
In the spring, the child grows taller faster, and the 3-trick baby presses the "growth acceleration button", and the baby is tall

Hello everyone, I'm a tomato mom!

I often have parents around me who report that their children are short in height, genetically poor, and are always ridiculed as "short" and ask me what to do? I usually advise parents to seize the opportunity early and let their children accelerate their growth.

In the traditional medical theory, there is a saying that "spring is born in summer, long autumn, harvest and winter". In the spring, everything recovers, the vegetation grows, and so does man. Therefore, children grow taller in the spring and will be faster than in autumn and winter. Moreover, the spring sunshine has the highest ultraviolet content in the four seasons of the year, which is easier to promote the body's calcium supplementation, which is very suitable for children to increase their height.

In the spring, the child grows taller faster, and the 3-trick baby presses the "growth acceleration button", and the baby is tall

Parents in the spring, grasp this good external conditions, children will be more likely to jump in height, maybe can really double the height.

The height of the child is very ordinary, whether it is a parent or a child, it will not be satisfied enough, and I hope that the child can grow taller. So, let's take a look at this table first, see how much difference between your child's height and the standard height of children?

If the child's height is short, and the standard height is particularly different, it is recommended that parents first take the child to the lower bone age test to see if the child's epiphyseal line is closed. As long as it is not closed, the child has a lot of room to increase.

But if the difference between your child's height and standard height is not very large, then don't let up. When your child is taller, you should also step up your speed and take it seriously.

In the spring, the child grows taller faster, and the 3-trick baby presses the "growth acceleration button", and the baby is tall

Because, seize the opportunity to increase heights in spring, and then use some pure natural height increase methods, you have the opportunity to do more with less, help children press the growth acceleration button, and help children increase their heights faster and jump into big heights.

3 moves of natural height increase method, Bao Ma helped the short son counterattack, grow into a big tall

When Bao Ma Xiao Cai's son was 14 years old, he was only 158cm tall, but when he was 18 years old, he went straight to 180cm and eventually grew into a tall man. This made Xiao Cai feel excited, she said bluntly, pay there is a reward! It is really a joy to help my son increase his height and counterattack, so that his son is no longer short and bullied.

Xiao Cai's son was born with poor genes, his parents were very short, his mother was 152cm, and his father was still a cut away from 1 meter 7, so this child was not very tall from a young age. But this did not attract Xiao Cai's attention, and the mother only felt that her son was healthy.

In the spring, the child grows taller faster, and the 3-trick baby presses the "growth acceleration button", and the baby is tall

But then it was different, after the son went to junior high school, he was always sullen and unhappy, and after communicating with the child, he understood that it was the son who was too short in height, and was ridiculed by the girls in the same class, and the son felt that he could not lift his head.

Helplessly, Xiao Cai had to take his son to the hospital for examination. The doctor said that the child's puberty development is normal, the epiphyseal line is not closed, and the child has a chance to increase.

The doctor gave a specific instruction, asking Bao Mom to take advantage of the spring to help the child implement these three "pure natural height increase methods": plan the child's diet and rest, and encourage the child to bask in the sun, which is more conducive to heightening.

Bao Mom is very emotional, blame the child for tossing and turning, disobedience, always greedy to watch TV, love to chase dramas. The mother is a night shift, only after work in the middle of the night, the son often takes "waiting for the mother to sleep together" as a reason, often staying up late to play. Although Xiao Cai knew that this was not good, he did not expect that it would affect the child's growth. Therefore, at first, he did not stop his son, as long as he was happy.

In the spring, the child grows taller faster, and the 3-trick baby presses the "growth acceleration button", and the baby is tall

But in order for the child's height to be able to counterattack, the mother had to correct the sleep schedule for her son, stipulating that the child must go to bed before 9 o'clock. Moreover, no matter how busy the mother is, she will also help the child cook and eat according to the "heightening recipe". As soon as I have free time, I also have to accompany my son to bask in the sun.

Although insisting on doing so, the mother's rest time is simply insufficient, but Xiao Cai feels that no matter how tired and bitter she is, she cannot let her son be ridiculed again.

Stick to it and reap the rewards, these three tricks of natural heightening method, the effect is very good

Xiao Cai's mother obeyed the doctor's instructions and used three pure natural height increase methods to help the child's height counterattack and grow into a big tall. Here to share with you, I hope to help parents with short babies at home.

1. Make sure you get enough sleep

The authoritative journal "Sleep" has published a study that points out that lack of sleep may lead to brain aging, and snoozing babies are more likely to grow taller. The reason is that most of the growth hormone, most of them enter the peak secretion period at night, the longer the child sleeps deeply, the more growth hormone secretion, the easier it is to grow taller.

In the spring, the child grows taller faster, and the 3-trick baby presses the "growth acceleration button", and the baby is tall

Xiao Cai's mother used this natural height increase method to stipulate that the child sleep every morning. The mother spent a long time to help the child make up for the height defect, and the effect was particularly good. The point is, using this method to increase the height is very scientific, and it really does not cost a penny.

2. Take advantage of the spring and let the child bask in the sun

The sunshine in the spring is very good, and under ultraviolet radiation, it can promote the absorption of vitamin D3, help the child absorb calcium substances, and make the child's bones stronger. Children take advantage of the spring, basking in the sun and receiving the baptism of the sun, which is also a very natural way to increase height.

In the spring, the child grows taller faster, and the 3-trick baby presses the "growth acceleration button", and the baby is tall

3. Nutrition enhancement method, give children to make heightened food to eat

Some ordinary foods, only the role of satiety, the nutrient content is slightly lower, and even does not have much effect on the increase. However, some foods are very different, not only contain calcium substances, but also protein, vitamins, minerals and other foods, which are very useful for children to increase their height. For example, cabbage, oysters, shrimp, beef, milk, soy products, etc., have a certain heightening effect, often with the ingredients for children, made into meals to eat, will play a multiplier effect with half the effort.

Work hard from nutrition, help children make heightening delicacies, and the heightening effect is very surprising

Parents' concern for their children is generally whether the study is good or not, and the nutrition is not enough. But few details are found, such as whether the meal will be conducive to heightening.

In the spring, the child grows taller faster, and the 3-trick baby presses the "growth acceleration button", and the baby is tall

Since taking the baby to see a doctor, Bao Mama Xiaocai often makes increased food for the child to eat. At first, she didn't know much about which foods had an increasing effect. Later, after reading the recipe book, Bao Mama followed the book little by little according to the introduction in the book, and soon learned the method of selecting ingredients and cooking skills. Moreover, there is no need to worry about cooking for children every day, completely according to the height increase recipe to arrange, the child's meal is very nutritious, can be increased, and the variety of dishes is also rich.

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