
On hot search! Can't make an "ah" sound when measuring nucleic acid? Expert explanations

Many people do nucleic acid when

They would open their mouths wide and say "Ah" a sound

Today, experts call

Don't test nucleic acids anymore

Rush to the hot search!

Recently, the country has been infected with diseases

Director of clinical medical research center,

Secretary of the Party Committee of the Third People's Hospital of Shenzhen

Liu Lei reminded in an interview with Jingbao

5 Points to Note For Doing Nucleic Acids:

Do not chew gum betel nut to drink wine;

Pharyngeal sensitive patients are best not to eat two hours before the test;

Keep a distance of one meter without chatting;

Do not place personal belongings on the testing table;

It is best not to make a sound during the test, and not to shout "ah".

On hot search! Can't make an "ah" sound when measuring nucleic acid? Expert explanations

For the last point

Experts say:

Some positive patients are in the "ah" time

The aerosol came out

The virus came out

When you open your mouth

You can tell yourself "Ah"

But it's best not to exhale outwardly

Hold your breath

"Ah" is mainly for the purpose of

Easy to do export type

On hot search! Can't make an "ah" sound when measuring nucleic acid? Expert explanations

In this regard, some netizens said

It was the medical staff who made "ah":

Some people do have to "ah"

"Class representatives" also spoke out:

On hot search! Can't make an "ah" sound when measuring nucleic acid? Expert explanations

When you do nucleic acids

You are only doing export type

Or will it make an "ah" sound?

Editor 丨 Chen Yuwen

Proofreading 丨 Luo Chengcheng

Proofreading 丨Sun Xiaoqian

Duty Editorial Board 丨 Dong Junjie

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