
Harry Potter Mobile: Lottie's New Skin Coming? New castle theme new map super colorful eggs

Harry Potter: Magical Awakening will soon launch a new fashion content with a strong spring atmosphere [Forest Realm]. When the sports suit was launched before, some players had already noticed it. With the passage of time, in real life, everyone has also taken off their heavy cotton coats and put on a variety of fresh and cool spring clothes. The game is naturally also "keeping up with current events"~

Harry Potter Mobile: Lottie's New Skin Coming? New castle theme new map super colorful eggs

The overall style of the new fashion is still relatively biased towards the academy, and the combination of beige and green makes people feel the "spring" atmosphere at a glance. Men's and women's fashions have their own characteristics, and most importantly, this set only takes 6r to unlock during the discount period. For many appearance parties and collection parties, it is still worth unlocking a wave.

Harry Potter Mobile: Lottie's New Skin Coming? New castle theme new map super colorful eggs

The versatility in fashion is also very good. After unlocking, players can match many other hairstyles, and the overall appearance is also very good. It belongs to a gentle and lovely girl, and has a very innocent and fresh feeling of spring. The hairstyle of the flock of birds will make the fashion look more gentle, and the atmosphere of the big sister will be more sufficient.

Harry Potter Mobile: Lottie's New Skin Coming? New castle theme new map super colorful eggs

Of course, the hot Minister for Magic in March seems to have the same hairstyle. The black blonde headband can not only be high-grade, but also very generous and gentle. When paired with a gentle skirt, this headband is also very essential and very temperamental.

Harry Potter Mobile: Lottie's New Skin Coming? New castle theme new map super colorful eggs

In addition, the hairstyle of the Nebula suit is also very compatible with the new fashion. Because there is a flower element in the hairstyle, it also echoes the spring atmosphere.

Speaking of Spring, the next thing that players pay the most attention to is the major update in mid-April. For now, it is certain that the overall look of the castle will also be renewed in April. A new Kasuga themed castle will be launched. The official unveiled a poster that everyone can enjoy.

Harry Potter Mobile: Lottie's New Skin Coming? New castle theme new map super colorful eggs

Of course, this poster of Kasuga Castle also contains a lot of clues in the new version. Among them, the most eye-catching and prominent in the picture must be this back beauty, and it is not difficult to find that it is Lotti who has put on new clothes. This should be a new content in the card skin that is explicitly indicated in April. Not surprisingly, it was Lottie. The new clothes are very literary, the flexible skirt is even more flowing, and the art is full of breath

Harry Potter Mobile: Lottie's New Skin Coming? New castle theme new map super colorful eggs

In addition, among other GIF clues, the new map Hogsmeade Village will also be officially opened. On the one hand, there is still a scene of winter snow, only hogsmeade village will drift snow all year round. In addition, the lollipop in the character's hand is also very prominent. This should represent the Honey Duke candy shop in hogsmeade village.

Harry Potter Mobile: Lottie's New Skin Coming? New castle theme new map super colorful eggs

Candy shops may sell new food items, such as some candies that can be transformed, similar to this setting.

Are you all looking forward to the arrival of new maps and new scenes?

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