
Duck neck is full of lymph nodes, the dirtiest? The web rumors the dirtiest food list, you have eaten a few!

"Husband, I want to eat strawberries~"

"Eat what you eat, I see you like a strawberry!" Strawberries are the dirtiest, you know? ”

"Mom, help me bring a bag of duck neck!"

"What duck neck to eat, full of lymph nodes, dirty and dead!"


What do I love to eat, are the dirtiest?

Are they really dirty or fake dirty? Let's take stock of 9 kinds of foods that everyone is eating and see if we can eat them.

There is a list of "dirtiest vegetables and fruits" on the Internet, and strawberries have been ranked first for 5 consecutive years.

The Environmental Work Organization (EWG) that publishes the list is only a civil society organization, not a government regulator, nor an academic institution.

It is based on the USDA's "Pesticide Residue Data on Agricultural Products": strawberries have the highest number of pesticide residues detected. The detection of many types of pesticide residues does not mean that it must exceed the standard, nor does it mean that it will cause harm to people.

(Image source: soogif)

In fact, it is normal for the vast majority of fruits and vegetables to have pesticide residues.

According to a report released by China's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the pass rate of China's agricultural products testing in 2019 was 97.4%[1], and strawberry pesticide residues exceeding the standard are rare, and there is no need to worry about anxiety.

There has always been a saying on the Internet that "hollow cabbage is the vegetable that absorbs pesticides and heavy metals the most, and foreign countries use it to purify the soil, and no one eats it."

Like other plants, hollow cabbage grows in the soil and inevitably enriches some of its heavy metals. But to say that it is the most enriched is too wrong!

Hollow cabbage is only fond of certain heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, etc.; and this is mainly related to the growing environment, and the excess is still very rare [2].

As for pesticides, as long as they are standardized hollow cabbage, they generally will not exceed the standard [3].

In short, as long as the hollow cabbage purchased in the regular market and supermarket is bought and washed and cooked after returning home, it can be eaten with confidence.

Duck neck is full of lymph nodes, the dirtiest? The web rumors the dirtiest food list, you have eaten a few!

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

Many people see crayfish and catfish in dirty places and think they are dirty food.

Indeed, the two aquatic brothers have a strong vitality and can survive in polluted water.

But "being able" to survive in polluted water doesn't mean they "like it"!

If the water quality is poor, crayfish and catfish grow and reproduce slowly, and they are prone to death [4,5].

The crayfish and catfish we can eat are farmed, not only growing in a clean environment, but also feeding animal and plant feed according to the needs of growth. Only in this way can it be sold for a good price!

Read more medical texts: Mom, crayfish are really not dirty, and they don't eat corpses! These 5 rumors should not be spread again

Some people say that spicy strips are made of waste paper, but they are only so delicious because of additives.

This statement is simply...

Spicy strips are made with wheat flour or beans. A variety of food additives are indeed used in processing, such as colors, flavors, cyclamates, etc.

There are more than 2,000 kinds of food additives approved in the mainland, as long as they are used in compliance, whether they are more than a dozen or twenty kinds, they are safe [6].

Of course, spicy strips more oil, more salt, more sugar, nutrition is very single, not a healthy snack, or eat less.

Barbecue has always been criticized by your mother and my father for being unclean, unhygienic, and will produce carcinogens.

In fact, as long as the raw materials are hygienic and standardized, barbecue can also be hygienic and safe.

When food is roasted at high temperatures, some carcinogens are produced, such as benzopyrene. But as long as it is not burnt and burned paste, there will not be many carcinogens produced by high temperatures.

We also don't live by grilling every day, and the amount of benzopyrene we consume doesn't have much of a health impact [7].

(Don't eat this!) Image source: soogif)

It can also be safe to eat a barbecue. Remember to choose a regular restaurant, don't eat the burnt part, and then pay attention to the balance and diversity of the diet, with some vegetables and fruits.

Rumor has it that ice cubes in fast food restaurants are dirtier than toilet water. Another person took out a test report and found that the total number of colonies in the ice cubes was really more than the toilet water.

The toilet said that it was busy, the toothbrush was dirtier than itself, the keyboard was dirtier than itself, the phone was dirtier than itself, and the ice cubes were dirtier than it was...

This statement is actually quite confusing.

Total colonies are an indicator of the level of bacterial contamination and the quality of hygiene [7], and too much indicates that hygiene may be bad, but it does not mean that it is necessarily harmful.

Simply put, having bacteria does not mean that it is harmful, it is dirty!

Whether it is harmful or not depends on whether there are pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus, etc., and the test report does not detect pathogenic bacteria at all.

As long as it's a clean, frozen ice cube, there's no need to worry about problems.

It is always said that animals have lymph nodes in their necks, which are detoxification organs and are very dirty.

Lymph nodes are organs in animals that filter pathogens, not detoxification organs. They are distributed all over the body, and the neck is only relatively concentrated.

No matter which part of the lymph nodes, should not be eaten; conversely, no matter which part of the meat, as long as the lymph nodes are removed, it does not affect the consumption.

In standardized slaughter, pigs have their thyroid glands, diseased lymph nodes, and adrenal glands removed and are safe to eat.[9]

Speaking of our favorite duck neck, there are no formed lymph nodes in the chicken and duck, only lymphatic assemblages that play the same role, which are indeed distributed under the skin of the neck. If you are very concerned, you can remove the skin.

Stinky tofu is soaked in fecal water, and it is also an enduring "old rumor".

Stinky tofu expressed unhappiness: "People have their own souls with aromas!" ”

Stinky tofu is formed under the fermentation of a variety of microorganisms, and a large number of esters, alcohols and sulfur-containing substances are produced during the fermentation process, so it "smells smelly and tastes fragrant" [10].

Technically, you can't make such stinky tofu with fecal water, because you will eat it - it will stink even more!

There are many pathogenic bacteria and harmful substances in the fecal water, and the general merchant will not take such a big risk.

This one is more reliable.

Bulk food is not protected by sealed packaging, and is easily contaminated by bacteria and mold in the environment, and may also be infested by pests and crawled by rats, and the safety risk is higher [11,12].

However, bulk food is not completely unpalatable.

In many supermarkets, bulk food is strictly managed, and there are fewer cases of contamination. Foods such as rice are safe to eat after being heated and cooked thoroughly.

In short, buy bulk food to choose a large supermarket! Avoid dirty and messy places.

Finally, I bet you don't dare to turn this article to the family group!

What the? Have you turned? What your parents said, welcome to share it with us in the comment area

painted eggshell

Regarding the dirtiest food, we did a poll to see if you ever loved it

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Contributing Author: Nguyen Quang | Director of Science Communication, Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center, Cosmopolitan


Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.The pass rate of routine monitoring of major agricultural products in mainland China in 2019 was 97.4%

Liu Juan,Liu Xue. A literature review on the current situation of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables in mainland China[J].Modern Economic Information,2019,(24):328-329,332.

[3] Zhao Yunfeng, Wu Yongning, Wang Xuqing, et al. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology,2003,24(8):661-664.DOI:10.3760/j.issn:0254-6450.2003.08.005.

[4] Gong Luojun, Shu Xinya, Xiong Bangxi, et al. Effects of heavy metals on protocera crawfish and their countermeasures[J].Water Conservancy and Fishery,2007,27(5):17-20.

Wang Shuli. Effects of Cd2+, Pb2+, C2+ concentrations on growth and in vivo enrichment of Protocercetin crawfish[D].Jiangsu:Yangzhou University, 2012. DOI:10.7666/d.Y2257801.

[6] GB 2760 National Standard for Food Safety Food Additives

Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety. Grill with food safety.

[8] GB 2759.21-2015 Hygiene standard for frozen drinks

[9] Regulations on the Administration of Pig Slaughter

Tang Hui,Chen Lin,Zeng Yulun,et al. Optimization of coloring process of Changsha stinky tofu and comparison of flavor substances before and after brine soaking[J].Southern Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2019,50(4):831-837. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2019.04.21.

[11] Gong Chunbo, Wang Chaoxia, Guo Yulin, et al. Investigation and research on microbial hygiene status of commercially available bulk ready-to-eat food[J].Journal of Qingdao Agricultural University (Natural Science Edition),2012,29(2):121-125. DOI:10.3969/J.ISSN.1674-148X.2012.02.010.

Yu Cuifang, Zhao Xiaoli, Gong Chunbo, et al. Detection of hygiene status of bulk food in supermarkets and its cause analysis[J].Food and Fermentation Science and Technology,2011,47(5):84-86. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-506X.2011.05.023.

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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