
Baby age standards come out, quickly see if your baby is up to standard? Natural height increase should do two things well

Height is affected by innate genes, and it is difficult for children to jump into tall heights by willpower alone and without relying on methods. This blind way of increasing, the probability of success is low, and the results of the increase are mostly failures.

Example: Ms. Chen is very worried, the children are adolescent, 11 years old, but the height is only 125cm, not even 130cm. The son's seat in the class is arranged in the first row, and it is easy to be "looked down" when standing in the pile of girls, which makes the son feel particularly humiliated.

Baby age standards come out, quickly see if your baby is up to standard? Natural height increase should do two things well

In order to grow taller and taller, the son begged his mother: "Help me buy something to grow taller!" The mother nodded, anxious for her son's anxiety, and asked people around to help buy food to increase the height. Unfortunately, hundreds of pieces of increased food, the mother is not less to buy, the money is not less to spend, but the son's height is still "not moving", a month is not a little long. The mother was in a hurry and became as anxious as her son.

Fortunately, My mother still has a little sanity. In order to help her son increase his height, Ms. Chen chose to take her child to the hospital for examination and look for scientific methods to help her child increase his height. Eventually, the doctor examined and told him that the child's height was indeed a bit short and did not meet the height standards of this age group.

Baby age standards come out, quickly see if your baby is up to standard? Natural height increase should do two things well

Children of all ages height standards, parents quickly control your baby height standard?

Doctors pointed out that children of every age have their own height standards. For example, the height of boys aged 4-6 in early childhood is generally around 104cm-117cm; the height of boys aged 7-16 years old in preschool is generally around 124cm-171cm.

Normally, Ms. Chen's son is 11 years old. The standard height of an 11-year-old boy should be around 147.3cm to 151.9cm, and it is clear that Ms. Chen's son is not up to standard.

Baby age standards come out, quickly see if your baby is up to standard? Natural height increase should do two things well

Moreover, the doctor also pointed out that the child has changed his voice a bit, and the development trend of secondary sexual characteristics is obvious. However, the X-ray results showed that the child's epiphyseal line had not closed and there was still room for natural elevation. Therefore, the doctor told Ms. Chen that if she wants to let the child increase naturally, she must help the child do these two things.

If you want to make your child increase naturally, pay attention to these two points

The first aspect: pay attention to nighttime sleep

Adolescent children, gluttonous and greedy are more snoozing. If your child sleeps enough, don't stay up late and go to bed on time around 9 p.m. every night. Every night from 22:00 to 2:00 a.m., the child can be in a deep sleep state, so that the growth hormone that promotes height growth can be successfully secreted. Then, the child's size jumps up and up, grows into a tall man, and it will not be so difficult.

Baby age standards come out, quickly see if your baby is up to standard? Natural height increase should do two things well

The second aspect: pay attention to the increase in diet

There are three key periods for children to increase in height, which many parents know. For example, in the infancy of 0-3 years old, in the preschool age of 3-7 years old, in the puberty of 8-14 years old. In the three stages, the child has the highest probability of soaring.

Especially adolescence, but also the key time period for children to jump in height, if parents seize this height period, help children, boys can increase by an average of 28cm, girls can increase by an average of about 25cm.

Relevant studies have pointed out that in the four seasons, the fastest growth of children is generally around May-October, in this season, the child's diet is fully supplied with vegetables and fruits, and the average can increase more.

Baby age standards come out, quickly see if your baby is up to standard? Natural height increase should do two things well

Therefore, if parents can help their children enhance their diet and nutrition in these months, and then strengthen sleep planning, the child's heightening effect will be even better.

So, in terms of diet, how to help children get taller?

Diet is the basis of children's height increase, the more scientific the child's diet, the more help the child's body to become stronger and grow taller. For example, often prepare some heightened foods for children, so that all the foods that children eat are conducive to digestion and absorption, which is conducive to heightening.

Common elevated foods are: soybeans, broad beans, cow and goat milk, etc.; often eat Cabbage, carrots, sesame, sauerkraut and other ingredients; in addition, some high-protein foods, such as eggs, are very beneficial to children who are growing tall.

Baby age standards come out, quickly see if your baby is up to standard? Natural height increase should do two things well

In addition to helping children prepare higher food, in terms of diet, we must also pay attention to a principle that food must be well digested and absorbed. Only if the child can fully absorb the nutrients in the ingredients, the child's body can reap the benefits. For example, some common foods that promote digestion and absorption include rice porridge, vegetable and fruit soup drinks, etc. It is rich in nutrients and delicious, and most children love to drink.

The key is to be able to adjust the child's spleen and stomach through diet, help the child to better absorb calcium, protein and other substances that are conducive to increasing height in terms of diet, and play an auxiliary increase effect.

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