-919F aircraft was to carry out the transfer flight MU2999, which flew from Pudong Airport to Hongqiao Airport, marking its official integration into the operation system of China Eastern Airlines. The initial plan to put the landmark aircraft on the route between Shanghai Hongqiao and Chengdu Tianfu will not only be significant in validating the aircraft's commercial performance, but also provide more options and convenience for passengers on this busy route.

The 5th C919 was delivered to China Eastern Airlines! The fleet size has increased to 626 aircraft, becoming the second largest airline in China!

With the gradual stabilization and maturity of subsequent operations, the B-919F is also expected to be deployed to the Beijing-Shanghai route, which is one of the most important and highly competitive routes in China, and its high-frequency, high-density operation characteristics have extremely high requirements for aircraft performance. The use of C919 on these key routes will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the domestic aviation market. Through the stable operation of high-demand commercial routes, the C919 will gradually build the public's confidence in domestic large aircraft, and also accumulate valuable experience for the domestic aviation industry.

The 5th C919 was delivered to China Eastern Airlines! The fleet size has increased to 626 aircraft, becoming the second largest airline in China!

China Eastern Airlines' fleet composition and C919 proportion

China Eastern Airlines' fleet composition is unique in the global aviation industry, and it has gathered elite aircraft from the world's three major civil airliner brands - Airbus, Boeing (Boeing) and China Commercial Aircraft (COMAC) to form a unique "ABC" joint fleet. Among them, Airbus aircraft has become the main force of China Eastern Airlines' fleet with a proportion of 73%, Boeing aircraft is close behind with a proportion of 26.2%, and although the C919 large passenger aircraft currently accounts for only 0.8% of the fleet, its addition has undoubtedly added an important link to China Eastern Airlines' "ABC" joint fleet.

The 5th C919 was delivered to China Eastern Airlines! The fleet size has increased to 626 aircraft, becoming the second largest airline in China!

As a landmark achievement of China's aviation industry, every delivery and flight of the C919 has attracted much attention. As of March 2, China Eastern Airlines has five C919 aircraft, which is incomparable to most domestic and foreign airlines, although it is only a minority in the entire fleet. What's more worth looking forward to is that China Eastern Airlines plans to take delivery of six more C919 aircraft in 2024, and the proportion of C919 in China Eastern's fleet will increase to 1.7%, which will further demonstrate the importance and support of China Eastern Airlines to domestic large aircraft.

The 5th C919 was delivered to China Eastern Airlines! The fleet size has increased to 626 aircraft, becoming the second largest airline in China!

As the only airline in the world to bring together Airbus, Boeing and COMAC, China Eastern not only demonstrates its strong strength and broad vision, but also reflects its firm commitment to promoting the development of China's civil aviation industry. The gradual addition of C919 not only brings newer and more environmentally friendly low-cost operation options to China Eastern Airlines, but also contributes to the growth of China's civil aviation industry and boosts China's intelligent manufacturing to a broader world stage.

The second batch of 100 C919 orders was contracted

The second batch of 100 C919 orders signed by China Eastern Airlines and COMAC reflects the common expectations of both parties for the future air transport market and their firm support for the development of domestic large aircraft. According to the plan, this batch of aircraft will be delivered to China Eastern Airlines in batches from 2024 until 2031, with only 5 aircraft delivered in the initial year, and the number of deliveries will increase year by year until the final year of one-time delivery of up to 20 aircraft, indicating that the incremental delivery plan is designed to match the speed of business development and market expansion needs of China Eastern.

The 5th C919 was delivered to China Eastern Airlines! The fleet size has increased to 626 aircraft, becoming the second largest airline in China!

This move will not only greatly enhance the operational capabilities of China Eastern Airlines and enhance its competitiveness in the international and domestic markets, but also an important milestone for China's civil aviation industry to put the C919 into use. Through large-scale commercial operation, the operational efficiency, safety performance and economy of C919 will be further verified, providing a practical basis for the improvement and optimization of C919 in the future, and building confidence for other potential customers.

Plans for the introduction of C919 by other airlines

In addition to China Eastern Airlines, other domestic airlines will also introduce C919 aircraft. Airlines such as China Southern Airlines, Air China, and Suparna Airlines all plan to take delivery of the C919 and incorporate it into their own fleets. Among them, Suparna Airlines has adopted a comprehensive fleet replacement strategy, replacing all its aircraft with C919, and established the first private "C919 Domestic Civil Aircraft Center" to help promote the development of domestic large aircraft.

The 5th C919 was delivered to China Eastern Airlines! The fleet size has increased to 626 aircraft, becoming the second largest airline in China!

In addition to domestic airlines, some other domestic and foreign airlines have also expressed interest in the introduction of the C919. Many Chinese airlines such as Sichuan Airlines, Hainan Airlines, and Shenzhen Airlines, as well as overseas airlines such as Vietnam and Saudi Arabia, are expected to introduce C919 aircraft. The active participation of these airlines will make an important contribution to the promotion and application of the C919.

The introduction of C919 is of great significance to domestic and foreign airlines. As a large jet airliner independently developed by China, the C919 not only represents the innovation capability and manufacturing level of China's aviation industry, but also a new milestone in the development of the global aviation industry. The promotion of C919 will enhance the international reputation of domestic aviation technology, strengthen the localization operation of domestic airlines, and inject new vitality into the development of the aircraft industry and related industrial chains.

The 5th C919 was delivered to China Eastern Airlines! The fleet size has increased to 626 aircraft, becoming the second largest airline in China!


With the gradual expansion of the introduction of C919, airlines using C919 will further gain technical advantages and competitive advantages in China's civil aviation market. At the same time, the export of C919 will contribute to the outstanding performance of China's aviation industry in the international market, and promote foreign cooperation and exchanges of related technologies and industries. The introduction of C919 will not only bring new choices and opportunities to domestic and foreign airlines, but also promote the international development of China's aviation industry, and make positive contributions to the sustainable development of the global aviation industry with innovative power and efficient performance.

The 5th C919 was delivered to China Eastern Airlines! The fleet size has increased to 626 aircraft, becoming the second largest airline in China!

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